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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I count that as a moral victory for Perth. We showed some small glimpses that we can be ok but mostly were second to everything , looked clueless and kept getting outfought. We got bailed out by a couple of soft VAR interventions and the Johnnies passing and shooting ineptitude. we’re not getting top six never mind Europe.
  2. Ah right. I don’t face book. I humbly apologise to that Jones guy.
  3. Eamonn Homes having to sell his house to pay a tax avoidance bill cheered me up. Tempered by learning it was only one his wee ones, but still.
  4. Imagine keeping a screenshot of texts from 2005 to embarrass someone with. Obviously the Tory boy was (and presumably still is) a fucking dreg but that's proper arsehole behaviour too.
  5. I saw a Labrador casually pissing on a bush in a garden that it was being walked past this morning. If I’d done that I’d be arrested. If dogs want to live in people’s towns they need to learn to behave properly.
  6. It’s actually both quite sinister and worrying that this p***k is giving an example of the government being criticised as evidence of bias. Worrying that he thinks (or more likely thinks that the electorate will buy) a ten minute sample from a half hour programme as evidence of bias. That programme will be policed by producers with stopwatches to make sure that tories and labour get exactly equal amounts of slagging. It’s worrying because he seems to be suggesting that there should be no biased content, rather than no bias overall. It’s also sinister that this looks like a proper part of the Tory strategy to try to influence coverage in the run up to an election (possibly the run up to launching another crusade against the saracens?). Any criticism is bias now.
  7. bachelors phone up their friends for a drink while the married ones turn on a chat show And they'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
  8. I thought my blowtorch was adequate , but it’s only about five inches. Good deal more girth to mines though.
  9. Cut the toaster in half and use one side as a lid
  10. I inadvertently started 20 pages on dishwashing techniques on this thread before so I’m bailing before it all goes mumsnet
  11. I’m not holding myself out as some sort of expert here, very much an enthusiastic amateur at basic level, but they looked like they’d been in a bin bag so i thought I’d make them flatter.
  12. I often get moaned at for not doing enough of specific bits of housework; ironing being one. Came out of the shower and the jeans I wanted were unironed so I turned on the iron and ironed about a half dozen kids blouses off the clothes horse and a couple of jumpers while I had the board out. Wife comes in and snarls “I ironed earlier in the week!”, slams door, stomps downstairs. I’ll know better next time. No more ironing for me!
  13. I hope you don't give them more. No idea what it means for your attendance and finances, but annoying Celtic fans is always a good thing.
  14. They're entitled to 20% of capacity.
  15. Aye, but no doubt you can think of reasons to back up your view. Or at least, if you knew you were about to go on Telly to say that you'd probably take at least a minute or two to find some research or an example or two of said bias. I'm not sure privatisation cures bias, but BBC bias or not wasn't really the point: clueless ineptitude was.
  16. I think they’ve expected Sky and Kay Burley to be right alongside them for a bit of beeb bashing. It’ll probably play well on GB “news”.
  17. Lift abandoned after about half an hour. Kevin Hart is the leader of a mission impossible style team that does art heists that blah de blah de fucking blah. Utter crap. 1/10 -point gained for some nice shots of Venice. The Creator Action with sci fi lite themes. Looked good. Good performances by the leads and Chris Finch. Silly plot. with one of the least surprising twists I’ve seen. The AI theme was wasted but the whole “what does it mean to be human” bit that goes with an AI film wasn’t as heavy handed as it often is. The level and quality of visual spectacle made this feel a bit like a nineties manga. 6/10
  18. What albums are you looking forward to, enjoying or disappointed or pleasantly surprised by in 2024? I’ll kick things off with Bruiser Wolf’s My Story got Stories. Almost three years since his debut album, and he’s developed his very original alt hip hop style with bigger, cleaner production. Lyrics are a little gangsta for my palate but on the side of “matter of fact” rather than “ooh I’m hard”. More guests on this one, more variety, but less individuality. Will take a few listens.
  19. Fucking gogs Surely that’s how it’s spelled phonetically, unless you’re really stupid. Maybe “mo ruh tah nee ah” I suppose. Exhibit A
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