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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 2 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

    I was there, around 350 folk all pro indy, about 7-8 speakers including Peter Bell and a former BBC journalist.

    Mainly aout the lack of indy voices on radio shortbead and Reporting Scotland. Running negative stories using pro unionist comentators, taking down pro indy youtue channels, ignoring the dark money story, Brexit impact on Scotland, power grab and why they giving the Scottish office an easy ride. Saying Scottish institutions are shite and not comapring them to England and Wales such as NHS, Police, Education etc. Ignoring positive stories.

    Sounds like a fair few legitimate gripes.

    I don’t live in Scotland or feel particularly strongly about either side in the independence argument. I would usually see bias in their reporting of economics (particularly austerity).  I do recognise the  agenda shifting tactics from that debate that you mention above.

    I hope your efforts weren’t wasted.

  2. 3 hours ago, scoobles said:

    The very definition of shite journalism.



    ABERDEEN Soccer Casuals notorious in the 1980s are making a comeback to put the boot into their mid-life crisis, sources claim.

    Insiders say known hooligans in their forties and fifties are trying to relive their glory days as a way of dealing with the troubles of getting older.

    Ageing thugs from the feared firm leave their ordinary weekday lives behind to scrap once again with rival yobs from Glasgow and Edinburgh — and even wear the same clobber from their heyday.

    A source said: “We’re seeing a lot of the old faces coming back, especially for big games against Rangers, Celtic and Hibs.

    “These are individuals involved in the Aberdeen casuals scene in the 1980s. They have returned to their old ways, but now they are in their late forties and fifties.

    “It seems to be all about trying to replicate their heyday and reliving their youth. They even wear all the same gear they did back then.
    Scotland’s top football cop Bernie Higgins pledges crackdown on hooligans and flares days after fans stabbed before Rangers game

    “So rather than buying a flash sports car or getting themselves a younger girlfriend, they return to their football casual ways.

    “Most of these guys have boring 9-5 jobs, are in stable relationships, some have kids, but they are intent on using football as an excuse for violence and disorder.”

    Aberdeen casuals were joined in 2012 by louts from Tottenham and Dynamo Berlin for an organised battle with Rangers’ Inter City Firm.

    Police sent in mounted officers to separate hundreds of fans after the melee erupted minutes before the Dons took on Gers at Ibrox.

    And recent games including Aberdeen’s Premiership home clash with Hibs in May have seen older men arrested for alleged offences.

    Two men, both aged 59, were nicked at Pittodrie for alleged sectarian offences and were accused of carrying out an assault.

    We told last week how Scotland’s top football cop has pledged a crackdown on hooligans.

    Assistant Chief Constable Bernie Higgins said organised violence and dangerous pyrotechnics pose serious challenges for the game.

    Assistant Chief Constable Bernie Higgins issued a warning

    Assistant Chief Constable Bernie Higgins issued a warning

    He told The Scottish Sun on Sunday: “There are two big threats to football at the moment, mirroring threats across Europe.

    “They are the emergence of pyrotechnics, smoke bombs and pre- arranged violence.”

    The top cop also insisted the scrapping of Holyrood footie bigotry laws does not mean sectarian abuse in grounds will go unpunished.

    His warning came days after two Croat fans were stabbed in clashes ahead of Rangers’ Europa League tie with Osijek at Ibrox.

    But despite the violence, ACC Higgins insisted Scottish football is a safe environment.

    Journo spends afternoon in pub listening to drunken bullshitters instead of researching story.

    Journo has to knock out 1,000 words by 10 pm.

    Journo thinks, "f**k it, why not?"

    back at pub for last orders

  3. 21 hours ago, Torpar said:

    Similar thing happens in my apartment building all the time and annoys me every time. There is a lobby on the ground floor and one of the first floor. The lift comes down to 1 and people get off, then people waiting to go up at 1 get on rather and go down to G instead of waiting on it to come back to 1. Meaning if you are getting off at  G you have to squeeze past these morons to get off or you wait at G to go up, one lift comes down but it's too crowded with people that got on at 1 to get on yourself. Subhuman scum.

    People in my building also have a habit of standing right in front of the doors when a lift comes down and seem shocked that someone might actually want to get off before they get on. 

    this got on my nerves so much i couldn't finish reading what annoyed you.

    block of flats

  4. 3 hours ago, banana said:

    Enjoy them while you can champ, in a few years you'll be a racist/sexist/transphobe/xenophobe/etc. for watching them ;) 

    Not on the list, but i see friends is already beyond the pale for being homophobic. It should be beyond the pale, but for being irritating.

    Blackadder is definitely transphobic. Bob's gender identity issues are exploited for laughs when we should be empathising with his/her pain. 

