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Arch Stanton

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Everything posted by Arch Stanton

  1. A wee place acca. Stake money for tomorrow.
  2. Bounty Competitions... "Make your dreams a reaĺllllll-ay".
  3. That should have been the hand-picked axis of evil for last week's game at the piggery, where a win would have kept them within a faint whiff of the Sellick arse. Against us, a week later and the title chase meekly surrendered, it makes little difference to the average puddle drinking currant.
  4. Those tiny electro-static attractions, without which, there would be no life on Earth. Here's to the hydrogen bonds!!! https://www.theguardian.com/global/2015/may/11/water-weirdest-liquid-planet-scientists-h2o-ice-firefighters?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR1yZJVKhiDy9fD4pwgDKK7ALmhkVb5quSgZ-Qtd06ufhJsTzPaL7L4SKrA
  5. Probably a standard Ibrox fixture of a home win to nil but...you never know.
  6. Aye, I know Reidy as well, emigrated to south of Spain. I was his postman when he lived in Renfrew. Loves a scrappy 1-0 victory.
  7. It's a quote by Ewan McGregor playing Renton in Trainspotting. But then, I suspect you already knew that.
  8. Sad to watch that this took place in Paisley, for sure. At least they weren't attacking each other atop white chargers. Post-match there's no doubt that wee Cooper the dug has already had a kicking.
  9. There have been numerous previous examples of teams having a 20-18 split of games.
  10. Far from being worried, I'm delighted. It's allowed us to plod on during the same period to come within a point of them. IF we make the top 6 we'll have both Aberdeen and Hearts at home and no reason why we can't beat both.
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