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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Loving the amateur theology on this thread, absolutely barking. These cartoon of Mohammed (peace be upon him) are really not worth the arseache they've caused. Like most political cartoons they are unfunny shit. What i'd like to see is a proper cartoonist like Gary Larson or one of the viz team have a go. This is what proper satire looks like:
  2. I like to think that the neighbours having nicer cars offers some sort of protection, like zinc on steel.
  3. On a related point, my wife goes nuts if i don't lock the door when we're all in the house just in case some escaped murderer tries to get in. Then she decided once i've locked the door i've to hang the keys in a cupboard so that people can't see them through the letter box and steal them. I don't humour her any more because it encourages her and she was going to come up with something even more mental.
  4. They say that inside every 80 year old man there's an 8 year old boy wondering what the hell just happened. For an eloquent description of how the grass isn't greener on the adult side:
  5. No denying that wigless did the wrong thing. That's exactly the sort of short term self interest that gets us in the state we're in. See also the Setanta debacle that probably influenced milne in keeping the voting structure. A fairer split of money is an absolute must, but the size of the fanbases limits the impact that could have. I don't think we can expect the authorities to remove the inequality but it shouldn't be too much to ask for them to stop making it worse.
  6. Lol. Duopoly : If you want to watch football in Scotland you have to pay through the nose because you can only watch Rangers and Celtic. No other teams are available. Not a duopoly: Celtic and Rangers win the league but you can watch who you want. Not really sure what point you're making about walmart and sainsbury but there are specific exemptions from competition law for sporting competitions. If there weren't, the SFA, SPFL, LTA, BAGA, the lot of them would be classed as anti competitive cartels. While part of me is just being pedantic because i enjoy it, i also think it's important to understand what the problem is. The problem is a failure of collective action on the part of the clubs. There are, what 40?,clubs in the Spfl that aren't the cheeks and if they could act in concert to distribute money and make rules more fairly then others might have a chance. Or you can go full Scottish Football Monitor and write to the EU and the mergers commission.
  7. It's not really a duopoly though because football isn't really a sector. Even if it was a sector in its own right there are a huge variety of suppliers whose "product" is available for consumption that people can choose from. The only markets that the cheeks have sewn up are the glory hunting fairweather fans an the sectarian fuckwits.
  8. I "caught", cooked and ate cockles once. If you're sqeamish about garrotting a cow you could do something like that.
  9. I never killed anyone that didn't deserve it. Garden pests deserve it. Aphids, lilly beetles, snails are all regularly mechanically dispatched.
  10. It will cause less pain in the long run
  11. This ends now. I can't lead you on anymore. I've never fancied you.
  12. Is that supposed to be an Irish accent?
  13. Britain's squirrel options are boringly earthbound.
  14. I think it’s probably a result of the writers' policy that every third line had to be a "joke" . At least some would be inappropriate in the real world and some more would be at someone's expense, cumulatively giving the impression of being a dick. I quite enjoyed friends because it was genuinely quite funny but found it almost equally annoying. It was never pant wettingly funny at any point though.
  15. There is a bona fide good news story beneath that. We've signed a major trade agreement already. Our supplies of cocoa and blood diamonds should be more secure. And we won't have to import their cheese. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oecd.org/dev/africa/32413387.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiO5aKUpLnsAhXgQkEAHecDBYwQFjABegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw04MBoZDumXHYYgWSy0iE1x
  16. One person's "buy in" is another's "passing the buck".
  17. Conclusions drawn from clearly presented data? on this thread? It will never catch on.
  18. Bloody EU council, just move the dial!
  19. I'm a lover not a fighter. A game of soggy biscuit should settle it.
  20. I'll grant that the Les Dennis episode of Extras was quite good and the final series of Men Behaving Badly had become quite soapy, but it was genuinely mostly hilarious. All a matter of opinion of course, it's just that mine is right and yours isn't.
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