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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The Egyptians started with cuboids before adding additional storeys with indents ( presumably because non terraced ones just collapsed) which led to stepped pyramids. There was a bit of trial and error while they figured out how steep the sides could be. There is archaeological evidence for a clear evolutionary progression. At which point did the aliens join in? what do you mean about the pyramids being scaled to the exact dimensions of the earth and the sun? That sounds a bit iffy. Just eyeballing those lines you could have them crossing every landmass if they were centred on any point in an area with corners in the balkans, Chad, Ethiopia and Iraq. I assume you’re not serious.
  2. The book seems more likely to be the work of extraterrestrials
  3. Marti mcfly goes to a rave with his mum and some contrived scrape results in him standing in for the dj. Ends up spinning a slow acoustic cover version of Pump up the Jam as the bemused crowd stops dancing and stares. "guess you're not ready for that yet, huh?"
  4. Hopefully the post wasn't damaged? Nothing a splash of dettol won't fix
  5. This is an oversimplification. A steel prosthesis will add weight while an amputation will reduce it. I recently lost about 2 grammes by having a molar removed.
  6. The evolutionary bit is spot on. We have evolved to be able to put on fat to get through lean times. The modern economy means that lean times are rarer than they were. When the nuclear accident/ superbug/ meteor/ supervolcano Apocalypse comes, i'll have about 2 months more than skinny people and that could make all the difference. So really, fat people are providing a service to the evolution of humanity. That’s why we have evolved to find fat and sugar more delicious than fibre.
  7. They aren't mandatory in Wales. Apart from that Wales is similar to Scotland in the steps taken to come out of lockdown. Should be a reasonable control should anyone be interested in the stats.
  8. Fair point. I was going by where big cities are now and in recent history and not in the stone age.
  9. That makes sense but doesn't explain the fast and furious fanboys that do 60mph and 150 decibels on a 200 yard stretch between traffic lights. They are just fannies
  10. If i was having a busy day at a retail park i'd be wanting something faster acting than Mcdonalds, like hemlock.
  11. If it's someone that you have been friends with you can show how happy you are to see them by adding "cunto"
  12. I agree it was a definite red for going in studs up but can you please stop saying it was over the ball? It clearly wasn't and you are implying a level of malice that simply wasn't there.
  13. I particularly liked the way he fell into the post. Silky skills.
  14. I can see that. I don't think that blooding youths is a particular weakness of his though.
  15. Hernandez was posted missing a few times but Logan would have been too.
  16. We can't all play brilliantly and struggle to seventh in the face of injustice and oppression. We can dream though.
  17. But they’re there because he gave young players a chance.
  18. Hernandez looks an upgrade on Logan. Thought Campbell looked good. We started stringing more than one pass together when he came.
  19. That specific one is clearly nuts. I do think that some archaeologists and historians have historically been too quick to reach conclusions from limited evidence. Or at least they present their working theories in public as if they were conclusions. There was a huge rise in sea levels 12-8,000 years ago and the humanity's most significant settlements have more often than not been on low lying or coastal land. Add the tectonic movements of the eastern med and middle east and there is potentially a lot underwater. With advances in underwater excavation techniques i think we're heading into an exciting era of discovery that will probably push back the origins of what we think of as civilisation by thousands of years. It's a shame that a lot of it will get claimed as evidence of the lost pyramid builders or aliens
  20. That's a good one. With you 100% on that. Total patsy so Gadaffi could get some attention from real leaders.
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