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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Ball is not capable of playing right back, even arguably. pretty sure our squad is about the same size as Killie's and Hibs's. weakest is subjective but we've matched 2 of the top 5 so far.
  2. No seat reservations on this morning's train but it's not an issue because there are 3 people in an 80 seater carriage. Neither of these facts stopped a tory bat from coming up to me and announcing "that's 76a, I've booked that". c**t
  3. Idle speculation or inside info? We have few surplus to requirements (Tansey and erm...) or maybe a youngster out on loan?
  4. Hearts's turn to tell them to do one. don't let the side down now.
  5. Recently finished Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy. Some pretty funny bits and some horrific bits. Gritty and naturalistic. Great characters but assumes too much understanding of very different social norms to be easily appreciated today. Interesting insight into victorian rural pleb life. Enjoyed about 2/3 of it.
  6. Better brace ourselves for a bid of 150k, increasing in 10k increments. Celtic don’t f**k about when they have a target.
  7. i reckon we've fielded starting 11s on less than that this year. I'd be surprised if your lot had fielded whole teams on much more than that, ever.
  8. reportedly on £30k a week. Does that mean he should be really good or do EPL clubs pay all their reserves like that? or should i just not believe reported wages?
  9. Fair point. if we'd signed Kamberi and mclaren we'd still be hearing about our declining squad. I think the wee clubs have lower expectations.
  10. make your own doughnut and replace the sugar with baking soda. That'll learn em.
  11. the criminal underclass apparently call all carbonated drinks "ginger".
  12. good point. Probably just turned on a dictation app and submitted the results.
  13. you'll never cure a hangover with doughnuts. the seagulls were saving you from your own stupidity.
  14. Sounds like a fair few legitimate gripes. I don’t live in Scotland or feel particularly strongly about either side in the independence argument. I would usually see bias in their reporting of economics (particularly austerity). I do recognise the agenda shifting tactics from that debate that you mention above. I hope your efforts weren’t wasted.
  15. Aye. Everyone thinks the bbc are against them, so it could have been anyone. I reckon it was the rangers.
  16. i hear there was a protest against bbc bias in glasgow today. Anybody go? Anybody know which side was protesting?
  17. Journo spends afternoon in pub listening to drunken bullshitters instead of researching story. Journo has to knock out 1,000 words by 10 pm. Journo thinks, "f**k it, why not?" back at pub for last orders
  18. this got on my nerves so much i couldn't finish reading what annoyed you. block of flats
  19. There's something fishy about that story.
  20. I have suggested to some of the youngsters in my work that they should check out some Macc Lads songs. It will not end well.
  21. Not on the list, but i see friends is already beyond the pale for being homophobic. It should be beyond the pale, but for being irritating. Blackadder is definitely transphobic. Bob's gender identity issues are exploited for laughs when we should be empathising with his/her pain.
  22. I was under the impression that our training was more systematic and modern than ever? Agree on recruitment; I'm pining for the days of signing established bottom 6 journeymen with occasional wild punts on the likes of chalali or uchechi.
  23. Would you like to watch some poor b*****ds hopes of a future career being dashed instead? They obviously pick safe bets to avoid "twa fs and a u, looks like teaching PE for me"
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