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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. your reasonsble response made my friend feel guilty about not caring so he looked it up and apart from not knowing exactly where 56. 2458 degrees is, understands the salient points. after 25 minutes. for no remuneration.
  2. my friend wants to know if its ok to not understand how the pyramid works or what the difference is between junior and senior, so long as he's not a journalist.
  3. Top stat and graph skills. Any chance of adding vertical lines/ colour coding to mark the tenures of various managers? for comparability, we also need to take into account that a 10 team league meant slightly more harder games and fewer easier ones. Also, from about 1999 to 2010 we were ahead of the curve on pennypinching while less scrupulous clubs were on debt fuelled spending binges.
  4. the business doesn't pay the VAT on sales, the customer does. The business just collects it and usually pays it over to the crown.The previous incarnation forgot the last bit.
  5. I can agree that i’ve not witnessed it from your lot. That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there. I have witnessed plenty from the other end of town. I should add that most clubs, including the famous, have probably had their moments. Usually just trying to offend.
  6. This post marks you out as clueless about the English language. I meant that sectarianism is a problem whether it involves tens of twats or tens of thousands. To say it is ok because the OF are worse is a shite argument. Even if they are much, much worse. The Stokes bit was a joke. It may have been a shit joke and unfair on stokes but it makes perfect sense. It works like this . He is someone with a reputation for being massively sectarian. He was at Hibs. Now he is not at hibs. Therefore the levels of sectarianism at hibs have decreased. Let me know if you need this again, with shorter words.
  7. I think that the gist of the campaign is fair enough. They are saying that the football authorities should do more, not asking for new legislation or anything. Sure the embra clubs are not as bad, but it's whataboutery to suggest there is no issue there, although Stokes leaving helped. The legislation is awful. "perceived association to a religious group" is horrific lawmaking. I'm still not convinced that arseholery should be criminal. I think that a proportionate effort from the football authorities reduces the need for the shite, OTT and hard to enforce legislation. Being banned from a sporting venue seems a fairer and more constructive punishment for causing offence than jail.
  8. “We know that people can maintain an unshakable faith in any proposition, however absurd, when they are sustained by a community of like-minded believers” -Daniel Kahneman
  9. your team winning and/or getting your hole. obvious, but now officially scientific. https://www.niesr.ac.uk/blog/are-football-fans-irrational
  10. This should be on the things the middle classes do thread surely? This is the thread for inadequates to look down their nose at the less fortunate/ jeremy kyle scumbags. I am class 2b, incidentally: fatty/spotty.
  11. "fistula in ano" and Gwynneth Paltrow https://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2018/04/23/mary-wellesley/a-load-of-ballokis/#more-27259
  12. I don’t think our club has as such. However, the personal seethe caused by McInnes was on behalf of and concomitant with the club.
  13. My work's other office are "capacity constrained". I think they mean busy.
  14. Then you are irredeemably common already and should proceed as you wish.
  15. Abbreviation for sandwich; it's two bits of bread with a non-bread filling. Surprised you haven't heard of them to be honest.
  16. Butter is for cooking with and should be stored in the fridge. It spreads adequately on toast (if you are a pleb and don’t use a conserve) and shouldn’t be spread on cold bread at all. If you are making a sannie use mayonnaise. I can’t believe people don’t know this. on yoghurt, is it possible that the colleague was culturing his own and needed to maintain ambient temperature?
  17. No, i’ve Seen the film with Michael Douglas though.
  18. The vast majority of the world ‘s population is comparatively uneducated compared to people that are more educated than them. Sport is a profession in which you are less likely to be held back by a lack of education. You’re also less likely to do an Accounts degree or finish that HNC in hospitality if you already earn a 6, 7 or 8 figures in your early 20s. So compared to professional writers (for example) they would be less educated. My point is that, really, it’s a shame that so many educated people are unathletic.
  19. Can't agree with your closing remarks. I think there probably is someone who could do better. The chances of us finding and employing such a person are tiny though. Interesting comparison with tangoman though. If i remember rightly he was sacked because of his shit cup record. Should we have stuck with him because he was our best manager (according to miniskirts) for 15 years? I would stick with DM myself. 10 years ago a top four finish and two semis would have been a rare treat, not a disappointing season.
  20. for a pedant like myself, making this sort of error is extremely Gauling.
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