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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Every now and again I forget how shite the new stuff is and buy a can when I'm out and about. Tend to just get sparkling water now which I suppose was the intention of the sugar tax.
  2. They got shunted around a fair bit, even being given a shot at the coveted breakfast show. They maybe worked best on the late night slot but I had more chance to listen to them in the afternoon. I still don't know how they got away with the vinyl collection! I think they knew there time was up at Radio 1 and were trying to see how far they could push it.
  3. As someone who doesn't get to listen to the radio during the day because of work, I still pine for the days of Mark and Lard on Radio 1 in the afternoon.
  4. The thought of getting this done had entered my mind but has now left, very, very quickly.
  5. I was in a pub/restaurant in Glasgow last week and the toilet doors didn't have male or female on them but cubicles on one and cubicles and urinals on the other. I assume this is for the gender neutral approach but there wouldn't then have been anything wrong with me going in the door only marked cubicles (I didn't) but I can imagine trying to argue my way out of that one.
  6. That's a hell of a lot of money on repairs without getting some form of second opinion. I'm not sure how it works with housing associations but some factors have their own building surveyors and they benefit from the management fees associated with carrying out this work. It might be worth approaching an independent building surveyors (I've had some dealings with CRGP near Maryhill and they're a decent bunch) for a second opinion. Even a phone conversation with someone who knows the score can help by laying out your options. They'd no doubt want to visit and provide a repair for which there would be a fee but it would at least give you peace of mind that you're not being ripped off or, preferably, provide professional advice that it's not all needed.
  7. Did the Record actually print this comment (or post online)? If anything, that's worse that they don't weed out such guff.
  8. Due to some fairly bizarre circumstances I ended up taking the family down to this although I didn't know anything about the guys involved until I did a bit of googling before going. The place was rammed and it was quite the experience although I didn't think the main fight was as good as the brothers beforehand - Logan and KSI ended up with a fair bit of windmilling towards the end. Hopefully it will have given mainstream boxing a bit more exposure but it was a bizarre event. I thought Michael Buffer did better at the Motherwell v Celtic Scottish Cup Final though!
  9. Strangely the Story of the Match shows him beating the players in the run-up but not the shot off the post. I quite like the Story of the Match package but not as a replacement for highlights.
  10. I got more annoyed at the reporter shouting "How did the bridge collapse?" at the Italian president. They're still trying to rescue people- how is he going to be able to give any sort of explanation?
  11. The paltry fees we received for Reynolds and particularly Murphy stand out as being dreadful pieces of business. I know these deals were us accepting anything we could get for players near the end of their contract but they really emphasise the difference in transfer dealings. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  12. Ok there have been two changes but they're still both on a Premier theme. Adopting the Premier name is still more of a copy by the English authorities than changing Division to League. Premiership is maybe a bit more debatable but even then I don't think the Scottish changes add up to more of a copy than the English adoption of Premier.
  13. The top league changed its name to the Premier Division long before England had their premier league. There's been various name changes since but they've been variations on the Premier theme. If anything, England copied us with that. I completely agree that the Championship is copying and makes no sense.
  14. Yeah, I heard that all the way through the second half, even when he had two men bearing down on him. Somebody also was shouting for us to take a quick throw-in near our own corner flag when we only had one defender to throw it to and two Clyde players near him.
  15. I thought it was because they would have needed to buy the property at the end of the row of housing as the full length stand would have cut across their back garden. Motherwell subsequently bought the house and used if for office accommodation (in the eighties I think) but decided they weren't going to extend the stand so sold it again.
  16. There's a big difference between signing a three year contract and being tied to a club because of the development fee.
  17. Well, this discussion has taken some strange twists. What I'm wary of with the development fee is that we end up with the situation Craig Sibbald had at Falkirk where no-one was willing to pay the development fee. Sibbald had no intention of staying at Falkirk but had to sign the offered contract for a year until he was old enough that the development fee no longer applied. It's the one big failing of the development fee system and it won't do us or Cadden any favours if we can't get something favourable sorted out.
  18. Terry Butcher admitted that he was influenced and it affected his behaviour until it struck him that he needed to get a grip.
  19. What about Robinson's time in the English Championship- where does that put him against Canning?
  20. Don't forget VAT. I thought we were rumoured to be due 25% to Hartlepool - have you heard 40%?
  21. I suppose they see that as being one of the benefits of being seeded although you would have thought avoiding the teams around you in the seedings would be enough. Strangely I thought when we drew rangers a few years ago we had to wait on the fixtures to find out if we would be home or away.
  22. There's two nominations for James McLean, although I can't see them having to share any greenies.
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