  5. 11 hours ago, HunterAFC said:

     Similar to the current training arrangements, recruitment seems to be an area we've fallen behind on 

    I was under the impression that our training was more systematic and modern than ever? 

    Agree on recruitment; I'm pining for the days of signing established bottom 6 journeymen with occasional wild punts on the likes of chalali or uchechi.

  6. 7 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

    Pupils interviewed about exam results on live tv in AAAAAs / AAAAAAAs shocker.


    Never a "just scraped an A and a couple of Bs to get me a clearing spot, f***ing delighted man"


    Would you like to watch some poor b*****ds hopes of a future career being dashed instead?

    They obviously pick safe bets to avoid "twa fs and a u, looks like teaching PE for me"


  7. 1 hour ago, RussellAnderson said:

    Today I attended a terrific game at Tannadice, stood with the good men and women of the Pars as they ran out 3-2 victors in a game where the score line really flattered the home side.

    Got me thinking about our situation. When McInnes took over, you'd say Utd were in as good, if not better, a situation as us. Highly rated young manager in McNamara, superb young players breaking through, decent support through the gates each week. Solid base to build off.

    Now since then they've got to a few cup finals, finished as high as 5th, and made a lot of cash from transfer fees.

    They've also been relegated, and are now beginning their third season in the 2nd tier.

    We've finished 3rd, 2nd x3, won a trophy and made a little money off player sales.

    For me it shows just how difficult a job McInnes has had to keep the club where it is, where it belongs. It also shows how well the board have done, to keep players for as long as possible, realising that a cash injection isn't always preferable to retaining a great player. When Utd lost Robertson, Gauld, GMS, Armstrong and Ciftci in quick succession, it ripped the team apart. We've kept our best players when possible, and McInnes has managed that so well.

    Consistency is something that is so rare in football, and it may not be as exciting as raising your level, as he did in his first couple of years, but it's arguably more impressive, more difficult, and worthy of more praise. I'm so excited to go into this season, starting with those arseholes tomorrow. Fuckin INTAE them.

    You've also got to say the strips come into it. The Utd kit is fucking disgusting, I mean orange? f**k off. We look class in red. Red's the boy.

    1 drink lots of water before bed; it will help ward off tbe hangover.

    2 I know what you mean about "where we belong" but it's a privilege to be earned and not a right. we're not OF twats.

    3 agreed, intae them, heid first.

  8. 5 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    From what I’m reading here, this seems to be your own fault. If you had made the decision in line 2 and stuck with it, the whole scenario would have been avoided. 


    then you're into "we always do what you want to do" or complaints about late /cold / salty food which are all ýour fault

  9. 24 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    So im right wing because I want Scotland to leave the UK so that I can vote for a left wing party to run it because I dislike the foisting of far right governments on Scottish people who didnt elect them?
    Furthermore im right wing because I dislike the media giving far right politicians more camera time than left wing ones thus normalising far right politics and demonising the left?
    I’m right wing because I reject the stance of the far right in removing Scotland from the European union (for what appears to be purely for right wing nationalist reasons) and thus becoming isolationist, when I actually want indy Scotland to be more internationalist and rejoin the EU?
    I’m not sure you’ve really thought out this argument?
    Also Pep could you please stop referring to everyone as ‘champ’ its a bit like one of those school sports days, not everyone can win so not everyone is a champ.

    i have thought it through but clearly haven't communicated it well. 

    I am saying that nationalism is a right wing characteristic. It is perfectly possible for a person, party or philosophy to include right wing characteristics while remaining overall left wing. I accept this could be wrong, but it's a legitemately held, considered view.

    This is more by default than for positive reasons, as internationalism is a defining feature of the left. I consider myself an internationalist.

    I would rather the uk with scotland remains in an EU which continues to expand.

    It is also possible for people to be right wing and still not "bad" or "stupid".  I don't intend it as an insult.

    I do think that the inference that everybody who voted for brexit is a xenophobe is wrong. I know plenty intelligent inclusive types that voted leave for a variety of reasons. That's what prompted my initial post, which was admittedly deliberately provocative.

    I think if some (by no means most) of our nats had been born english they would have been into the EDL.

  10. 16 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

    Is Cuban nationalism right wing?

    Yes/no answer please.

    That's a good question.  Is there still such a thing.

    I think this brings out the distinction between independence movements where a country is subject to anothers rule and secession movements. Both scottish independence and brexit are the latter.

    Sorry, no easy answers here.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

    You mean like every other country in the world champ?  The point is self determination.  We want Scotland to be governed by the people who live in Scotland.  Same as Japan and Peru and France and Nigeria.  Not governed by people in another country.  You're a moron.

    Nigeria is one of the worst examples you could give and demonstrates an argument based on a lack of knowledge

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