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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Is a Wales win better for us here? Can we still finish 2nd?
  2. Really need to hope Finn is fit at the world cup.
  3. Yeah, I'm surprised by the Dempsey hate, I thought he was our biggest carrier and made yards every time.
  4. Hilarious I'm an idiot.
  5. There is no way we are getting through this. Appalling stuff.
  6. Here it fucking comes.
  7. What the f**k is that pass from Nel! Fucking hell, one of the most experienced players on the pitch!
  8. We are in real trouble here. We can't get forward, we are losing the kicking battle, we are getting turned over all the time, we can't make a turnover and the penalty count is obscene.
  9. This is fucking painful to watch. Compete implosion.
  10. f**k sake. Been coming and we are playing very badly right now. Game on.
  11. Watson's really not the same player these days.
  12. More fun. There has been some really poor quality rugby here from both teams to be fair.
  13. Aye, I said that myself at the time. I also think the ref was wrong on the pen we eventually scored from there, you can't shout that it's ok to play it then immediately penalise the guy for playing it. On another note, Scotland are actually very boring without Finn.
  14. Italian guy is right though, the ref shouts that it's ok to go for that ball, then changes his mind. No wonder players lose the nut.
  15. I was actually quite surprised we'd conceded less pens than Italy, but then remembered they conceded about 4 at one scrum.
  16. Zander pretty lucky there, hands were right on the ground there before he got that ball. That's a butchering as well. f**k sake...
  17. That's fucking pish from Zander. Just fucking hold it up, they were going to give us it straight back.
  18. Yeah, I think refs look for something to do you on in those situations. It's almost unsporting.
  19. Phew! Decent enough from Kinghorn but pretty dreadful tackling from Italy. Need to get the backs more in this.
  20. Sorry! Still, it's going to be absolutely mental if Italy get a yellow card for being beaten at scrums having been offside at every ruck for the last 10 mins.
  21. Scotland are waiting for an advantage/pen the ref just isn't going to give. Need to be a bit braver, it's very predictable.
  22. Ref hasn't done well there. Should have been a couple of pens to Scotland for clear offsides then the TMO has to bail him out. That "no arms tackle" actually looks quite harsh to be honest.
  23. Ritchie is right about the Italian players lying on our side of the ruck too long mind you.
  24. Scotland need to secure their own ball, that's at least 2 pens on our own possession, and to immediately give away the lead like this is pish.
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