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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The main qualities i'd be looking for in a CB would be defensive abilities somewhat in advance of blancmange. I don't care ewhere they're from. Maybe British players do develop playing in a more suitable style for the Spl. Mcdonald has been better than Jensen when he's come in, but it's marginal. We've had four Scots starting regularly recently. Which i don't think is unusually low for the league. It was a lazy trollish swipe by Tam, but it got some bites, so fair play.
  2. It's true. Most of our players aren't elite. This really isn't a massive shock. They're also mostly not Scottish. Which is obviously a disgrace. Scottish jobs for Scottish people, rebuild hadrians wall and electrify it etc. We should only hire managers that eat rowies for breakfast and have won the champions league.
  3. “Lady with scarf fingers lanky man”
  4. Lots of butchers just resold vac pack stuff they bought wholesale anyway- maybe with the odd store made sausage thrown in, for appearances sake.
  5. HMRC can get interest details from banks without warrants or anything and i think that banks report all these details automatically, including overseas accounts. Whether HMRC's system picks up the fact that yours is over an allowance is another question.
  6. He did seem to be weirdly frozen out at the start of the season. It's likely that that's made him less responsive to offers made more recently, but he'd already turned down extensions by then, so it can't have been the only reason. On the plus side we've got Shayden 'n' Jayden tied down on longer deals so should be able to maximise our returns there.
  7. It's difficult to know how much blame to put on the club. If he's made up his mind that he's not signing then there's little the club can do to force him.
  8. I think it means we have a far weaker negotiating position but we can still agree a sell on in lieu of cash.
  9. Someone on here was extremely effusive about A Man Called Ove (think it was @Craig fae the Vale but can't find the post) a few pages back. Great recommendation, really enjoyed it. Not often i find a book laugh out loud funny, and even less often are those actually quality novels.
  10. Recently seen a couple of river birds that are supposed to prefer quiet spots in urban sites. Saw a kingfisher in a (large) copse about 50 yards from an active building site. Saw a dipper about 10 yards from the bridge i was on which carries an A road out of brecon town centre. Also a goosander nesting in a park in the town centre, a stones throw from a massive Tesco. As well as those, the cormorant colony in my local park must be over 50 birds easily now. I can only assume that sewage is good for them
  11. He's nine or ten billion years out with the opening fact, if time did indeed start at the big bang.
  12. March was bad for me. Apparently I can’t just have one teensy little egg without going nuts on them. Also had too much cereal and biscuits. Scales in the house say I put on about 8 pounds and am a stone over now. Me and the wife had a go on the electronic coin operated scales at a leisure centre which says I’m four pounds under. Tempted to believe the leisure centre, because I want to. anyway. No more chocolate or biscuits again.
  13. Of the big six players listed, at least three were negligible a decade ago. Private Equity buy and build businesses have consolidated what must be at least 2000 practices between them in that time. It might be that there's something to the efficient markets theory and that oligopolists are exploiting market power to act anti-competitively. There might also be a generation shift between vocational community based vets and their kids who want to cash in the cow fiddling business in boring-on-the-wold to be able to buy a house. Apart from livestock and working animals, this is essentially discretionary luxury spend though. That's why it's been so attractive to investors. It's much easier to squeeze money out of pet owners than out of local councils or the NHS dental budget. Incidentally care homes (councils) and Dentists have also been massively consolidated by private equity. The price you'd get for selling one is lower than a vet for that exact reason. So supply and quality are hit, compared to proper public provision. All of this should provide a pretty good indication of how increasing market access to the NHS will go.
  14. I don't think that's true. Jeremy Clarkson changed his mind, in public at least. What happens on Twitter isn't a great barometer for what normal people in reality are up to.
  15. I only made two minutes. I got pst the "climate reasearchers make it up for grants" guy buy the "one world government" guy was too much. It's unfair to say it was just boomers. One guy looked like he might be in his mid fifties. Here's a review https://skepticalscience.com/climate-the-movie-a-hot-mess-of-cold-myths.html
  16. I’m continually amazed by the number of posters, who I assume to be adults, who eat white bread. At least you’ve outgrown rusks I suppose.
  17. Schools are supposed to be badly run, structurally suspect and to enforce arbitrary pointless rules so that children are prepared for a career in our public services.
  18. The queen is dead Like Morrissey said
  19. I’ve got high hopes for the next story being about these shitheads getting turned around at Dieppe for not having the right paperwork, due to Brexit.
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