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Everything posted by GAD

  1. I would think if Buchanan is leaving it would be because he wants to, because he's played a lot of games this season, and McKenzie and Davis have both had their injury problems. I think Buchanan is a perfectly adequate backup and he'll be used again before the season is up, but I guess it's up to him whether he's ready to play second fiddle or not. I'd expect someone like Dumbarton would be only too happy to take him back.
  2. I feel a bit bad for Hilson as I don't think he ever looked out of place the times he did play, he just obviously never overcame the injury problems. He was worth the gamble, and he did contribute as his goal against Brechin was an important one. I hope he does well wherever he ends up.
  3. To be fair, there have been some St Mirren fans calling for his head this season. Granted it's all either attention seeking weirdos, people who don't actually go to games or folk who took the decision not to give the job to Gus MacPherson extremely personally, but they do exist.
  4. So that must have been the same that Kepu was done for, when he deliberately launched himself at force, shoulder first into an opponent's head, except his must have been considered lower level. Bit of a joke really.
  5. Don't get me wrong, Turner was a twat and deserves the ban, but no way was it worse than Kepu's for example. Not even in the same ballpark. It was more in line with something like Sean O'Brien punching that French guy in the world cup. A bit of a shitebaggy cheap shot. O'Brien of course got one week ban, apparently because he's a nice guy and said sorry.
  6. How famous you are and who you play for seems to be the main factor in how long you get suspended for in rugby. Pretty sure Kepu's flying shoulder charge to Hamish Watson's head was punished less severely than Turner's offence.
  7. GAD

    The Walking Dead

    Is the problem not that quite a lot of them are though? I'm sure I read that the ratings now are currently the worst they've been since series 2.
  8. There must be a rule that says Lacey must referee Scotland every year. He's so shit.
  9. I think Mooy pretty much admits himself though that he wasn't ready for his first go at British football (think we signed him from Bolton where he'd also failed to live up to his initial potential) and that he needed to go back to Australia to get his head together and mature a bit. You could see he was a player when he was at us, but it just never worked out. Bahoken though looked like he'd never seen a football before. Fair play to him.
  10. I think the ref is actually just in a huff now. Montpellier can do what they want.
  11. That's a fucking horrendous call from the ref. Smith is on his feet, won the ball.
  12. Well played ref, it's different when Picamoles does it.
  13. As I said, absolutely no affect, I mean the penalties to get Montpellier down there were absolutely spot on. His calling at the line out on what is straight and what isn't has been superb and the way he consulted with his assistant in the Montpellier team to yellow card Gray was second to none. A performance for the ages.
  14. I know how touchy people on here get if you mention the ref so I'll just say he's having an absolutely fabulous game and in no way has affected the scoreboard.
  15. I'm raging we've managed to avoid playing South Africa over the past two years whilst everyone else (including Italy!) has been filling their boots. We could have put 50 on them going by that showing against Wales. Also, you see a lot of complaining about the quota system in SA rugby, which I've always assumed was code of "the black guys are all shite", but apart from Janties, who admittedly was quite bad when he came on, they didn't seem to be the problem to me watching that game anyway.
  16. England lose the League world cup in heartbreaking fashion. What a shame.
  17. Glasgow have actually been quite shite here today. Really poor accuracy, mistakes everywhere. They've been let off the hook a bit.
  18. Scott Hastings by himself is brutal. I guess Peter Wright is banned for being a nutter, and Colin Gregor banned for failing to control him.
  19. I think that red was very harsh. Guy shouldn't have done it, but I'm not sure it was that malicious. Certainly nothing like the one on Saturday.
  20. Hardie is a brilliant player though. In the world cup and the 2016 6 nations he was one of our best. He's been fucked by injury and now whatever this is, but if he can get fit, a run without injury and over whatever he's done here, he can still be a very important player for Scotland.
  21. Jesus, that's some grim stuff there from the Ospreys. I can't decide which try is the most embarrassing from their point of view. The intercepts are all laughable, and the comedy of errors from Hastings punt through are pretty bad, but I think 12 stone George Horne going right through the prop and no 8 on the line is my favourite.
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