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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. not mutually exclusive. big fat tits are delightful
  2. both much better examples of tin-pottery than failing with a motivational ploy. However, i for one applaud the frugality these stories show.
  3. It was fun for a while, but you have let us down with Storey and Tansey
  4. I've heard this many times over the years and don't quite buy it. I think the reason that the cheeks buy up the pick of the rest is because they are very visible to them, they know they can do the SPL and they know other clubs can't compete financially. They don't have to pay for scouting or outbid english teams. There might be a benefit of weakening other clubs but the reason they do it is to save money and minimise risk. It is still hypocritical to take the lions share of the money then complain about a lack of competition hampering European success. To give bluecunts some credit, they haven't come out with this much recently. That's progres.
  5. I don't get it. Is it because it was in front of the stand you forgot to order seats for?
  6. ha ha; if you think santa's not real, you won't get any presents you idiot.
  7. bread that is marketed as "toastie" and is supposedly "ideal for toasting" but requires you to have a toaster that is 10 inches deep to actually toast a complete slice.
  8. i hated that bar but made a special effort to go in for a single fish. They were showing a video called "Super Ally" or some such. Satisfying, but not Hately.
  9. we have collectively decided that scoring goals is not what we want in a striker.
  10. dogs are horrible animals and should be banned from public spaces.
  11. 52/100 of the UK disagree with you. The arseholes,
  12. I'm only concerned for your emotional and psychological wellbeing. even though that ship may have sailed.
  13. High levels of patriotism are strongly correlated with low IQ and with low income.
  14. Don’t believe the hype. You won’t challenge for the league this year. Accept it and move on. You will be happier. I’m not sure that Barker is the standard required to challenge for second, but the other two are.
  15. Compare the “story” to the actual quotes. report: will seek talks with Rangers basis: “i’ll Speak to all the teams” https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44383920 The beeb is officially tabloid.
  16. if the other side in a negotiation don't think your first offer is ridiculous, you fucked it up. The trick is to not make it too ridiculous. Any offer will act as an anchor to some degree, but a credible one will be more likely to sway an arbiter. I think that the plastic pitched hoofballists have overcooked this but then again i don't know shit.
  17. Actual goings on at Ibrox= comedy gold Attempts to spoof goings on at ibrox=tragedy
  18. And down to c***s like Dundee signing mediocre players from them.
  19. Your wife is entirely correct. This is my preference. I've tried being all nonchalant and cool and leaving it on 23 (or 37, whatever) but it makes my brain itch until i rectify it.
  20. There should be more speed cameras on our roads and they shouldn't be made so obvious.
  21. hahaha haha! hahaha! what a laugh! i just peed my pants.
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