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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. That would be a terrible move for him, he'd do well in Italy.
  2. From the Senedd, best non apology EVER "Of course, I regret the way that the last three months have been covered and reported, and I regret the impact of the choice I made within all of the rules at the time, and I would not want either myself or any of my colleagues to have had to go through that again. "I recognise that there has been real damage caused to a range of people in this place."
  3. I send "hi" because on normal email programs the return key starts a new line and doesn't just send the first one. I will generally send the rest of the message though, but it might be a minute or two.
  4. It’s not difficult to reconcile increased support for the far right with people generally being more left wing. Centrist is a dirty word among the young. To a middle aged thought leader like myself, it’s just a cop out, not a sustainable ideology, ineffective and conducive to neoliberal economics in a sort of unwitting accomplice sort of way. To the yoot*, Centrism evokes a similar reaction to whatTory does in my generation. A sort of visceral disgust. Instead of having 5% each far right and far left, with the moderate left and right splitting the remaining 90% with a couple of % variation, we’ve a negligible hard left now and the right split 50/50 between reactionary fuckwits and traditional Tory types. Increased inequality obviously plays a massive part but so does increasingly polarised discourse and culture war BS. Given my experience of trade union membership trends over time, i question the right of a lot of these younger types to claim the left. Resharing twitter posts that embarrass right wing dickheads is not the same as taking collective action to improve material conditions. Of course any attempt to generalise based on birth dates being in an arbitrary range is bone headed. Some millennials might be actual socialists. *we’ll go with 45 and under here.
  5. I'd like to see Dave modelling this outside his ranch
  6. I think the idea that the current generation of Gaza's children will grow up is wildly optimistic.
  7. Nope. I did talk to some folk, honest.
  8. I don't think i ever heard that and i was at Aberdeen Uni for four years.
  9. Celtic beat us six times that season, including in two cup finals and a last minute winner in the Scottish cup. Had we won those games we'd have had a cup double and been six points behind them in the league. Personally, i think that our team that season lacked quality at centre back. But it's not crazy to suggest that Celtic being exceptional stopped us winning trophies. If we'd come up against a poor Celtic team we could have won stuff. Far worse teams have won cup doubles.
  10. Aldi replacing normal functional shopping baskets with those massive plastic pull along things that can’t be easily carried and, if pulled, bang off my heel every other step. They also have the advantage of being a lethal trip hazard while being wielded inattentively while Wayne and Waynetta try to decide between low quality pasties.
  11. We didn’t colonise half the planet with that attitude. These seaweed munchers need to be civilised.
  12. I’m not a tourist. I live there. They need to be more hospitable. At least they haven’t burned my house yet I suppose.
  13. I had an argument with the guy in the chip shop in my first week in Cardiff when he failed to comprehend the standard terminology. He asked why I didn’t just ask for Fish and Chips, like I was the stupid c**t. I don’t ask the kebab shop for meat and bread. Imbecile.
  14. I saw it reported in the mail. Don't worry, i consider it reconnaissance behind enemy lines and not reading the news.
  15. Apparently he could take us to streets in Oldham where nobody speaks English. Because of Muslims you see. Blatantly made up shite + stirring the anti muslim pot again. He's a dreg.
  16. Sad. Condolences etc. Get him on “taxidermy looks easy”
  17. Mutant airborne Ebola, spread by panicking fans returning home, could wipe out 3/4 of the continent's population.
  18. It would be decent if some of our clubs' representatives could go public with how they've voted and why. We're just going to fill any void with the assumption that it's self serving protectionism.
  19. Falkirk put down a grass pitch then the premiership introduces a four stand minimum requirement.
  20. Was watching Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times last night. Didn't make it all the way through because i was knackered and fell asleep. But i've a question for the film buffs on here. It kept coming up with dialogue boards as you'd expect for a silent film. But there was a narration and when his boss was speaking, it looked like a recorded and synchronised track. Was this some sort of a hybrid silent/ talkie? Or is this just how this version is shown on telly?
  21. Stephen Dorff was the main character in The Gate (1987)
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