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Everything posted by GAD

  1. If it's been Gilmour spreading these rumours of imminent financial collapse (bearing in mind they've been going for over 4 years now, yet never even hinted at in the national press) just so he can get his foot back in the door then that's fucking dissapointing to say the least. His statement reads like the greatest hits of about 3 or 4 new posters who appeared on B&W army and only talk about the Kibble. Funnily enough those same posters only have good things to say about Gilmour.
  2. A super rich, corrupt, lying posh sociopath who boasts about starving poor areas of funds to give to richer areas gets made prime minister without anything vaguely resembling democracy and the truth is, most people are a bit relived because it could have been so much worse. The UK in 2022 folks.
  3. I think they'll see out the season with us. I think the teams from the championship looking at them both won't see them as absolute must haves for this season, and will be happy enough to wait till the summer when the price will have dropped a wee bit.
  4. Yeah, from the outside looking in it seems like you need a real clear out in January and almost a new team brought in. Some of those guys will go to other teams and look good, but they aren't going to do it at United. I've seen plenty of St Mirren teams just like that and it's fucking rotten as a fan when you see players phoning it in like that. In saying that, I wouldn't say all is lost, especially if they can keep in touch untill January.
  5. Agreed, and to be fair, I think that's what's supposed to happen. No idea what those clowns were up to yesterday.
  6. I'm not a fan of VAR by any means, but I think (hope at least...) that what happened with Ayunga's goal isn't really a fair reflection on how it's going to be. It's definitely not the way it's supposed to be used and it seemed a bit like everyone was desperate to use the new toy. I've been to loads of Scotland games now where there has been VAR and can honestly say in the majority I've barely even noticed it.
  7. As far as I was aware VAR is for clear and obvious errors. The goal was chopped off for something miles back that was actually very debatable. It seems like VAR had a big impact across the board this weekend, and almost none of it particularly well received.
  8. So that's the worst prime minister the country has ever had, followed by the worst prime minister we've ever had. They've crashed the economy, destroyed pensions, taken away rights and have no legitimacy but will carry on regardless. Tell me again why the union has no case to answer in the independence debate?
  9. Just to add to the Dunne debate, I actually think 95% of the time he's really solid. Good tackler, fine in the air. I just think when he does make a mistake he tends to go to pieces a bit. I think Shaughnessy is a better defender, but I think Dunne brings balance and pace to the backline. At the end of the day there isn't much in it though.
  10. Think Johnson is injured, pretty nasty facial injury I believe.
  11. That 0-0 draw was the worst you've ever seen us play at home?
  12. Good post. I guess Gogic and Shaughnessy's problem is that their rivals for first team starts are playing well. Also, in Gogic's case at least when he has had the chance he hasn't been all that great in all honesty. Think maybe he's trying a bit too hard, but Erhahon, O'Hara and Baccus deserve to start. This is a big game for us, need a wee kick start after the Ibrox game and a bit of a below par performance at the weekend.
  13. Spot on. This latest round of the Toonie/Finn soap opera is just so fucking disappointing. I know why Thompson is in there, because we need another 10 for the Australia game, but to talk such shite about Finn while putting Thompson in anyway is brutal. The world cup is gearing up to be an epic humiliation, with Tonga being a dark horse with the Kiwi players back. If you were to ask me who is more important to our chances in France, Finn or Townsend, I'd say Finn, as would 90% of fans I reckon. As would the SRU if they were being honest.
  14. GAD


    Pavement last night at the Barras was fucking excellent. They absolutely rattled through the near two hour set, and the crowd were right into it. Didn't play in the mouth a desert though, which upset me slightly.
  15. Sacking people for refusing to do their jobs is absolutely acceptable.
  16. Yeah, but the reason he wasn't card happy was because most of the stuff he was giving wasn't even a foul, let alone a card. The ref must have given 30+ free kicks in that game, at least 15 more than there should have been.
  17. Yeah, to be fair, Tanser was dealing with it himself most of the time. The plan seemed to be to let Alebiosu do what he wanted, but to get on top of Armstrong and to be fair it actually kind of worked because for all they looked a bit dangerous, especially in the first half right in front of the West Bank, they actually created pretty much nothing. The ref really killed the game today, so much he gave was so soft, but he was also absolutely shit scared of giving any big decisions. St Mirren almost certainly should have had a penalty late in the game going by the ref's decision making all over the rest of the pitch but there was absolutely no chance he was doing that. He also gave two non fouls (maybe more, this is just the ones that happened in front of me) at corners to the defending team, one to Saints and one to Killie that he clearly just gave because he'd fucked up the initial call. I fucking hate that, it's such an utterly shitebag move.
  18. Yeah, fair enough Ric, probably should give it a chance before totally slating it!
  19. Yeah, fair enough, but the refs don't give a f**k. They had to be taken off the appeals process because they were refusing to overturn red cards that were blatantly wrong. Fucking over St Mirren has never and will never have consequences so in both the situations I've outlined above the ref or whoever is controlling VAR can do what they want with very little comeback.
  20. Yeah, for days after we beat Celtic there were numerous media outlets and pundits "examining" our second goal and insisting it shouldn't have stood. Compare that to the penalty on Saturday where the said it probably wasn't one on sportscene and that's the end of it. When VAR comes in I know our goal against Celtic is far more likely to be overturned than the penalty for Rangers.
  21. Hopefully Leipzig will put out a wee head patting tweet about the special atmosphere because that's better than a win anyway.
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