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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Did no one watch fingerbobs? Definitely a wee prawny thing.
  2. I don't disagree that there's a lot of missing the point. I do disagree that we should "get over it". The two world wars (or one long one with a wee break in Europe) were rock bottom for both the system of international relations and in the domestic politics of many of the main players. I think people would do well to remember how bad things can get and how we got there. The militaristic jingoistic hero jisming that actually goes on is very much part of the problem and "how we got there". But the answer is more and better remembering, not more ignorance.
  3. Vicious stampy thugs nil- brave plucky underdogs also nil.
  4. 80 counter protestors arrested. Police actually protecting the Palestine march, according to BBC, more than 50 according to Sky. Police actually seem to be doing the right thing so far. Incidentally, Zelda off of Terrahawks presenting GB News is talking about anything except this. Funnily.
  5. I know it was tongue in cheek but that’s inexcusable
  6. Playing Celtic is a certain defeat. Other cheek, not so much.
  7. I, for one, have had enough of these islamist rallies in Ulster. Jihad, so it is.
  8. I do remember buying them round the corner from my grans, in the vicinity, so that checks out. He looked like them
  9. Wham bars. Those white chocolate skulls with red syrup in them. Flying Saucers
  10. I like mushy peas. It's a continual disappointment for me that cheesy peas are only made up. Although i reckon i could probably figure out a recipe.
  11. "Right" meaning economically efficient for profit maximisation, not "right" meaning fair.
  12. Eating the whole animal is the most environmentally friendly way to consume meat. All that connective tissue, skin and gristle that would otherwise go to waste is made delicious by simply adding some cheap flavourings and moulding into a convincing rack of ribs shape. Eating king rib saves the planet. you’re welcome
  13. Putting the fruit and veg at the front annoys me now that I’ve started using the scan as you go thingy. I now need planning and forethought so that I don’t end up putting bottles or tins on top of soft fruit. Simply starting bagging up at the back of the shop almost works, but then I have to double back if I need any bread or bread related products.
  14. Not suggesting he should be, but he was. Hacken away i think
  15. I hadn't heard anything since it was 6-8 weeks when he first got injured. Sure we've had Duncan at LWB this season too but not sure that's better than Hayes.
  16. There was a big debate and vote on this a while ago and the "keep sunday special" mob won. If God can rest on the seventh day, then it stands to reason that, dependent on which sector you work in and on the size of the building you're employed in, people should also be able to rest for an arbitrary amount of time that's not actually a real day off. Medieval shite.
  17. It's a high risk strategy as well as being potentially lucrative. Probably need a one in three hit rate to make it work financially and the misses mean there's a lot of capital tied up for just sitting on the bench.
  18. There's a lot of homeless people round here using tents. I'd guess a dozen to twenty tents across the town centre most days, plus scattered around various parks, arches etc. As to whether it's an issue, i'd say that it's the numbers of homeless and the lack of better options that are the issue. But I'm not a lawyer or MP so I'm probably just being dim.
  19. Pepsi challenge, "Highland" fair, ingliston market. Won a paper cap. Would have won an inter school team quiz one time but was cheated by incompetence and still bitter about it. Q- what is an avocado? My answer - it's a fruit Quiz dick- "what kind of fruit" Me-"er what? I don't know... South American?" Quiz dick-"no, it's a pear" Me - "WHAT! No it isn't, i don't know what it is but it's not a pear!" Quiz dick-"yes it is it's an Avocado pear" Me- "ffs"
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