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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. completely disagree. I had zero awareness of the icebucket challenged until their youtube campaign.
  2. A man walked out of the supermarket in front of me yesterday. As he did so, he unwrapped the clingfilm off a pound of cheddar and started biting it off the block. I've never seen anyone do that before.
  3. i made a roast beef and salad baguette for me and the wife. I cut the baguette in half before filling. I wasn't paying attention properly and filled mine upside down. I was faced with a choice that no-one should ever have to make: whether to eat it with the bread or the filling upside down.
  4. It is important to bear in mind that Peter Grant has a single figure IQ. He probably genuinely thinks that a keeper who keeps a clean sheet in the face of one speculative long ranger has had a better game than one who has made 6 top class saves and been let down by a badly organised defence. Anything more difficult than counting goals will confuse him.
  5. Received yesterday- subject line "you wouldn't steal a car" "so please don’t steal my butter… Hate to be this guy, but please know that it is NOT OK to either use, throw away, or just take other people’s food (In this case a tub of Lurpak that I bought and had only used once!). In a building full of adults it shouldn’t be necessary to write my name on things that belong to me. This is not even the first time this has happened. Please be respectful of other peoples things. Rant over."
  6. I reckon someone probably has done similar to the usual suspects in the distant past. These are the spineless line-toers who didn't object and did what they were told to.
  7. i assure you there is nothing interesting about this debate. I never identified a time, merely the current situation. "not caring" was clearly context dependent. As a Scottish nationalist, what effect do you think brexit will have on the arguments for scottish independence? Trade barriers weren't an issue last time and Scotland will have no claim to membership of the EU. I ask as someone who was narrowly against independence last time, and is a definite supporter of EU membership.
  8. There is more to government than parliament. in 1707 the monarchy was more important. there was also the kirk and courts as well as multiple local idiosyncrasies. The scottish monarchy, as i'm sure you know, became the british monarchy. So the UK government is by your logic an extension of the Scottish goverment. Often, things change over time. The catholic church has a pretty direct lineage back to the roman empire and is in many ways a continuation. It is not the Roman empire. 1707 was a long time ago and times have changed. I don't care what most english folk think. They think tories and brexit are good ideas.
  9. No. No it's not. It doesn't. Vote for local governments, MEPs or the Uk government. Ermm.... is it batman?
  10. Uses categories that have been defined by some publicity seeking "social commentator" or by twitter. eg: millenial, generation x, baby-boomer, gammon, centrist dad, hipster. There are only two valid categories: good guys and wanks.
  11. England doesn't have a goverment. Scotland doesn't have a national voice. This is the sort of disjointed ranting I would expect from a raging brexit fan.
  12. i appear to have forgotten the minute's silence. I was having a very satisfactory shite instead. It wasn't a disrespectful shite though.
  13. combination of chilly weather and a fresh shirt has caused my nipple to chafe.
  14. Yes, a basket case. The decision was clearly wrong and a dignified and sober statement would be justified. Jabba had other ideas...
  15. Agreed, but they do that anyway. A team that has a marginally better manager than the team above them will be less likely to overtake, all else being equal.
  16. The TV deal is about the money that all the teams get. The difference between teams will increase. Even if you finish top of the division next year, the teams in the premier will have had twice as much money from the deal as you. if you don't finish top, then premier teams and higher placed teams will get more money for longer. You might also notice fewer home games and more away ones get covered when you are one of the bigger clubs in your division. It should be obvious that more money is better for scottish football as a whole. It seems obvious to me that the benefits of more money would be increased for all if the additional money was split progressively. What isn't immediately obvious, and is the point that I'm trying to make above, is that an increase in money for all clubs will tend to reduce the chances of any given club improving. Inequality will increase. Mobility will decrease. Only thinking about the sum, and not the structure, is dense.
  17. Sevconians must shift way more branded tat than us; i wonder why they make less?
  18. I don't think the government have done much more than usual recently to encourage this shit. The tabloids + idiots having the ability to broadcast their views on social media are far more significant. The government has always encouraged jingoism and military fetishes. Profit fuelled warfare would be an improvement on the incoherent mess that our foreign policy currently is.
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