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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Some. 3rd. Big increase. braaaaaaiiiiiiinns
  2. Yep f**k that. Swindon reform wife is a zombie
  3. Voting, even if it's not for Starmer increases the turnout percentage and gives starmer an argument that he has a stronger mandate than he would otherwise have. He'll use that mandate for pure evil.
  4. Still undecided. One of giant douche or turd sandwich though.
  5. They definitely do this on purpose. If you reverse the order they’ll not reach over bananas and eggs to get to tins and bottles and will just put the bananas through first. This, hygiene, and avoiding small talk is why self scan is the only viable option.
  6. They don’t look dead and if they are they shouldn’t be claiming a pension send them back to Romania brexit means Brexit
  7. Presidents have immunity. Americans love a gun. Can't Biden just officially fatally shoot the Donald in the face at their next debate? Obviously there are questions about his ability to point a gun the right way etc, but the strategists need to think outside the box here.
  8. Ronaldo to miss decisive pen in shootout please
  9. I see Anjem Choudary has grassed up Kevin Keegan for being in Isis. Always knew that c**t was dodgy.
  10. Might be digging out a vote for the malnourished aromatherapists myself. Was going to go for Plaid but they've decided to stand a youth in my constituency. So it's vegans or some fringe commies.
  11. I think Labour can take credit for the non dom thing, even though the Tories put it through. They only did that to steal it from Labour. Expecting changes to capital gains tax, particularly on private equity manager carried interest. Not a massive fund raiser, but a significant step towards some limited fairness. Limited re-introduction of employment protection. Scope and extent tbc. The hollowed out husk of an aspiration for an environmental industrial / energy policy. I agree with @Jedi2 that it's better than the Tories. It's thin gruel though. Not nearly enough to make it worth ignoring the toxic xenophobia and small state neoliberalism.
  12. I did the table service for a charity auction at Prestonfield House one time, and while clearing glasses at the end of the night there was a young lady in tears with a signed, framed rugby shirt crying about how she couldn't afford to go on holiday that year now. Ha ha ha. Still, was all for charity. They probably raised almost as much as they spent on hats and wine.
  13. Willing to bet that Toksvig and Osman's approval ratings on here are single figures. Totally agree about Bromptons though. Proper socialists use Raleigh folding bikes.
  14. Are you advocating festive executions? (a festocution if you will) Would beat the monarch doing a speech. Could be a reality format with charity phone lines.
  15. Can’t they just work him with animatronics like we did with the Queen? I know American’s can do this because of Michael Buffer.
  16. Why does the level of debt mean the government "has to lever in private finances"? Any private investment will require a return which is a public cost. The cheapest return for the government to pay out is on debt. Any other investment comes with the illusion of the private sector bearing risk, which they want paid for. They never bear that risk though. It's underwritten by the government, often tacitly. Also, investment buys assets. If the government has assets it either spends less renting them (eg hospitals, schools) or gets income from them (housing, utilities) Just because some gobshites on the telly say that government debt has to come down, doesn't make it so. "spooking the bond markets" and "maxing the credit card" type bollocks is just bollocks and bears no relation to reality.
  17. Not an exclusively Scottish phenomenon it seems
  18. Steven Spielberg called his aliens "skitters" for a tv programme. I found it funny.
  19. It would be difficult to forfeit some games but not others. The only option is to forfeit all their games. Domestic and European. They'll probably make it out the championship on the second attempt again.
  20. Apparently it would be terrible if workers had the same rights as the ghastly frogs. French per capita gdp adjusted for ppp is $61k, ours is $58k. Thats about the best economic proxy for material living standards. And they work fewer hours. And retire earlier. I'm terrified by this prospect myself. Maybe i'm just not patriotic enough.
  21. They've almost completely destroyed public services, cut huge holes in the welfare safety net and made a lot of rich people richer. There's also been a huge increase in xenophobia and we've ditched that big post war European peace project in favour of talking about national service and a "war footing". They'll be disappointed that the massive expansion in foodbanks hasn't quite acheived a return of the workhouse. For your average Tory, Victorian society was Britain's zenith and we're closer to that now than at any point in my lifetime. Misssion accomplished
  22. Yes. It's not my fault that the concept is outdated and irrelevant.
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