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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I always think that managers that resign because things are going badly are shitebags.
  2. I agree with you that people should be able to have a frank and open discussion about the issues and causes of obesity. I disagree with your last paragraph because i think there has been plenty in the media etc about the negative effects of obesity. I guess that's a question if perception and maybe also where you get your news from. A number of participants on this thread aren't interested in understanding any of the complex underlying issues or in offering anything constructive. If we can all agree that obesity is a problem, i don't see what anyone gains from slinging blame around and being dickish about it (not you). It's this arseholery that is preventing the grown up conversation, not some tiny fatties rights movement.
  3. I completely agree that's probably the case for most people. If you want to ignore the minority who might be struggling for all sorts of reasons, then that's up to you. The NHS treats sick people and isn't as judgemental as an institute as you appear to be.
  4. Hip hop evolution on Netflix. I've 2 episodes left. I like some hip hop, but am in no way knowledgeable about it. Some of the music in the series is great, some of it is Puff Daddy. Really interesting bits of culture and subculture from some of the slightly lesser seen parts of the US. A number of more cult artists i'd never heard of. I'm sure people who are more informed about these things would take exception to some of the narratives and the like. Personally i found it a bit odd that folk as influential as krs1 and public enemy got the same coverage as the 2 live crew or DJ screw but that might be a good thing. They should have had subtitles for memphis.
  5. For some people those might be actual reasons. I'm sure for some people those are no more than excuses. Excuses and reasons aren't mutually exclusive. There are a finite number of hours in the day. Some people prioritise using that time to work, raise children and sleep instead and can't fit in any exercise. Not everyone prioritises themselves.
  6. Agree on that. If we were to hone in on one deserved criticism for the manager rather than the wild stuff from Twitter (always good to be off there loons and quines), it's being wedded to the system that we didn't quite have the personnel for due to injuries in January and February. I think both of these do demonstrate the lack of tactical nous that some have alluded to. There is no plan B. Changes to the system always seem to be reactive, either because players are unavailable or because it's been obvious for weeks that it's not working. Derek seems good at recognising what's working and sticking with it but a bit lost when it's not. I still want him to prove the doubters wrong, but it's getting very difficult to keep the faith.
  7. Optimism inevitably leads to disappointment. A pessimist is never disappointed. But, yes i'll be tuning in at 3 with a guarded hope that this might be the week we turn the corner. I just don't want to get my hopes up too high.
  8. I admire your courage, your strength and your indefatigability. But that's fucking mental
  9. You're obviously loving the hyperbole of that 2/3 figure. That's mostly people who are "overweight" and not obese and who most people (apart from rude sanctimonious people who have obviously been cuckolded by a fatty) would not call fatties. Changing metabolism and failing to adapt are not mutually exclusive. Metabolism is clearly a very important part of a complex picture and not a mimor variable. You're obviously right about everything even when you're obviously wrong so crack on with thinking that there's an easy solution and everyone else is just too thick to grasp it.
  10. I’ve a feeling that the Welsh movement will get a bit more factional than the Scottish one. There’s an obvious SE/NW and linguistic divide plus I don’t think they’re as uniform in political views as Scots.
  11. Same price but you have to pay extra for a milkshake.
  12. The vast majority of People are somewhere in the middle between “stuffing their face with doughnuts” and running 10k a day. If you’re used to being relatively inactive and eat say 2500 calories a day and are in balance at 30 and your metabolism drops by 10% over two decades (which is perfectly feasible) the with 250 calorie excess a day they’ll end up putting on about 3 stone a year. So many obese 50 year olds probably just haven’t adapted by cutting out a bar of chocolate and are obese because of a change in metabolism. The above is not a personal excuse, I’m all feast or famine. Sceptical of the diet drink thing myself.
  13. Rabbits have a life expectancy of 8-12 years. Beast
  14. It's not a minor variable, it's a very important variable and resting /base levels can vary wildly, by at least 20% and up to 30-40% between otherwise similar people and by far more with differing age, sex and bmis. That means that two people who are otherwise similar can eat exactly the same and one lose weight while the other gains. When i was a student my flatmate ate the same as me, which should have been enough to gain weight (lunchtime specials of a half pizza supper for £1 most day). He remained skinny as a rake despite topping up with those bodybuilder shakes. One factor that decreases base metabolism is body fat, so ironically a fat person can eat the same as or even a bit less than a slim person of the same weight and still put on more weight. It's not the only or main factor but it's a very important variable.
  15. Choc ice 8 for £1 in aldi. Pack of mini chocolate bars about the same. Gouge a small hollow and insert mini chocolate bar plus a stick (can be found on most good pavements) into choc ice. Crunch up a teaspoon of cereal and gently press each side of choc ice in it. Use your leftover ingredients by blending with a tin of condensed milk to make a delicious and nutritious shake.
  16. On a related point, i was fairly slim throughout my early - mid 20s despite huge amounts of booze and takeaway shite. I also smoked a load. I probably kept most of the weight off by being on my feet for 40-60 hours a week at work but I'm sure that barely sleeping from Friday morning to sunday night on amphetamine and eccies probably did a fair bit of slimming too. Despite carrying a bit of timber my lifestyle is way healthier now.
  17. I broke my hand punching a wall. The wall had done nothing to me. It was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It had the last laugh though, not a mark on it. I'd a big lump on the side of my hand and through the magic of whisky was able to just squeeze it all back into place. Made a horrible crunchy sound but i couldn't feel a thing. Until i tried to hold a spoon at breakfast.
  18. I see that quotes £6bn a year in nhs spend. Home delivery take away sales. Were £8.5bn Soft drink manufacturers turned over £16bn Sugared confectionery sales were £12m VAT on all that £7.2bn. That's before taking into account non delivered take aways, crisps, etc. Clearly self funding.
  19. Use BMI instead of property bands for council tax. I'd eat tapeworm eggs and go bullimic if that came in.
  20. Not going to lie, it was a terrible joke. But when i first saw that picture it looked like a man with a blue circle on his fiorehead.
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