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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Not on the list, but i see friends is already beyond the pale for being homophobic. It should be beyond the pale, but for being irritating. Blackadder is definitely transphobic. Bob's gender identity issues are exploited for laughs when we should be empathising with his/her pain.
  2. I was under the impression that our training was more systematic and modern than ever? Agree on recruitment; I'm pining for the days of signing established bottom 6 journeymen with occasional wild punts on the likes of chalali or uchechi.
  3. Would you like to watch some poor b*****ds hopes of a future career being dashed instead? They obviously pick safe bets to avoid "twa fs and a u, looks like teaching PE for me"
  4. An estimate between 2 and 8 weeks is pretty inaccurate to be fair. Muesli.
  5. 1 drink lots of water before bed; it will help ward off tbe hangover. 2 I know what you mean about "where we belong" but it's a privilege to be earned and not a right. we're not OF twats. 3 agreed, intae them, heid first.
  6. then you're into "we always do what you want to do" or complaints about late /cold / salty food which are all ýour fault
  7. An interesting article which neither proves nor disproves either position. Maybe I'm just too thick to understand it though. fin
  8. i have thought it through but clearly haven't communicated it well. I am saying that nationalism is a right wing characteristic. It is perfectly possible for a person, party or philosophy to include right wing characteristics while remaining overall left wing. I accept this could be wrong, but it's a legitemately held, considered view. This is more by default than for positive reasons, as internationalism is a defining feature of the left. I consider myself an internationalist. I would rather the uk with scotland remains in an EU which continues to expand. It is also possible for people to be right wing and still not "bad" or "stupid". I don't intend it as an insult. I do think that the inference that everybody who voted for brexit is a xenophobe is wrong. I know plenty intelligent inclusive types that voted leave for a variety of reasons. That's what prompted my initial post, which was admittedly deliberately provocative. I think if some (by no means most) of our nats had been born english they would have been into the EDL.
  9. Not deflection. The cuban goverment purports to believe in international socialism based on class not nationality.
  10. That's a good question. Is there still such a thing. I think this brings out the distinction between independence movements where a country is subject to anothers rule and secession movements. Both scottish independence and brexit are the latter. Sorry, no easy answers here.
  11. like the people of the uk, yes they do. Don't worry. I won't assume that all nationalists are this dense.
  12. Nigeria is one of the worst examples you could give and demonstrates an argument based on a lack of knowledge
  13. mature political discourse may help you to not be an arsehole.
  14. I agree with all of this by the way. britsh nationalism is clearly worse
  15. as above. i respect your views but it's not reciprocated.
  16. resort to insult. no argument. i'm convinced.
  17. apart from the unit of independence being defined by the nation you mean.
  18. So many thick fuckers in Scotland. Embarrassing Gonna assume this is trolling, rather than the poster being monumentally thick here. You clearly do not understand the difference between ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism. I'm not equating Sturgeon and Farage, let alone Robinson. I can see that some people probably do believe in the whole civic thing. To me though, that sounds like a justification as to why scottish nationalism isn't as bad as others. A huge number of nats just hate the English and I've heard enough chat about white settlers and ethnic abuse that i can't believe that scottish nationalists don't include anyone that harbours these sentiments. At the end of the day, you believe in nationality as the most important factor in government. That's a right wing position. Not saying it's wrong, but you need to be honest with yourselves.
  19. This Robinson sounds a dick. Now, who wants to explain to me why national self determination on the basis of an imagined British national identity is right wing whereas national self determination on the basis of an imagined Scottish national identity is self evidently "right"? Scottish nationalism is still nationalism and therefore right wing.
  20. i think the axis is inverted. negative expenditure is income. simpletons
  21. Tap water. But I’m drinking it out of a highland spring bottle so the public will think I’m a flash yuppie type.
  22. Getting very pished at least once a year should be mandatory. It would allow people to let off steam, blab all their secrets and get other folk telt. The reduction in repression would hugely improve society. Medical exceptions only. Allah approves.
  23. It stands for Scottish Premier League. Which bit of that is chafing your buttocks?
  24. the SPL has only had its name changed to SPFL. I hope you are both fucking furious now.
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