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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 28 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

    from his agent on twitter,

    Rangers are interested in Martin, I personally talked to Steven Gerrard about this possibility, but he is dealing with financial affairs and Martin has sincerely said that it would be an honour for him to play under Gerrard's leadership for some three years, but now there are complex financial matters that are too far apart to find a compromise, "he said

    complex financial matter:

    being very well paid>possibly not paid

  2. 3 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

    Some Rangers fans saying that surely he should be fired as this is clearly gross misconduct! 

    If a Cowdenbeath player went to a cup final in the Dunfermline end I'd not give a shit. Same with fans of most clubs in Scotland. 

    I remember huge amounts of anger being directed towards Dons players in days gone by (might have been Maguire, probably also Diamond and Paton) for going to Celtic games as fans.

    It was seen as disrespectful and unprofessional.  Plenty folk wanted them disciplined.

    Nobody saw it as a cultural affront or made pathetically insinuated threats though.

  3. 15 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Thats a completely different thing to saying "fans of bigger clubs deserve more success" though, I think/hope you've just put it across wrong in your earlier post.

    my understanding is that fans of bigger clubs might well expect that their club should outperform its smaller competitors, all else being equal.

    The word "deserve" imports a moral dimension that has no place here.

    To my mind, the average montrose or brechin season ticket holder "deserves" to  see their team win the league way more than i do.

    On the other hand, i have a much greater right to expect my team to win the league. We don't deserve f**k all though.


  4. I can't believe that people can put £2 in a puggy for just one shot, never mind more than that.

    I get palpitations watching my kids roll 2ps into the pushers at the seaside, it's such a waste of money.

    why would people want the opportunity to lose money quicker?

    Jobs is a shit excuse as these people can be re-employed doing something more socially beneficial, like selling smack.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sheep62 said:

    No chance whatsoever.

    Entitled to 50% of the amount of contract they offered him plus development costs of around £10k per year for each year he has been there maximum.

    Not a cat in hells chance this equates to anything remotely close to £500k.

    Hamilton showing their true colours here as they were happy enough to let Docherty join THEM for buttons up front and being drip fed in the coming years.

    The "half of the offer" and relationship between development contribution and compensation don't quite work like that.

    to get a payment of either type the previous club has to have made a new contract offer on no worse terms than the expiring contract with other conditions around refusal etc . let's assume accies did that and the debate is about the size of any payment only.

    The development contribution (dc from now) is payable so long as the conditions are met and according to a tarrif. the tarrif is, as you say, 10k for years age 16-23 but 5k from 12-16.

    The clubs don't have to agree this, it is payable.

    Compensation is a different thing and is to be agreed between the clubs. if they can't agree it goes to tribunal. 

    The new club has to make offers and report these to the spfl.  If there is a dispute which goes to tribunal, then 50% of the highest of these offers needs to be paid on account of any decision.if accies offered him a 1m salary and we offer 100k compo, we only pay 50k up front.

    The tribunal takes into account actual costs incurred, including overheads, as well ad factors like alternative offers, 1st team experince etc.

    The dc is a backstop for the compensation.  The dc is reduced by any compensation.

    so lets say the dc is 50k, if a tribunal finds accies spent nothing, had no offers and didn't even have him on the bench and awards 40k compensation, accies get 50k.

    If they take into account nigerian prince costs and barcelona made a 50m offer in january, and award 500k, accies get 500k.


  6. 7 hours ago, d31 said:

    McGeouch and Mulumbu is too good to be true ie never going to happen

    Think Cadden's price would be over the odds.

    McGinn and Reynolds will be in the 18

    I reckon Cadden's stock has fallen a fair bit since the January window and of the three he would be most likely.  we could really use an out and out winger too.

    High hopes that a youngster can break through to regular games again.  A bit concerned that wright dropped out if the picture. 

    Anyone know how Frank Ross' loan went?

  7. 2 hours ago, DrewDon said:

    O'Connor is a strange player. His form at the start of the season - and the one before - was excellent, and he has had some terrific post-split performances, culminating in a near-flawless showing yesterday. Some of his performances between those highs, however, have been so poor. McInnes obviously rates him and is seemingly keen to keep him. If he does stay, I just hope we never, ever see him in midfield again unless literally all other options have been exhausted. In hindsight, perhaps that constant switching of position, and the fact he is obviously not comfortable in midfield and probably knows that he isn't any good at it, didn't help him much. 

    Rogers signing a two-year deal is a strange one. If I was being harsh on him, I'd say it suggests a lack of ambition on his part. Still, at least it means we don't have to go out and recruit a back-up goalkeeper. 

    Of the loan signings, hopefully something can be worked out for Ball to arrive on a permanent deal. Stewart perhaps, but only at the right price. 

