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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 4 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Oh look, it's a fan of a club who get all excited about winning one league cup every twenty years and a couple of second place finishes, telling us to be ambitious. 

    I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. 

    I am just saying that these are relative good times for your team and you shouldn't take them for granted.

    My team's perrennial underacheivement doesn't change the fact that your lot are natural diddies who have been punching above your weight for a while.


  2. Just now, Moomintroll said:
    2 minutes ago, coprolite said:
    I will visit said thread. I probably would though.

    You wouldnt, for the love of any deity you care to mention, please tell me you wouldnt. Fogbeast doesn't even scratch the voluminous surface.

    till it fell off.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
    1 hour ago, coprolite said:
    I didn't mean to appear all high-falutin' and fussy.
    All tits* are delightful.
    *on a lady

    I would like to draw your attention to recent events in the Horrific Club Photos thread before making such a statement.

    I will visit said thread. I probably would though.

  4. On 12/06/2018 at 19:18, Arch Stanton said:


    On 12/06/2018 at 19:15, GordonS said:

    Surely Aberdeen's greatest contribution to tinpottery was the toaster?



    both much better examples of tin-pottery than failing with a motivational ploy. 

    However, i for one applaud the frugality these stories show.




  5. 14 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

    They signed Sanchez Broto from you lot as well who was a cracking keeper and he ended up 4th choice behind Rab Douglas, Magnus Hedman and David Marshall. 

    Celtic and indeed Rangers love hoarding talent to weaken the rest of the league. They've always done it and always will as long as they hold such a financial superiority. 

    I've heard this many times over the years and don't quite buy it. 

    I think the reason that the cheeks buy up the pick of the rest is because they are very visible to them, they know they can do the SPL and they know other clubs can't compete financially.

    They don't have to pay for scouting or outbid english teams. 

    There might be a benefit of weakening other clubs but the reason they do it is to save money and minimise risk.

    It is still hypocritical to take the lions share of the money then complain about a lack of competition hampering European success.  To give bluecunts some credit, they haven't come out with this much recently. That's progres.


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