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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. After a close call involving a lack of concentration, absent-mindedness and slightly similar packaging, i wondered if any P&Bers know what the consequence of applying Colgate Whitening to piles may be?
  2. Aberdeen 1 Bonnyrigg Rose 0 (miovski, pen, 82)
  3. Who would really pay £11 each for a badly made cheesecake? (Apart from for a wedding meal obvs). They could at least try to make it within the bounds of possibility.
  4. Damn, you got me. Been trying to hide my low intelligence for years. Please don’t expose it, you peculiar troll.
  5. Can people please respect the syllables. Four in February. Not febbury or febrarry. Definitely not Febbry. I appreciate your co-operation on this matter
  6. I do agree with that, but I also think that taxing the wealthy more and specifically taxing wealth more would be fairer than broadening the tax base. I also don’t think it’s only the “haves” that need to be persuaded. It’s a failure of leadership from our supposedly left leaning parties that no one makes the case for the benefits from public spending. Whether it’s capital spending to boost productivity (like the program they just shat out of, or arguably tuition) or the efficiency savings of having decent public services, the discussion is always about funding through current taxes and not about the gains. Tuition fees don’t need to be funded through current taxation, in principle. I’m no expert on the devolution settlement but I think that they do in practice because the Scottish Government can’t borrow independently? Is that right? If it could, then there would be no need to put up current taxes. Privately paid fees are funded by borrowing and paid back out of higher future earnings. The Government can borrow more cheaply than individual students (and the default rate would be nil). Increased skill levels should increase future productivity across the economy and not just the production of the individual, so there should be more higher earners in the future. Maybe investing in education could pay for itself through taxes without any rise in the tax rate at all, or with only a modest one. Labour in England has no reason to not make this case, which it apparently believed in until recently, other than timidity and wanting to appeal to tories.
  7. At least it’s been upheld I suppose. Progress of sorts. If they’d applied the rules consistently and increased his ban there’d be a realistic possibility of a hubristic statement or an extra big “f**k the SFA” banner. Would only help other teams anyway.
  8. Love a bit of neo Marxian analysis and that’s quite a tidy idea. I can’t imagine Keith trying to explain it on The One Show.
  9. That’s an interesting comparison. Raising capital taxes would still increase revenue though. Not by nearly enough to replace income tax or reduce VAT or anything. Raising corporation tax would probably raise revenue too, again not by a huge amount. Not sure I agree with @Freedom Farter that that would be a tax on ownership in as straightforward a way as capital gains tax is. In conjunction with tax on dividends it is, but income in a company can be earned by doing stuff as well as owning it. What other countries do doesn’t show the whole range of what we could or should do differently. Unearned income disproportionately goes to the richest in the country. There is a moral case to tax that income at least as heavily, if not more so, than the fruits of labour.
  10. Loved Rushmore when it came out. Thought the life aquatic was entertaining if annoyingly whimsical and was put off seeing any more of his films by that Tenembaums pish. Did give the Budapest Hotel a go though and glad i did, was magic. Agree on French Dispatch, abandoned half way.
  11. Many, probably most, of us already pay for the bbc. And we still will even if we don't read their football pages. It's also very widely read and has a public interest purpose. It's entirely reasonable to consider fanbases of the diddy clubs (and fans of minority sports that are underrepresented) as being among the "diverse communities" that the BBC is supposed to "reflect, represent and serve". I think it’s entirely legitimate for people to want the bbc to be better.
  12. I quite often send emails past midnight but it’s usually just recovering time I’ve spent doing other shit during work hours.
  13. Lost my back door key about tgree years ago and attributed it to my wife's penchant for "tidying" (aka hiding or binning) anything i put down anywhere. Lost my front door key at the weekend and strongly implied that she'd a hand in the disappearance. While looking for the front door key i found my back door key down the back of the sofa. I'd washed the front door key in my tracksuit. Still probably her fault.
  14. Exactly the jambo’s point. Had we finished the season Hearts could have finished 17th too.
  15. I have a procedural query. If we appoint Warnock but only on a temporary basis, does this thread remain live?
  16. Until a couple of days ago I thought that the people of Luxembourg spoke German or French, kind of like Belgians speaking Dutch or French. Apparently they have their own language called Luxembourgish. I even knew a girl from there at Uni and still managed to not know that.
  17. I don’t drink but I am becoming increasingly detached from reality.
  18. That’s a good point about the boundaries of the job. Goodwin and Glass both gave the impression that they had a say in recruitment, albeit not the control that McInnes had. Maybe Barry made a noise behind the scenes but gave the public impression of being just 1st team coach
  19. He has a decent track record of winning against despicable orange bigots, that worked for Barry last year.
  20. Monthly weigh in with no loss at all for the month. Have been eating more bits and pieces between meals, including apparently too much nuts. And peanut butter. Had a couple of lazy weeks after work started again too. Soo close to target weight as well. Got complacent. This time last year I was too heavy to run and was literally off the scale(s). So less than a stone overweight and doing regular 20ks is still good. PMA
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