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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. "wrong" meaning "tactically naive, but what we'd all like to say" .
  2. They’re elephant children. Dr Elephant is bigger. Although he is the same size as Miss Hamster and Madame Gazelle so it doesn’t help much.
  3. On the subject of remembering blokes being nailed to posts, this easter bunny shit gets on my nerves. We never had an easter bunny, so i don't know the story behind it. I guess it's some country's pagan symbol of spring, but f**k knows what the connection is with the chocolate eggs. Egg shape on the other hand is the optimum shape for chocolate and well worth the 300% price jacking. I'd like to thank Jesus for inventing chocolate eggs.
  4. Vegans are generally weak. Spam (or any generic luncheon meat) on the nhs is what’s needed. Never did me any harm.
  5. Jensen and Gartenmen don't work in a four. Or in a five. I think they might just be shite.
  6. Napoleon Symphony - Anthony Burgess. Don't know classical music well enough to have "got" this properly, but did get the general gist. It's not exactly a narrative. I've read a couple of Burgess' historical novels before and enjoyed them (not as much as his sci fi though) but this was a different proposition. The opening part (or movement) is relatively straight then it goes a little bit impressionistic for the remainder. Very entertaining. Haven't read much of his in the last 20 years but will be looking to pick up again.
  7. I'm very confused. We have a Tory majority, a monarch, and an established church, but we're living under islamism (Anderson, Braverman) and socialism (truss). Sounds like the Tories are doing a terrible job of protecting our "way of life". Vote Keith
  8. So it's a utensil? Unless you eat with a tablespoon like some sort of budget bfg
  9. Fucking great, now i've started, i know i'm going to have to spend half the morning trying to establish whether a tablespoon even counts as cutlery. In my mind, it's more of a utensil, but apparently the two categories aren't mutually exclusive. This is important.
  10. One thing that VAR and the associated tedious and endless debates have shown conclusively is that a lot of the laws and their application are highly subjective. If experienced former refs are taking opposing views on the same incident despite having had days to consider it and watch replays, it's safe to say that there's not always a definitive right answer. If there isn't a definitive right answer, talking about accuracy is meaningless. It's not just that 100% accuracy can't be achieved, it's that there's no consensus about what it even looks like. Offside is probably an exception, but i am unconvinced that improved accuracy is a significant benefit, let alone worth the confusion caused by late (and inconsistent) flags.
  11. Any full version of a name that's usually shortened, but only if it's insisted on by the owner. "Hi Mike" "it's Michael actually" "go f**k yourself Mike"
  12. He hoped that the Motherwell player's wifes hadn't spent the win bonus money on handbags and shoes at 3- 0 up. I was more concerned with the torturous long winded phrasing of his joke than with the sexist content. And i'm a feminist.
  13. I'd never heard of cavatappi before reading this post. The Wikipedia entry begins "Cavatappi is macaroni..." If you want to eat children's food, spaghetti hoops are better anyway.
  14. There's a lot of middle ground between getting upset at people liking non-football sport and people thinking American football is particularly shite. I often watch boxing, tennis, athletics (plus snooker, "sport" status tbc); watched ski jumping and egg chasing over the last few days. American football is definitely on the shite list, along with golf and test cricket. But apparently Taylor Swift was playing this year so it needs to be in the news, and talked about by bell ends at work, which is irritating.
  15. He's not an alien. He's a mutant human. The poor people on Mars got exposed to radiation that mutated them. He was unfortunate. One lady grew a middle tit. "you make me wish i had three hands"
  16. Penis or Cock would be equally appropriate, but you can ensure full gender neutrality by using "arsehole".
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