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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Council file: b1 N You need to set out facts, what the rules are and either why you don't believe rules have been broken by you or why you believe the council or their subcontractor hasn't followed their rules. "it's not fair, i parked here for ages" is a shit ground for appeal.
  2. I kind of feel sorry for these. They always look like they're struggling to walk on their wee bandy legs and often make snuffling and snorting sounds like they're struggling to breathe. No wonder they're grumpy, they've been bred to be physically deformed.
  3. Never seen an episode of Gavin and Stacey or US office. Seen all of the UK office a few times. Saw all of friends apart from the last couple of series. They all seem quite different from each other. I've never watched an episode of the sopranos but that's because i'm a tightwad and it's not been included in any of my subscriptions.
  4. I got a good number of gammony reds from some gammon loving gammon twat. I should imagine it's because it's a racist term of abuse against the permaraging gammon community, who are definitely a race and i'm a massive racist against them. It was quite funny tbh. Well done you gammony loser.
  5. This is incorrect, they're going from strength to strength
  6. I see you don't claim any European supercups on your website. That's proper big time, considering diddies like Bayern and Barcelona list theirs. If we stop claiming it, will you take us seriously? Pleeease, it's really important to us.
  7. Supporting a crap team disqualifies opinions? That's a new one on me. Our tactics suited us far more than the kick n rush shite from earlier in the season and suited Perth less. We still could have conceded a couple given the chances we gave up without much of a fight but rode our luck. Could say the same at the other end as well. Was glad when Levein took off The fermer's only real threat. That was nice of him.
  8. They've won! The new force in British politics with a headline photo story on the BBC has secured a massive victory in a council ward taking their total number of councillors into single figures. They're still three behind the workers party (currently not mentioned in any bbc article covering the results) and 24 behind "Residents Association". Whatever the f**k that might be. A massive, seismic shift in grass root politics here.
  9. Welsh pcc results in. Three Labour holds and a plaid hold. I couldn’t be fucked voting and apparently wasn’t alone, with sub 20% turnout in all four regions. No one seems to know what these people do or what they’ve been doing for the last however long we’ve had them. Pointless.
  10. I guess that wasn’t a representative performance then? Fortunately for Dave’s bank balance, my involvement in recruitment is limited to idle and ill informed speculation.
  11. Was quite impressed by Phillips in our last game. We need some grit in the middle; he’s out of contract and young enough to develop and sell. Worth a look? Should be relatively inexpensive but maybe not Balkan enough. @RandomGuy., what do the radars say compared to our current options? Say Shinnie, Baron and Polvara?
  12. So he is on gbeebies? Diverse AF. Bet they don't have any denisovans though.
  13. "See, it's not just minorities and the poor! Good old Boris! Ho ho." -resident blowhard, any pub south east of Coventry, yesterday.
  14. This is an unspeakably bad take. They’re not a band I listen to very much but they’ve 20 or 30 top notch tunes at least plus two classic soundtracks. Queen live at Wembley is one of the great live albums and films. Killer Queen is far from their best song IMO.
  15. PCC only election for me today. Testing my commitment to democracy with this shite tbh.
  16. Elvis is a good shout and similar to the Beatles in many ways. He had a (superficially) acceptably safe image that was just a little bit naughty (Elvis was a bit sexy where the Beatles were cheeky scamps) and both were taking the rough edges off and recycling the music that they liked by unacceptably black artists. Of course Elvis didn't write songs, so couldn't do the creative pivot that the beatles did from Rubber Soul onwards. Up until then i'd say that the Beatles influence was pretty much limited to style and marketing and their music wasn't that influential. They were also riding on Elvis' coattails a bit in the early years after he mainstreamed r&b rythms. Sgt Pepper made Brian Wilson sit in a sandpit with a piano for a year to try to emulate it. That's pretty influential. You might not like the Beatles but they changed the way bands were marketed. They inarguably were musically influential too. They definitely did change music, but then most successful acts do to some extent even if it's in a tiny way. I wouldn't argue that the beatles had a bigger influence than Berry Gordy, Hendrix or Dave Davies' buggered amp, but they had an influence.
  17. I'm a big fan of this sort of linguistic creativity. I like both but the childishness of Steve's version appeals to me more. Well done for avoiding the obvious "Cuntlewell" which would have just been crude and not big or clever. Also, i don't listen to off the ball. What's the answer?
  18. Everything mentioned on this thread so far is better than the autotuned pretendy millionaire pretendy drug dealers that pretend to have loads of girlfriends that my kids listen to. You haven't lived until you've heard D Block Europe making pigeon sounds because he's an Albanian eagle. Everything apart from Ed Sheeran that is.
  19. I disagree. I think there was a reasonable but weak argument that it was harsh and Motherwell were within their rights to appeal, even though it had a very low chance of success. What was incredible was our appeal last season (was it only last season?) being considered frivolous. If consistency was a thing, then using Shinnie's appeal as the benchmark of frivolity, most appeals would result in longer bans. But it's not consistent at all.
  20. I get the cartoons version of Witchdoctor stuck in my head regularly. It was on some "Party songs for kids" CD that my daughter had on repeat in the car. Do do dodo do do do: Ooh ee oo aah aah Ting tang Wallah wallah bing bang Indeed.
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