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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Lord of the Rings. Was quite excited, as a massive fan of Bad Taste and Brain Dead (less so The Frighteners but still) , to see what Peter Jackson would do with a budget. Was up the front which gave the numerous scenes of those troll things running about an unpleasant stroby quality. Three fucking hours of slow, episodic rambling about elves and dwarves and wizards. Not in a fun way like labyrinth or krull. Finally got out and my mates were all like “wow that was brilliant!”. Then the public was all like “ wow that was brilliant.” I think it was then I decided I hated everyone.
  2. To be fair, Metallica were only intermittently decent to start off with. My point was that Britpop isn’t and wasn’t actually a thing, so whether any of it is good or not is the moot point. But you’ve probably liquidised your brains with all that head banging so are struggling with basic concepts. Never mind.
  3. Oasis weren’t very popular there but they were influential. I remember seeing an interview with Metallica where they said that definitely maybe changed how they approached music. There was a lot of variety in the acts that got collectively called “britpop” by some lazy journalists desperate to be part of a scene. While “toilet” might be a pretty good description of Menswear or Shed Seven, they’d little in common with the Boo Radleys or The Divine Comedy. Even if you also think they’re shite you can surely hear that they’re not the same thing. If we’re lumping stuff in together and judging it by its low points, then “Golden Era Hip Hop” is shite because it’s all Puff Daddy covering Sting and Vanilla Ice and the 2live Crew. we might be talking at cross purposes though because I thought most of grunge was pap and I don’t like metal, never mind the extreme stuff. What postcrete has to do with anything I don’t know.
  4. I haven’t seen anyone on here defend him. There’s not even been much whataboutery.
  5. You are the world’s best fan. Well done, you may rub yourself smugly now.
  6. They were on the last series of Dragons Den. One of the dragons thought they could be the next Oasis. Lol.
  7. Surely it's not an absolute scale and is relative to expectations. She might think you look less obsolete than electronics of the same age because mankind hasn't changed as quickly. For example, i'd consider a cathedral from 1982 as a recent one but a pint of milk the same age as potentially likely to be past its best.
  8. These things come in threes. VAR to get something right?
  9. I disagree. It’s just showing consideration for other people. I’ll often cross a road or speed up so I’m not tailing a woman. That’s probably sexist or something but I’d rather be sexist than get pepper sprayed.
  10. I don’t want to have unrealistic expectations so I’d settle for third next year and the title by 26/27.
  11. On the plus side, we're now officially safe from automatic relegation.
  12. Exactly. The Iranian regime is a byword for religious tolerance.
  13. They reintroduced bins on station platforms down here about ten years ago but they have to be see through. That'll fox em.
  14. Shin Ultraman (2023) Retro B movie giant alien guy fights other giant aliens. Enjoyably silly. Probably about 1/50 of the budget of Hollywood Kaiju but much more fun than recent Godzillas. I did quite enjoy some of the other aliens, but it was all a bit Saturday morning tv plot wise. 4/10
  15. This thread has too many pages to check if this is here already. Also the George Formby cover of subterranean homesick blues that was discovered by Rok TV beats the droney original.
  16. I don't know all the facts here but this very much smells of smear. If the facts, as reported, are correct, she's made a gain on selling a house that she lived in at some point and moved out of over a period from 2010 to 2015 (min 48 months, max 72 months, depending on dates in each year). To get private residence relief the house needs to have been her only or main residence. That needs to be throughout the period of ownership, except for the last 18 months where it's deemed to apply, and you can also have a period of absence of up to three years where you can be deemed resident and can elect between properties for the relief to apply. If she got married and moved out on 31 Dec 2010, so long as she's made the election and not claimed relief on the husband's property, she could entirely legitimately claim relief in full on disposals up to 30 June 2015, without even having set foot in her own/old house. As far as i can see there's no allegation that she's also claimed for another property. Only that she had another residence. Not sure that moving the news agenda onto sensible tax mitigation arrangements is going to be an overall win for the Tories.
  17. I don't know much about this guy but he reminds me of a blogger called Seth from the internet's more long form days. In science terms, i don't know how seth treated the ladies. https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2023/11/20/the-rise-and-fall-of-seth-roberts-and-the-shangri-la-diet/#:~:text=On his blog and elsewhere,stick of butter a day. A US Stick of butter is about half a pack (110g).
  18. Leave the World Behind (2023) Impromptu family holiday goes downhill due to increasingly bad shit happening. Despite having some big set piece CGI moments, it seemed quite televisual and low key. It felt like it was missing a sense of threat or danger (apart from immediate threat from approaching transport) and was telling rather than showing. Some good ideas and memorable bits. Some pointless crap that went nowhere. Too much time spent on fleshing out characters that were uninteresting. I really liked the ending. 5/10
  19. Afternoon tea is taken around three and is a pot of tea with light savoury snacks and cake. high tea around 4.30 to five, usually a lighter meal which can be combined with a later supper to substitute for the more urbane dinner, taken around 6.30 to 7.30. (“Dinner” is often used as a synonym for lunch. This used to be the preserve of the lower orders but standards have dropped and it’s entered common usage in polite society.) I feel like elevenses and brunch have been sadly underrepresented in this pointless debate.
  20. Dentists making £400k profit is probably worth £2.5m, meaning Sugar lowballed him by ~£1m. Gtf was the correct response. Half of £600k cash in the bank for £250k is a good deal for Sugar; covers his downside if the pies don’t make any money. I remember when people didn’t need to pay “Sir Alan” to win
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