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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. This is like the Thick of It where the real policy got pulled and they made up some shite with seconds to go till the press conference. "i like it, we sound modern and the family value crap will poll well in Surbiton"
  2. What did they expect? If it's ticking it's armed. When buying timebombs as presents it's good practice to check that the mechanism isn't engaged before wrapping.
  3. It's still better than trying to find similar work in Manilla or Lagos i suppose. Sounds like a bit of a shift to the sort of arrangements that the gulf states have for "guest" workers. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing in principle as it could be win win for all involved. It won't be though, it will be an exploitative shit show
  4. The minimum salary has an exemption for carers, who make up a large and increasing proportion of immigrants. If they get numbers of immigrating carers down then they’d have to pay properly and make t&cs tolerable for British people (The logic behind Brexit) and either raise taxes or cut provision. They could also take the private sector provision out of the equation and give less profits out of state cash to Rich investors but then what would be the point of Tory. I guess that care staff aren’t the core Tory Brexit voters that Home Counties trades are and don’t deserve the same “protection “ from cheap labour.
  5. I don't think we will be fine playing like that unless we're going score at least three goals a game. Totally on board with the semi being the better game to win though.
  6. Hard to say we deserved anything with defending and finishing like that. Decent performance on the front foot but we defended like (newly introduced) clowns again. Not just at the goals.
  7. Life on Earth The World at War Father Ted GBH The Boys Brass Eye The Young Ones South Park Cold Lazarus Underbelly Close misses for Blackadder, Always Sunny, Tribe and the Wire, all of which could have had the tenth spot.
  8. Been hearing this song a lot. The way he says "gev you my heart" and "sev me from tears" really annoys me. I'll get my Christmas music from Shakey thanks.
  9. Big shout out to the nutsack who had to screeched to a stop by the zebra crossing my daughter and i had just walked onto then sped up before we'd actually crossed. To be fair we had walked out without looking both ways what with it being a really obvious one way system and a 10 mph car park. Gave him a "wtf" shrug and pointed at the big white arrow on the ground. He leaned out of his massive double cab twatmobile and shouted "if you've got a problem you should take a photo of the car and send it off and see if you can get me a ticket in the post". Fu. king. ZING!
  10. The BBC reported that a missile had hit the hospital and reported that there were reports that it was an Israeli missile. They attributed the report to an NGO inside Gaza, which had actually put that in the public domain. Anyone who says the British state broadcaster is neutral gives away their own position. Do you want to buy a bridge?
  11. I think i've seen this movie. This is the one where we don't turn up, complete about three passes and fire aimless long balls out for goal kicks and throw ins. Because we're tired and need time to gel.
  12. That nevet happened, and i have no idea what Pallywood means. Other than that, great post.
  13. That looks like a masterpiece of design. I’ll have to be a really good boy to treat myself to a forty pound gadget
  14. My local Aldi has self service. It’s like a normal self service till except the scales have been bought out of the jumble sale between the aisles and only work intermittently. Totally on brand.
  15. Yeah, I lost weight about a decade ago then put it all back on again. The 2012 model had considerably more mass under the flab. It’s been a bit of a surprise that that’s not there anymore so I’m not too bothered about the weight loss slowing if it means I’m more hench all round. Also into probably about the last 10% of the weight as well so it was always going to slow down. Good luck with yours. That carnivore thing sounds like a worrying fad though. You sure that’s a good idea?
  16. Recently got a moka pot and have decided that it’s my favourite way to brew a coffee. A well made espresso is good, but I don’t have the capital or space on the worktop for one in the house so it can stay as a treat for when I’m out and about. Only thing is it’s easy to forget about it and boil the coffee. So anyway, grinders. I want a small, compact and ideally hand powered one, on a budget. Any suggestions?
  17. Slowed down for October, only lost about 3 pounds. I reckon I shit out at least 2lb following an unblocking event the very next day. been having injuries off of running. Started with a calf strain then recurring hip issue (I suspect tendonitis). So now doing more core and strength, which I understand helps prevent these things. nov weigh in coming up and am not hopeful of getting back to previous rates but should have lost more than October. I will try to shit before weighing.
  18. My petty checkout annoyance of the month is the combined effect of shoddy shelf stacking and labelling, customer idiocy and the fact that Home Bargains staff apparently can't be trusted to use the "void" button without calling the supervisor. If they have more than one till open i'll go for one that doesn't have a woman with some bulky hardware or pet product. Otherwise you're stuck while she argues with the spotty kid on the checkout about how the sticker on the shelf said that the LED bread bin was £1.99 and she wouldn't have picked it up if she knew how much it actually was. Extra points for waiting for the supervisor to be half way across the shop before going "i thought they were two for one"
  19. Shit trolls trying to establish catchphrases.
  20. I feel bad about getting a snapshot of my girls at Stonehenge now. And dicking about at the Pyramids. Is there a statute of limitations here?
  21. I heard Rangers conceded a penalty at Ibrox. That's right. Pig flew.
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