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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. You’re right. People’s “generation “ is a great basis to group their views and character on. Like zodiac signs.
  2. How many of those 3m votes would it take to swing an election? Plus all the voters who are about to hit retirement age. Part of the sales pitch for the welfare state was the universality of it. Higher earners do pay more in (although it stops being progressive in contributions after a point) but don't get more out. Overall, despite not being means tested national insurance is a net transfer from high to low earners already. If you want to make it less universal, you risk losing the buy in that most people generally feel, that they also generally have for free healthcare. Imagine using "boomer" as an insult. Minter for you.
  3. Had some wee piece of shite from a car club recently maybe a corsa or something and it kept trying to stop me changing lanes on the motorway. Eventually figured out what was going on and switched it off. That and having a beeping panic attack when parking, but still being at least a foot away from anything. Stupid gadgety c**t of a thing.
  4. Most people think that young people fought in the war but became elderly later if they survived .
  5. Arguably, but there's another seven or eight teams with bottom six squads at the moment. Not panicking until about half nine on Monday.
  6. Dusty, PJ Harvey, Little Simz, Sampa the Great, Rachel Sermani all regular listens for me. Maria Mckee has done some of my favourite songs ever (life is sweet/afterlife) but also does occasional power ballads and c&w- strange one. Bjork also has some stone cold classics to her name but a lot of aimless screeching too.
  7. Can't see Clarkson being out for a relatively short spell changing the plans much. McGrath is better centrally than out wide, and it gives Vinnie, Pape, Morris and Duncan better opportunity to stake a claim. Long term, i'd rather he had a good look at the squad in proper games and spent where we really need to. Hoilett would have been a good option but we look like we've got actual tactics for getting through and round defences so shouldn't need to rely on one player for that.
  8. I refuse to integrate with my host nation. They speak funny and have shit food. I haven’t stabbed anyone. Not for 30 odd years anyway and even then it was only with a fork.
  9. Herring gulls and common gulls are what's known as a ring species. Threadworms are also a ring species, but in a very different way.
  10. The man who works at the park told me that the gulls take ducklings , goslings and assorted other waterfowl chicks high into the air and drop them on the path. Competition for food see.
  11. Hero https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-kills-seagull-after-stole-12950988.amp
  12. Oh, and they've put out proposals for VAT on private school fees and removing rate relief as well as something on carried interest. Small but significant measures and undeniably left of centre. Maybe not left enough to shift the average...
  13. I don't think this is true. I think it's sometimes true at the margins. If we're talking about something targeted like the heating allowance or child benefit then that's probably more true, because of economies of scale. I think there are some benefits where there's a moral argument against means testing, like free healthcare. But if housing benefit, for example, was available to everyone you'd be able to count on your fingers the number of people who declined it.
  14. I don't think Craigan would have remembered the system for fixing the draw. He was struggling with alternating pots for the home team.
  15. Big fan of the record's new moron clickbait tactic "[insert mediocre OF jobber's name] sold for £30m: Brazilian International and Real Madrid youngsters sign up-Rantic's dream window"
  16. The Grid were a much hyped indieish techno outfit until they put out a novelty banjo record that killed them off. Apparently still kicking about.
  17. Too far. The chancers chancers. Talentless poser hanger on twats.
  18. We finished 10th in 2021 and 3rd the next season.
  19. Some maybe expect us to. But they’re definitely the benchmark of where we want to be. Not unreasonable given our playing budget and the nature of the league. I’ve put us fifth behind Kilmarnock in the P&B predictor. Still six weeks of the window
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