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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 22 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


    Couple of decent players in there. Who is McNamee though? I've absolutely no recollection of him.


    most of our teams from late 90s to 2013 had a couple of decent players. The problem was we also usually had 3-4 journeymen and some out and out shite.

    Macnamee was in the journeyman category, as were most of our full backs over that period. I think I remember his name from sugardaddy era Livi? 

  2. it should be done in a big stadium, entertainingly.

    The romans had some good ideas, which we could combine with gladiators or takeshi's castle.

    Wipeout over crocodiles or fighting lions while suspended by a bungee would be quality.

    Ticket proceeds can be used to compensate victims.

    Any offence more serious than disturbing the peace would qualify.

    vote coprolite

  3. Not surprised to hear that actually, some of the refereeing decisions against us this season have inexcusable. There have been a few times that the first thought that has came to my head has been: "right there may actually have been money exchanged here".

    Shameful but that's 21st century Scotland I guess.
    surely the most fouled team has had the most free kicks? Does this not suggest that your play acting and diving is just more effective than most?

    I haven't seen a huge amount of hibs but the worst decision i have seen in any of your games was stokes not even being booked in the opening minutes of the embra derby for his forearm smash. I do completely condone assaulting hearts "players" though.
  4. What a kick in the sacks that is .. was looking forward to seeing him in a team with a natural left back beside him. Changes everything tbh. Need  a centre half with experience to try and help organise our back line big time. Cernys had far too many saves to make this season and there’s a few games he’s looked bad in because of our crazy defending, need a older head at the back to help him out.
    Mark Reynolds isn't getting a game. The rumour starts here.
  5. We seem to have regressed in recent times. What kind of moron needs told it’s poor form to wish to label a black person a monkey? 
    My kid, who is mixed race, chose a picture frame for her mother's day that says "mummy's little monkey" around the picture. she then put a picture of herself in it.

    Was this an act of self loathing? are these frames only suitable for white kids?

    Why can't a black kid be a little monkey like a white kid, you supremacist, patronising fùckers?
  6. Places in the Darkness, Chris Brookmyre. Murder mystery set on a space station with a background of political chicanery, corruption & skulduggery. Thoroughly good read.
    Totally agree. Sci fi seems to allow a bit more of the asides/rants that chatacterised his earlier books. This is a good thing. plus his characters and dialogue keep getting more beleivable.

    fast paced and intelligent is a rare combination.
  7. Eventually git round to watching Saunders v Lemieux, which wad in Montreal.

    She asked if Lemieux was French, because it sounded like that's what his corner were speaking.

    I said I thought he was Canadian.

    her:"why they speaking french then"

    me:"french canadian"

    her:"is canada french?"

    me:"they mostly speak English but Quebec is a majority French speaking province"

    her:"so canada speaks french?"

    me:"and english and probably a few native languages too"

    her:"so you're telling me if i went to the french alps they'd speak Canadian?"

    me:"eh? wha...? ....fucking hell! bwahhahah etc."

  8. I've been doing my family tree, and found out that the uk government destroyed the irish records to cover up how many people died in the famine
    I suspect that this is shite.

    Largely because the uk goverment never showed any concern about the famine at all.

    Much more likely that records were "lost" so that people couldn't claim land inheritances and the land could be redistributed in the most profitable manner.
  9. Watching Jurassic World on ITV. First ad break in they have a trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Spoilers absolutely everywhere. Luckily I've seen Jurassic World before, but my parents hadn't. Couldn't they have waited until after the film?
    on a similar note, during the ad breaks in the walking dead when they trail "the talking dead". I know they're actors in real life but post apocalyptic zombie nonsense requires quite a high level of suspension of disbelief and seeing characters out of character, sitting beside mortal enemies and having a laugh is a stretch.
  10. There was a kids’ ride/arcade game thing in Alloa leisure centre. It had the following enticing price scale:
    1 ride: 20p
    2 rides: 40p
    3 rides: 60p
    4 rides: 80p
    5 rides: £1
    i explained to the wifie in my local co-op that their deal on fruit and nut pouches was stupid because they are 50p each or 2 for £1.20. She explained patiently to me that that meant if i bought 2, the price would be £1.20 for both. I gave up. This country.
  11. Today emphasizes the lack of depth in central midfield.  If Aberdeen continue to play 4-2-3-1, how many of the squad are actually suitable to play in the two more defensive midfield roles? Probably only Shinnie and Tansey, and I personally don't think that Tansey is anywhere good enough. He takes a decent set-piece, but haven't seen anything more from him.
    agree-i take it Ball isn't the answer then? Des can blag it against the less challenging teams.

    I think Maclean has showed more fight in there than Jack ever did, so this isn't a new problem.
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