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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Turning point if that game was Jamie Ritchie behaving like a dick.
  2. Glasgow getting absolutely and emphatically destroyed in these kicking duels.
  3. Good start from Glasgow, though the first 4 minutes being scrums was shite. Edinburgh responding well, though so many of the Scotland front 5 getting mulched in the scrum isn't the best
  4. George Turner is 30 and I'm pretty sure has only played about 140 professional games, including Scotland caps, and only about half of them would be as a starter. We are terrible at giving pathways to young players. They'd be better heading to England first chance they get.
  5. Mate, you post this same drivel every day. You aren't some noble hero bravely dissenting against the brainwashed hordes. You aren't the clever one here, you aren't the guy everyone is eventually going to slap on the back and tell you that you were correct, you are just a guy who can't handle anyone disagreeing with you on a Scottish football website.
  6. Mate, maybe people just don't agree with you? You can't argue a simple basic point, you say something stupid, you can't back it up, people pull you up on it, and you cty like a baby about how "you can't say anything anymore!". This place isn't some boomer therapy session, nobody here has to agree with you, you aren't entitled to anything. If you can't get anyone on here to agree with you, thats a you problem mate. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to stay.
  7. What I've seen loads of times on here before are pathetic far right wingers getting repeatedly banned for being racist and bigoted weirdos, then signing up again and again because they can't live without P&B in their lives. This is despite the hundreds of self pitying posts they churn out about how much they hate it here on each increasingly tragic return.
  8. There is some good stuff on Twitter right now about how it's the CIA and the deep state trying to silence him and all the other Trump supporters. Times like this I really wish banana was still here.
  9. Arrested for being too popular. Sad.
  10. I guess it's a pattern that we used to see quite a lot with St Mirren, Goodwin would go on long winless runs where there would be obvious problems with the system and the positions he was putting players in, and everyone would be screaming at him to change things. Then all of a sudden he would and go on a 6/7 game unbeaten run. I guess there is every chance that could happen again. What used to really cost St Mirren under Goodwin was his insistence on having a tiny squad where there was never enough cover for key areas, so you'd go into Feb/Mar with a knackered squad, half of whom are playing out of position to cover injuries/suspensions. I'm guessing that shouldn't be as much of an issue at Aberdeen.
  11. The only really contentious red card yesterday was O'Hara's. There can be no argument the second yellow was wrong for that one. Probably cost us the 3 points.
  12. I've got a feeling Ethan will knock back FGR as well, unless they are offering genuinely silly money.
  13. Yeah, if the game is tight and competitive but we lose by the off goal, whilst not exactly good, could maybe point to a potential improvement in away form. If we get steamrolled again and the game is effectively over by half time then it looks like it'll be more of the same, and it's a full season of praying our home form holds up.
  14. Yeah, Motherwell fans also told us O'Hara and Gallagher were shit and laughed at us signing them, but they've been really good. As for Erhahon, I'm not sure he'd take a move to a mid or lower league one team. Kyle McAllister plays fairly regularly for Forrest Green Rovers, if that's what's on offer now, I could see him staying and taking his chances in the summer. I can't think of many players who've gone to that level and progressed, though I'm sure there must be a few, but it just seems to be where guys go, disappear for a few years, then end up back at St Mirren/Motherwell/St Johnstone, etc,etc.
  15. Pretty sure Adams only finally agreed to play because we qualified for the Euros, taking a spot from "someone who wants to play for us!!!" for the biggest stage we'd been on since the 90s.
  16. See to be fair, he does have a point. I mean, I don't know if Gunn actually earns £40k per week, but surely a guy playing at the top end of the championship is worth a look over a guy playing for Motherwell, who didn't make the grade at QPR, or a guy whose been warming the bench for Hearts?
  17. Yeah, Livi away on Wednesday I suppose will be telling, never an easy place to go, but we've had the chance for a bit of a reset. If it's another limp 3-0 pumping then I think that will tell a lot about how the rest of the season is going to go.
  18. I don't actually think Saints can finish top 6 with the away form as it is. Of our 17 games to the split, 10 are away (including both OF teams) and one of our home games is Celtic, and even with our good home form you'd have to expect that's probably a draw at best. We've got games against Well, United, Killie, Saintees and Livi in that 10, and whilst I don't expect us to win all of them, if things go as they have been and we get turned over in each of those games I'd say we have no chance of top 6. Got to be 7-9 points at least, which we won't get on current away form and for our home form to hold up of course.
  19. Can I just say though, nothing makes gubbing a team even better than a sustained meltdown from their fans afterwards.
  20. It was inside the box mate, they checked it on VAR and everything.
  21. You too mate, hope you get luckier with the presents!
  22. It's not really any more lucky than some of the many chances we had that didn't go in were unlucky. Still, of you think luck is the reason you were comfortably beaten today I'm fine with that, but I disagree. Best team won for me.
  23. There's not a pundit in the land saying St Mirren didn't fully deserve to win. There was nothing particular lucky about any of the penalties or the red card, all correct, and defending properly and hitting on the break is what your supposed to do when leading.
  24. Yeah, really. If it had been 4 or 5 Aberdeen could have had no complaints. Even in your periods of "control" we missed numerous chances and scored a third goal.
  25. Yeah, over the piece we were absolutely the better team and worthy winners, but that last 10-15 mins before the 3rd goal didn't need to be that hairy. Couple if players looked absolutely done and maybe lacking match fitness. Still, great win, think Robinson got it spot on tactically, really brutally targeted the Aberdeen weaknesses and exploited them. I can't believe Aberdeen are paying Dec Gallagher to play for us whilst picking those absolute donkeys they have at the back.
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