    I reckon we'd see Stewart's potential if he stays another year. no idea how good he could still be. Sure Birmingham would do a deal. Depends whether the management have seen enough. 

    Ball won me over, but i don't think there's much better to come from him.  he does bring some balance to a top heavy squad and would be a tidy 2nd choice dm.

    I'd like to see us keep both.

    Chidi on the other hand, was shite.

  8. I can't understand why people are so upset about the running order. It's the content that's the problem. 

    I like to watch the tivo recording on a Monday. The ffwd on i player is shite. This way I can skip the insightful analysis "for me, there's contact","he's hit that too well" etc. 

    There should be championship games on as well. 

    The running order is way down the list of improvements i'd make.

  9. On 06/05/2018 at 18:24, HibeeJibee said:

    I should clarify that it's part of a broader annoyance with the almost total lack of knowledge of - and therefore presumably interest in - the lower reaches from BBC presenters and pundits.

    You wouldn't expect them to have intimate knowledge of the set-up... but if they're getting paid by the national broadcaster they should ensure basic understanding of the key arrangements. For example - it's pretty clear most of them don't understand how the playoff works, or where Cowdenbeath go if they're relegated (this is 5yrs into the pyramid), or where Kelty are even at.

    Sportsound getting tied in knots recently about how could Cowdenbeath play in HL if Cove came up was excruciating.

    my friend wants to know if its ok to not understand how the pyramid works or what the difference is between junior and senior, so long as he's not a journalist.

  10. 4 hours ago, GordonS said:

    Funny, I did exactly the same thing and for the same reason, then came on here to see what was being said lately. I made a graph with Aberdeen's points-per-game going back to 1970, giving 3 points for a win - see below. I used points-per-game to iron out the differences between the lengths of seasons.

    There's no doubt that the past four years have been the best for Aberdeen since the early 90s, and consistently the best since Fergie left. When this season ends it'll be the best five years. It's a different game now and comparisons with that period wouldn't be fair. - put it this way, the last time Aberdeen broke 1.75 points per game, the Scottish League was ranked 10th in Europe and Aberdeen were ranked just above Stuttgart, Gothenburg and Arsenal. The last time Aberdeen hit 2 points per game, which they did last season, was in 1985, when they were ranked 13th in Europe and Dundee Utd were 8th.

    The relative weakness of Rangers doesn't explain how Aberdeen have gathered these points, because they've struggled to beat Rangers anyway! Excuses can be made about Hearts and Hibs, but Hibs have barely troubled to top end of the league in the past 25 years and Hearts have only done so sporadically.

    The past four years for Aberdeen haven't just been the best for them in the past 25 years, they've been the best for ANY team outside the Old Firm since the mid 80s. And even if they lose on Sunday, they'll have 1.84 points-per-game for this season, making it 5 consecutive seasons better than any season since 1993, and they'll have done it despite losing several key players last summer.

    Take a bow, Mr McInnes.


    Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 00.44.35.png

    Top stat and graph skills.

    Any chance of adding vertical lines/ colour coding to mark the tenures of various managers? 

    for comparability, we also need to take into account that a 10 team league meant slightly more harder games and fewer easier ones. Also, from about 1999 to 2010 we were ahead of the curve on pennypinching while less scrupulous clubs were on debt fuelled spending binges. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

    Always a good point bringing up VAT, the oft forgotten (and proportionatly hefty) business cost. Also the 'other stuff that costs money' that never gets factored into any equation takes up plenty of cash but is never given any consideration. I'm sure Ibrox doesn't run itself for free, for example. 

    the business doesn't pay the VAT on sales, the customer does.

    The business just collects it and usually pays it over to the crown.The previous incarnation forgot the last bit.

  12. 29 minutes ago, HaikuHibee said:

    It's still a nonsense. Hibs' irish roots wind up ****, and that's all it does.

    I can agree that i’ve not witnessed it from your lot. That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there.

    I have witnessed plenty from the other end of town.

    I should add that most clubs, including the  famous, have probably had their moments. Usually just trying to offend.

  13. 19 hours ago, Green Day said:

    The two bits in bold mark you out as fuckin clueless about Edinburgh fitba.

    By "Not as bad" you mean not in the same universe, surely?

    And as for the stokes reference, that doesn't even make sense.

    This post marks you out as clueless about the English language. 

    I meant that sectarianism is a problem whether it involves tens of twats or tens of thousands. To say it is ok because the OF are worse is a shite argument. Even if they are much, much worse.

    The Stokes bit was a joke. It may have been a shit joke and unfair on stokes but it makes perfect sense. It works like this . He is someone with a reputation for being massively sectarian. He was at Hibs. Now he is not at hibs. Therefore the levels of sectarianism at hibs have decreased.

     Let me know if you need this again, with shorter words.



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