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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. i haven't watched since episode 4, when it became apparent that it wasn't going to get any less tedious.
  2. second? stick this defeatist nonsense right up your hole.
  3. 16.67% of the gate has to be split with the VATman first. I guess this also applies to prize money.
  4. Don't try and reason with her, it wastes oxygen. Tell her all the celebtities put their seatbelts on straight away. job done.
  5. we won't be having any parties with nibbles over the hols. This won't stop the wife filling the freezer with overpriced little snacks. Yet again, come February, the kids will be rightfully complaining about having stuffed potato skins with mozarella sticks for tea instead of actual food.
  6. myself and the wife got tailed by security, very, very, deliberately, conspicuously, through Harvey Nicholls in Embra. It must have been obvious we couldn't afford anything in there. he never poked us though
  7. They could be if they turned the heating down. The staff in high street shops are a pain in the hoop as well. "can i help you there sir?" who needs help looking at stuff on shelves and carrying the chosen tat to a till? You don't get that shite in home bargains.
  8. The temperature in shops. It is December, so i'm wearing a coat, as is every other person. No need for the thermonuclear blast No wonder the high street is dying.
  9. I think you'll find that this is exactly what the dandies are up to.
  10. Disgrace. he shouldn't be allowed back until 2020
  11. mine does this too, with added panic to worsen the situation. "whats wrong whats wrong oh my god she's bleeding oh no her lip it looks terrible do something oh god she's bleeding don't just stand there etc...." i usually find a door, and close it between us. The anti-hysteria slap is massively tempting though.
  12. I'm surprised at the number of anal retentive tidy freaks on here. In my house me and the kids make the mess and the wife goes on and on about it, at excessive length. I assumed everyone else's house wokld be the same. I read a couple of those posts and thought "calm the f**k down you nagging neurotic" much as i do when my wife starts with "do shoes stay there?" anyway... She does insist on using the smallest possible thing in the kitchen, "to save on washing up" . I have seen her use a 4" by 6" chopping board with an 8" knife to chop an aubergine that overlaps both ends of she board. She'll also pile oven chips 3 deep on the smallest tray and be amazed that some of them still aren't cooked after 30 mins. The smallest saucepan will get used for spaghetti, which will inevitably stick together. She does show admirable unwillingness to learn from experience.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46393501 this has to be made up
  14. The black parade is a good song. Worst mistake I ever made was buying The Bravery album after hearing An honest mistake, listened to it once and binned it. I am unfamiliar with their work but the name alone suggests it's going to be shitforcunts.
  15. just had Teenagers by My Chemical Romance on a playlist. Don't know if they are shit for sure but haven't heard anything else I liked. It's usually a cover that suckers me in; i mind candy flip, soup dragons and the black crowes all got an album purchase off me with that one. I liked a coldplay song last year. shoot me, please.
  16. i remember doing rock paper scissors as a kid, for first go on a game or a sweetie or something. If I won I always resisted best out of three. If i lost it was always meant to be best out of three and it was cheating not to. Rees mogg looks like he'd go for scissors every time. Vote rock.
  17. i agree. I'm just trying to point out that thr question if whether the police/ social services are too politically correct is a different question from whether muslims are inherently beasts.
  18. Interesting contributions. There were specific allegations in Rotheram that complaints weren't investigated because of a fear of offending. This is a different point from the question of whether there is a cultural issue behind the offending in the first place. The right try to conflate the two ("they won't investigate the muslim grooming problem"); don't fall into the trap.
  19. Neither would I but there is no way of knowing from the accounts. This is from the intangible asset note. Capital spending, not wages. It looks like we are spending a lot more than i thought Forgot that Devlin would be in there too.
  20. I think this says that we spent about 1.3m on player registrations from July to June. This won't include the tribunal for fergusson. May was rumoured £400k, GMS at about £250k and Cosgrove at £50k. By my calculations Arneson, Tansey and Maynard averaging over £200k each. poor value in my opinion.
  21. ok. the laws that implement those policies. Would you like a statutory reference? because to be honest, I'm not going to find them.
  22. Why do you need an unelected body to propose laws at all? Why not just have parliament and the council? not that it matters for us now.
  23. A partial defence; they don't represent those countries. They represent the EU itself. That biases the whole arrangement towards ever closer union which has a big fear for many and has not been voted on in this country. I don't consider political appointees in the lords democratic. IIRC Mandleson got voted out at an election before his mate gave him the job. Oh and i forgot, the b*****ds made us put meat in the great british banger. Remember 80% rusk sausages, lovely.
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