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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I don't follow your point here at all. I can't see any comparison between the situations nor how it could possibly negatively impact recruitment, unless we're trying to recruit players who've already been with the club for years.
  2. It's nice that she's clarified that the serfs will often be maxed out by three jobs. It might be "good advice" in that it is technically correct. It's in the same ballpark as reminding people to breathe for how necessary or practically useful it is. It's also massively patronising and insulting to assume that people haven't had this particular brainwave all by their stupid unwashed plebby selves. The government absolutely can and should be blamed for that. Not biting on that last paragraph, other than to call you an odious c**t.
  3. Your view on hats, The Boo Radleys and Verve are fundamentally and objectively wrong. Northern Uproar were on Dragons Den recently, i forget why, but Tej said they were the next Oasis, apparently unaware that they themselves had claimed that unsuccessfully more than a quarter of a century earlier. They didn't look like they took it as a compliment.
  4. Bit of petty entertainment for me yesterday. I was being a bit naughty and tearing it up doing about 23 in a 20 mph zone when i noticed a double cab pickup had pulled up to about a foot behind me. The driver seemed irate about something. Given his agitated state and the likely stopping time, i thought i should make sure i was well within the limit and slowed to below 20. At the end of the 20 zone the road went onto a roundabout then up to 3 lanes about 50 yards down the road. The pickup revved like he was drag racing and shot past me into the right hand lane to turn right. The driver gave me his best attempt at an intimidating stare on his way past, so when i went past him i reciprocated by blowing a kiss and giving him a friendly wave while i drove past his queue. Hopefully my positivity helped to get him out of that unhappy place he was in. Or gave him an aneurysm.
  5. Charlie Wilson's War Excellent cast. Moderately interesting. Seemed to be an attempt to land a message about US foreign policy with the sort of American equivalents of our poppy shaggers, by giving them a good old Uncle Sam story and dropping in a bit of criticism at the end. I hope it succeeded at that, because as a film it was pretty poor. Philip Seymour Hoffman's screentime was generally enjoyable. But mostly it was a mish mash of tone shifts and unfinished parts of stories. 5/10
  6. There was little in it this season. Historically, the size of a club and hence its budget has determined where they finish up, on average. The correlation between buget and league placing is strong and well documented. We have just had a once in a decade low point. Ross County have had their best ever finish (i think). Hibs have underperformed and livi and utd have overperformed, relative to budget. Everyone else (more than half the league) are round about where they would be on budget alone. Sounds like pretty weak evidence that the correlation has broken down. I think it’s no more than wishful thinking on your part. Maybe because you're dreading reversion to the mean and seeing the Dons finish above you again for the next couple of generations?
  7. This some sort of Weegie tradition i've not heard of? Foraging for presents?
  8. What are you dribbling about? He's white. Clearly mental health issues.
  9. The blog itself suggests they didn't "get away with it". The SNP "received no large donations in 2018". That sounds like an appropriate karmic response to treating major donors like idiots. Calling for a criminal prosecution comes across as desperate.
  10. The original fundraising does look a bit disingenuous from the SNP. But they were campaigning hard for a referendum at the time and the donation was clearly to them, so it's hard to see where any criminality has occurred. The later pledge to "freeze" funds looks like a panic reaction to realising that some donors thought they'd dontated to actually fight a referendum. Having already received the money though it's hard to see what the criminality could be here. It does make the party look dishonest. I suppose there is some mileage in a view that they'll have enough funds coming in from normal donations (c£5m pa) to cover half a million of a referendum campaign out of those donations and have a sort of ring fenced commitment to do that. That blog is very vague on details and the case for the prosecution ("some police think there may be a reason to interview") is as weak as piss. Maybe, to reach Tory levels of probity the SNP should start up a House of Lairds and start selling peerages to Non Doms for £2m a pop?
  11. I missed this before. Hilarious https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/singing-the-hokey-cokey-could-land-1002751.amp not sure it was Celtic exactly.
  12. Is Girlfriend in a Coma too obvious? I’m a Boy by The Who has a pretty fucked up backstory. I always found The Final Countdown quite distasteful.
  13. Sorry, I should have said “not wanted”, not “not required”
  14. To be honest I based that jibe entirely on what the mannies around me used to grumble about. I was probably not even in my teens when Bett left and only really appreciated players running with the ball or scoring goals. Still, I’m not one to let fairness or accuracy stand in the way of a good dig.
  15. I bow to your superior Pringle knowledge. Does anyone ever buy Pringles when they’re at their pretend inflated price between offers?
  16. Why can't they advertise fags and sell booze to babies? You think that people should be free to push harmful products unrestricted, at the expense of actual food, in the pursuit of profit. It's only volume promotions that are getting restricted. They can still do price reductions. If you want two tubes of pringles for tge price of one you can simply buy two at half price. The point is you don't need to buy more to get the discount. Your local shop keeper is protected by it only applying to shops over 2000sq ft (have we had legislation in feet recently? Nice touch) So that just leaves prominent displays. I appreciate that some people might like a nice cardboard frame on the end of an aisle, with a gondola filled with a new low grade chocolate flavoured sugar and hydrogenated vegetable fat bar. I'm afraid those people are going to suffer terribly under this new monstrous regime. Liberte, Egalite, Category Captaince.
  17. Take it to the Hague. We're talking about Mondelez, Nestle, Kellogs and Unilever throwing their bargaining power around to get their highest margin products a promotional display on the end of an ailse. I personally won't loose any sleep if they can't promote their latest shaped potato-based snack in exactly the way they'd like. It's hardly the Burmese government rounding up Rohingya. I have my doubts over the effectiveness, but it's really not an imposition on the population.
  18. No she didn't. She said "those are my actual bills" after listing a load of stuff which included some bills. What sort of idiot would think that referred to items that clearly weren't bills? (rhetorical - no answer required)
  19. Bacon bits aren't even bacon. They're textured soy. "100% vegan" Makes it worse imo.
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