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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. the SPL has only had its name changed to SPFL. I hope you are both fucking furious now.
  2. based on watching the extended highlights vs dunfermline (which may not be representative, granted) , you are right in the relegation scrap and McCann doesn't know what he's doing.
  3. maybe the owners were trying to kill the malodorous beasts as a service to pavement users everywhere?
  4. dembele, morelos and 50 cosgroves. best strikeforce in the spl.
  5. What else are politicians going to ask their trained killers to do?
  6. a colleague got 4 weeks off for a back op, starting 1 week into the world cup. I have almost four years to work on prolapsing a disc.
  7. This year's has been livened up a bit by plod gassing the riders. I'd watch if this sort of thing was a regular feature, like having a IED stage.
  8. I thought we were only allowed one? the reports for Hoban say he’s going straight into the squad, but I haven’t seen that in a Cerny report, so I assume if Lewis gets injured an outfielder goes in? That never happens though, not in important games.
  9. As this is the unpopular opinions thread, I wonder if any posters have any ideas for dealing with overpopulation?
  10. There has always been shite journalism. I think that nowadays there is just more journalism, but the amount of quality reporting hasn't increased.
  11. this means they have put out a video announcing a player and the video is terrible, right? Because i first read it that they'd made a video of a (p&b style) "worst ever player" contest. The competition would be fierce.
  12. You clearly have complex psychological issues involving knee jerk homophobic instincts which conflict with your self-image as liberal dude and your insatiable desire for your neighbours big veiny cock.
  13. I don't agree on the tourney bit. You might have a point on the fuddism.
  14. to summarise: change is bad because having to work hard to earn glory is bad. Having to travel outside scotland is bad. I put it to you that these format innovations are not in fact tin-pot. You are tin-pot.
  15. This is evidence of lunacy in English football and not tin pottery in Scottish.
  16. We would need to play someone less good to get a Sigma olomuc type hiding. The upcoming one is expected.
  17. same guy who was meant to order the seats last year.
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