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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Suppose we can use the playoff money to pay off the manager. Much more sensible than signing good players we might be able to sell and trying to finish higher than 11th.
  2. See when we are "sensibly" budgeting for eleventh are you expecting us to then keep a lump sum back to change the manager each season for finishing 11th, something that would be demanded?
  3. It's another game Edinburgh were in a position to win, but won't, mostly due to bad decision making and errors at crucial moments. It's a Scottish rugby disease.
  4. Edinburgh playing well, but still made some honking errors and missed a couple of sitters. Duhan had a nightmare period. Have Sarries on the ropes a bit, need to make it count.
  5. The fact all the accounts spreading the mudslinging rumours across the whole of social media completely disappeared the second Gilmour got in tells its own story.
  6. It's funny that what really seems to have done for Mone here isn't that she wanted to dip the public purse to feather the nests of herself and her family whilst providing substandard or non existent PPE, it's the fact she behaved like a complete w**k whilst doing so and they are happy to throw her under the bus just to get rid of her.
  7. I don't think England quite have the level of quality people often think. I think the Premiership is good for producing lots of players, maybe not so good for producing really good ones. Lots of players who look great at that level don't make the step up to international, we've seen it plenty of times with Scotland. Also, with so many players playing for different clubs continuity must be hard. England were at their best when the spine of the team were Saracen's.
  8. I don't know, was it not the private school posh boys Eddie hated? I think him and Finn would get on fine.
  9. That's Jones officially gone from England.
  10. I think Jones would suit us more than he does England. He'd have way more control over the players, I think we'd be good under him.
  11. Gatland was probably the best coach Wales have ever had, but I sometimes once it's over, it's over. Wales haven't got the players they had during the real top period under Gatland, he was a disaster at the chiefs, where they basically put him on gardening leave. They'll be delighted he got the Wales job. I also think he fucked up the Lions tour quite badly in all honesty. Still, Gatland and Wales seem to go together well, so will see how it goes. I think they probably had to do something, and I'm actually a wee bit jealous that Wales and England seem to be taking action where we are just going to wait till a WC pumping before changing anything.
  12. Eddie Jones for the chop as well it sounds like. Would you take him for Scotland?
  13. Managing to actually lose a penalty when the ball could have easily been played because we were trying to milk one at a scrum just about sums this up.
  14. Glasgow's turn to be awful now, must be easy double figure penalties against now, as they perform the Scottish rugby special move of compounding each error by making too more straight after it. Luckily Zebre are pretty pish, but it's not difficult right now to see Glasgow losing this, possibly quite heavily.
  15. Edinburgh such masters of their own downfall here. Straight before half time they overthrow a lineout that would have finished the half and Munster score, then can't exit properly from the second half kick off and lose another to go from 17-7 up with a minute to go till half time, to 21-17 down a minute into the second half. Compounded of course by the fact they can't kick a conversion.
  16. I think the biggest problem from Cooney's point of view is that I'm sure he'd probably lose his Ulster contract if he declared for us as he'd no longer be Irish qualified. Might be wrong on that, but I think they are only allowed a very small amount of foreign players, and I'm sure he'll be one of their best paid. The kind of wages he may struggle to get elsewhere.
  17. Nah, Cooney's a great player I think. As far as I've heard he's basically been blackballed by Ireland because Sexton doesn't like him and that's the one and only reason he's not playing regularly for them. I'd take him for the world cup, I know it would upset some, but I think he would bring something to the squad alongside Price and White. Tough for Horne, but I'm not sure Townsend rates him these days anyway. He'd also be absolutely desperate to get it up Ireland.
  18. Yeah, I actually think Scotland is one of the cheapest, but the prices are still mental. I feel you may have got lucky with your area being re-evaluated or something as £60 odd tickets I'm sure are the old bronze tickets which I think were about £50 before. I found an old ticket for Twickenham from the first time I went in 2013, £35. By the last time I went, 2019, the same ticket was £125. Also, my ticket up in the gods in Cardiff last season was well over £100. I'm pretty resigned to just watching it on TV now.
  19. Thank goodness, if it was a recent opinion people might think it was a bit stupid.
  20. No, no come on now, Kenya is far too far away, in a different confederation. Let's be safe rather than sorry and kick him out the squad as well. Are we actually ok with European internationals? What about U21s and all that, gallivanting off to represent their countries? Kick all them out too and make sure it's just guys with no international ambition whatsoever?
  21. So do we have to kick Greive out the squad as well? Strain too seeing as he's on the fringes, not worth the risk. Ayunga I'm sure is qualified to play for Kenya as well. If he plays so well for us he gets international recognition then what a disaster that will be. Unfortunately there is just no other option than to kick four of our best players straight out the squad. Still, once Gilmour has us back to budgeting for 12th every season we won't be able to sign anybody with any international aspirations anymore so I guess the problem will solve itself soon enough.
  22. Didn't need to wait long as Douglas Ross has an absolute car crash on radio Scotland this morning flapping hard trying to defend these positions whilst also trying not to talk about them.
  23. Yeah, but nobody will be interested in talking about these things, just like in the past few elections when both Labour and Tories only wanted to talk about independence. Instead they will both have to repeatedly defend the line that Scotland doesn't deserve democracy and that 40% is a mandate for them, but not for the SNP.
  24. Labour and the Tories being forced time and again to justify why 40% of the vote is a mandate for them but no possible percentage of the vote is a mandate for the SNP is an absolute fucking nightmare for these guys. Doing it during an election campaign is even worse as the entire agenda in Scotland will be driven by the SNP, nobody will be talking about anything other than independence and the democratic deficit. Labour in particular will be forced to repeatedly defend the Tory line that democracy only exists for England and not for the rest of the UK. They can't avoid it. Hard to complain about being the red Tories when you are quite literally agreeing with them on the only issue anyone in Scotland will be discussing.
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