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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. I've only recently started listening to a few of the podcasts, including the Andy Robertson one, and enjoyed them but maybe it helps that I can't see them. I tend to download them and listen to them in the car to help pass the time when I'm out and about so watching them isn't really an option.
  2. Don't be surprised if they let her go and replace her with somebody younger and cheaper. Sounds ridiculous to think that can apply to an 18 year old.
  3. That's a lovely pint in there - Krusovice is it not? Sounds like an expensive day! The Grove might help with that.
  4. Just as well we're not cramming a huge number of games into the next month or so then. Oh, wait a minute....
  5. I got the train to Euston this morning and as it was at 6.30 I knew I'd be looking for a bit of a kip so I booked a seat on the quiet coach. Two women across the aisle were blethering but I didn't know the woman behind them was also with them until another friend got on at Motherwell- cue endless shite talk. Why would a group of four women book on a quiet coach?
  6. Another of life's great joys is when your shite comes out so easily in one go that you know you don't even need to wipe (but you always do to be on the safe side).
  7. They made her put her baggage in the hold. I think it was to warn her she'd be slightly delayed and not to be alarmed when her bag didn't appear. Don't know if she told them she was visiting a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands!
  8. My wife is on her way back from a work trip to the Netherlands. Not sure if she's bringing me back any treats but she's sent me a text to say she's been 'randomly' selected to have her luggage searched when the plane lands.
  9. It's nothing new though, managers have always taken punts on players- some work, some don't. At certain points of Tommy McLean's tenure it seemed like Fir Park had a revolving door fitted to the players' entrance.
  10. Millions of people quietly go about their daily business and wear a poppy for a few days a year, possibly attend a remembrance service and generally respect the individual's decision to wear a poppy or not. However it's the comparatively small number on either side of the 'debate' that make the most noise and seem to dominate the headlines and social media. The quotes from the British Legion in that article are so far from the behaviour of some of the remembering brigade and just show the intended meaning is lost on many people.
  11. I walked past Taco Bell a few days ago and decided to give it a go (I know). They were selling something called a Grilled Stuft Burrito. Piss right off.
  12. He's going to have some problem finding a girlfriend who's not going to be a disappointment.
  13. Ican'tremember who it was now but I'm sure I heard someone refer to a club in poor form being on Struggle Street.
  14. Traditionally there's been remembrance services at churches and in the afternoon at the local cenotaph. Buy a poppy and go to one of them and that's you, you've paid your respects (and that's what people who actually fought in the two world wars would have generally expected). I do wonder how keen a lot of the people who seem to be to make a song and dance about it would be to take an hour on the Sunday afternoon and quietly pay their respects. They'd probably be disappointed in the sombreness and lack of triumphalism - not real remembering.
  15. I've only seen them on tv presenters. One week leading up to Remembrance Sunday or Armistice Day is surely enough. I don't know when it became so dragged out although there's definitely much more an element of needing to be seen to be doing something (not just remembrance) these days rather than just quietly doing it.
  16. What programme is this? I was stuck having to watch Sam and Cat yesterday with my daughter. [emoji6]
  17. While Green should be accountable if he's done anything illegal, I'm also uncomfortable with someone signing a NDA, pocketing the pay-off and then being prepared to spill the beans anyway (if that is indeed what has happened here).
  18. What is with women blethering on their phones on quiet carriages?
  19. Is this going to be one of those stories where the name is all over the internet and the gagging order becomes such a waste of time that it ends up not being enforced? Ryan Giggs all over again.
  20. I've just watched the Wayfair advert with Lorraine Kelly - aargh!
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