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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 2 hours ago, tarapoa said:

    So presumably we need to move Shinnie on, as he's been targeted by refs?   Maybe time our manager grows a set, and publicly lambasts these referees - with a comparison video of what Shinnie does to get booked vs Scott Brown.

    The notion that League 2 in England is "miles behind our level" is interesting - I certainly think it's on a par with the bottom half SPL - which is 18 fixtures right away, and the odd cup game - where opponents have strikers from League 2/Conference who put us to the sword.

    As a Plan B striker, Stockley was absolutely fine.    Generally got his head on the ball if the service was right, and despite the poor misses in big games last season, he scored some vital game-changing goals e.g. Ventspils, Dundee, Partick, Kilmarnock.........so made a hell of a lot more of a positive impact than Maynard.  Is Cosgrove someone that can be that option next season?  He seems to have been written off already on the strength of 2 minutes against Celtic.

    Our fans seem to have these things about big target man types, and utterly panning them  - think it was Strachan who said Scottish fans prefer wee guys who run around a lot.


    cosgrove looked ok for his 5 mins on Saturday. He could have a use if we insist on booting the ball as hard as we can.

    We all loved van der ark and mixu. It's the shit target men (zola, T***y wr***t) that get abuse. Surely Church and Stockley were generally regarded as useful?

  2. In my fifth decade.

    Increasingly comfortable in my own skin but starting to slow mentally. Starting to find learning new things harder.

    The neurological aspects of ageing worry me more than the physical. 

    I like my Dennis Healy eyebrows.

    I assume that people find it necessary to trim or shave their body hair because it has outgrown their genitals. Fortunately still have a few inches to spare but I don’t think we should judge the trimmers too harshly.  We should pity their wee maggots.  The shavers on the other hand are deviant perverts and should be shunned.


  3. 6 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


    Despite his 'hard' stance, he really has done nothing (probably can't) to break the dynastys.


    And it rumbles on. Marcos for VP on a 2 year old recount?


    San Mig light is a really easy and enjoyable beer. Super Dry is also nice.


    No idea where the original M&S comment came from.

    I expect that it was a joke about San Miguel meaning St Michael.

    Not as funny as the oligarchy and murderous dictator material admittedly.


  4. 10 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Just me who thinks Ronaldo's goal was just really good?

    Read the reactions before I watched it and was expecting something outrageous. It's just a very good overhead kick for me. Some folk saying it's the best goal ever scored in the CL. I don't think it comes close to Zidane's at Hampden tbh.

    High feet, yellow.

  5. On 02/04/2018 at 18:30, Booker-T said:

    It seems there is no clear clinical evidence that suggests soy protein lowers testosterone levels or creates any estrogen-like feminizing effects in men. Well, that's what the internet said, but I was looking for the thoughts and observations from P&B's thinkers and scholars on the subject of whether reliance on soy protein is detrimental to maintaining manly hormone levels.


    Seems a strange question.

    presumably you have seen something to suggest that it is detrimental and you’re not just asking on the off chance?

    This sounds like a good old fashioned colonial theory about why the orientals often can’t grow a proper beard.

  6. 4 hours ago, ancientnoise said:

    Two stewards posted at Palmerston for a pre-season friendly a few seasons back, and one of those police tapes in the stand to "segregate" the fans.

    Folk just laughing as Killie and QoS fans with identical scarves duked under or back and high-fiving each other.

    Loads of both all laughing in the pub afterwards.

    High fiving is unacceptable behaviour. Scumbags.

  7. On 31/03/2018 at 00:30, The_Kincardine said:

    Hold their knife like a pencil and/or scoop peas with their fork as if it's a spoon.  

    And how should one eat one's peas if one wishes to avoid i advertedly disclosing ones plebian roots?

    balancing 6-8 on a flat face of a fork seems like the sensible thing to do. Should i be mashing them into my celeriac puree and wild garlic espuma?

