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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. It started on Tuesday when all the football was still on. Magnussen rules.
  2. But the rest of the world's average 80 year olds are as fit as our 40 year olds.
  3. 2.05 to train Cardiff to Paddington, so less than 2 hours from Newport. I know folk that do it a couple of days a week and have met folk that do it dailly.
  4. The Aneurin Bevan board, which has the most cases in Wales, has categically stated that the main reason they have so many is because they tested so many people. They had an early case in a health worker so tested loads of nhs staff. They've also speculated that another reason is the number of commuters to London from there. The holiday home areas have way fewer confirmed cases. I mean, some people might have a holiday home in Monmouthshire but that health board mostly covers newport and the south east valleys (shiteholes).
  5. For shish kebabs you need lamb steak (rump is most affordable) or chicken breast. If you want doner it needs to be a mix of horse and the victims of organised crime, taking care to discard the teeth and mince the bones finely.
  6. Was he not the boy off eastenders who lined his walls with tinfoil and refused to go out? Way ahead of his time
  7. Not sure i can keep up after my exercise break. Is coronavirus midicloriants? Is that what's happened?
  8. I think Jeremiah has a point to an extent. The 10k deaths in Italy so far sound terrifying but are barely a blip on the normal death stats. These are deaths associated with the virus. Ie people who tested positive died. They didn't necessarily die "from" the virus Some of these might not even have had symptoms (probably vey few because of who gets tested). But then people dying "from" coronavirus isn't the only issue. It can exacerbate other causes (no-one ever died from AIDS remember). The main issue seems to be medical capacity though. The 250k death scenario in the uk was also for associated deaths. The guy that did the study said that the annual population mortality rate would be basically unchanged. But that's a very big number and a statistically insignificant movement is tens of thousands. These measures will cause some deaths directly. If they hurt the economy there will be more poor people with all the behavioural and environmental factors that increase their death rate. These measures will kill some people indirectly, although these will be statistical deaths with complex non-obvious clauses. Personally i think what has been done so far is proportionate. But the "at all costs" attitude is short-sighted.
  9. Noble sentiments but sadly misguided. Most folk understand nothing and will be not ever be convinced by statistics. What you need is celebrity endorsement
  10. It's a step up from the update the other night about what jesse eisenberg (c**t) had posted on twitter.
  11. Not at all. I think these measures are totally justified.
  12. Doesn't do much to most kids. Some have been hospitalised. Surely people who are self isolating shouldn't be having social contact at the shops. I'd agree with you if it was normal distancing, but isolation is meant to mean isolation.
  13. It's ok so far. It's great spending more time with the kids. It's shite spending more time with the wife.
  14. Right action, wrong reasons A failure to spend heavily now would cause electoral defeat on a 1997 scale
  15. I have done as instructed and realise that i really need a shave. It is fairly amusing still
  16. Obviously. As you say, these steady eddie types don't trade much and aren't generally responsible for most of the day to day movement in normal times. Most of that comes from hedge funds and merchant banks looking to arbitrage short term movements. The institutional types are probably trading now. Due to fundamentals shifting. If the ontario teachers'pension fund needs liquidity it hurts the economy far less if they sell some shares than if they try calling in debts or selling property portfolios. You suggest that the least bad option for the economy should be made unavailable. I disagree.
  17. Pension funds are highly diversified and will hedge exposures to stock movements with short positions and other asset classes that tend to move out of step with the stock market. While a long term fall in stocks will affect them the impact will be limited. The dailly movements will have little impact on pensions. Retail investors in specific stocks (as opposed to tracker funds) are taking risks with their capital in the hope of a bigger reward than they'd get on deposit interest. Exactly the same as the much maligned air bnb crowd. As all investments are, it is a bet. Sometimes horses fall
  18. The stock market is always about speculation and profiteering. Volatile movements in stocks protect real assets from speculation. You chose to gamble in this way and want to change the rules because your bets have gone bad, it's understandable. However, the doctrine of tough titties must apply in this situation.
  19. It's been quite warm this week. You're absolutely right. I'm back on the coal.
  20. In our daily exercise slot, the youngest has learned to ride her bike without stabilisers. Not my achievement admittedly but I'm quite happy about it.
  21. It will become more apparent that the old and sick are a drain on resources and a program of compulsory state backed euthanasia will be introduced. There may also be negative impacts.
  22. Excellent panic mongering. I assume you have a very reliable source before spreading this? Shrill nonsense. Sure you can always reduce risks further but when it's from negligible to even more negligible what's the point? You are criticising someone who has thought about and mitigated the risks, not "outsmarted the system"
  23. I opened a pack of bacon yesterday by pulling the flap of plastic film in the corner and the whole of the film came off in one piece.
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