  8. 15 hours ago, lubo_blaha said:


    Fair enough if fans want to sign up to it, I just think it’s a rip off. Spending £12/18 a month to get a few discounts which encourage you to spend more money. It will probably be a success in terms of money raised but it doesn’t sit right with me. The club know what they can get away with and despite gross mismanagement over the last 25 years at board level there is very little scrutiny from the fans because we’re doing quite well on the pitch just now.

    Yule identified this as a way to garner extra income at the start of the season when raising the point that our ST sales were lower than other sides. For fans based abroad or away from Aberdeen it can be a good way to contribute but it seems like a significant financial commitment for little in return.


    You are right that it is basically a donation.  

    That's the point though.

    The board and shareholders aren't exactly coining it out of project AFC. This is not a comnercial transaction. You are't being asked if you wast to spend money on a Starbucks membership.

    It's not for me and i won't be signing up.


    I don't see why the board should bankroll the club with no prospect of a return, although i'd love it if they would. 

    I don't think ticket price rises for everyone is a great idea.  People who lovd the club will be priced out.

    I don't want to see us go for the bargain basement approach again because it is a false economy.

    We maybe have fewer fans than some clubs but we probably have a higher percentage of wealthy fans.

    Therefore why not get some of them to share the burden if they want to.

    If they don't want to they can still get to games. If they do want to then they still get a bit more than average fan but are net financial contributors.

    on balance AFC are the good guys.


  9. my wife was helping the youngest with her homework.

    The task was to write yes or no beside some statements about a picture.

    The picture was a dragon with a tail.

    statement 3 was "the dragon has no tail".

    The wife refused to believe that "no" could be the correct answer "because, yes, he has a tail".

    She is allowed to vote ffs.

  10. On 20/03/2018 at 17:58, 19QOS19 said:

    My normal complaint: drivers in Dumfries. This time it's more to do with the parking though. Came out the shop and actually saw this clown park next to me, he then squeezed out his own car and after I took the pictures I squeezed into mine.


    I'm not precious about my car, it's hardly an Aston Martin. I just couldn't figure out why he chose to pull up next to mine when there were loads of spaces with room either side. Complete moron.

    The real issue here is atrocious composition.

    no 3 is ok, but 1 and 2 focus on empty tarmac. I originally thought that you were referring to the blue car at the back. 

    I think you got the parking that your photography deserves.

  11. On 17/03/2018 at 12:19, Ludo*1 said:

    =26. Paul Gascoigne. - 35 points.


    Wife beating, English hero. Slotted against Scotland. Played for Rangers. Wind-up merchant. Lad. Many ways to describe this man, but his most famous moment has to be the time when he brought out a pack of beer and his fishing rod in an attempt to have a chat with Raoul Moat whilst he was on a rampage.

    his goal against Scotland was, although gutting, brilliant.

    My main memory of him at rangers (rip) was getting away with three increasingly blatant elbows in one game at pittodrie.


  12. 31 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

    Just not unite with the 500 million people in Europe eh champ, that solidarity ends at Dover and Newry.


    I'm all for a federal united Europe, and for expanding a union beyond Europe. It won't happen in my lifetime unfortunately.

    This position is consistent with wanting regional devolution and an actual application of the principle of subsidiarity.

    I just happen to believe that National identity is a construct of feudal society that has been appropriated by capitalist interests.

  13. This is what they want.  

    Divide and conquer; make it all about tribalism for the plebs while the aristos continue their cosy carve up.

    We should recognise that we have more in common than different and unite.

    Anyhow, the SNP deserve to be treated badly because they represent inadequate xenophobes. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Shandon Par said:

    Oh I know how you can need to crack the whip with kids but there's this strange Edinburgh middle-class culture of not disciplining your kids, baby-talking them constantly and/or letting them run wild without having any recognition that their behaviour may be getting on the wick of others. 

    It's not just Embra.

    I constantly see parents letting their kids be wee shites and not doing a thing.

    I do have sympathy though. I usually keep mine relatively controlled, but if they are determined to be bad i have been known to give up and let them go feral. I may even join in. 

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