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Archie McSquackle

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Posts posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. 10 hours ago, welldaft said:

    I have paid over the odds for Switzerland tickets. Like 7x the price. 

    1. Because with 9 points I knew I had F all chance of getting a ticket via the SFA.

    2. Because the chances of getting tickets via UEFA ballot will be less than 20% most probably.

    3. Because the last time I was travelled to a major finals was in 1998. We hopefully will not have to wait as long again but I have probably 15 (will hit 70s)years before travelling becomes a chore…assuming I even live that long. 

    4. I doubt I will go to my grave with less than £400. 

    5. To me Cologne and the Switzerland game are the most attractive for numerous reasons. 

    Am I pissed off I have had to pay that rate. Sure. But I want to be at one game. Paying 400 Euros+ for the x 3 games is a no no however.

    The £400 paid is also less than tartan army members with 13+ points would have paid to go to Norway, Cyprus, Spain etc. So again at peace with that…

    It won’t be long before tickets for Switzerland and Hungary games are going for 500 Euros + on secondary market. They already are that price and more for the Germany game in Munich. 


    I've had a change of heart overnight for pretty much my ow version of your reasons above. My dad's perfectly healthy but is elderly now and we might never get the chance to do this again and we wouldn't make the trip without tickets - if you lump the ticket cost in, it's part of the cost of the trip.

    I'm hoping that the 11 pointers had finished their business by yesterday evening so hopefully those Cat 1 tickets for the Hungary game are still available for today (I'm on 10 points).


    Hopefully someone who has bought tickets can help me. I looked at the UEFA website last night to see what is involved in the ballot. Now when I log in it takes me straight to my half-finished application for the ballot with no other options. Does the SFA email with the code take you to a portal solely for the SFA allocation?

  2. Is there a recommended system for applying I.e. PC, tablet, phone etc.? Anyone had any problems using one of these? It might be easier for me to sit with my non-techy dad and us both apply at the same time. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, Pie Of The Month said:

    Surprised that it's around the same left for all 3 but good that people will have the choice today.

    I think if I was on 11 I'd just go for Switzerland or Hungary and save the money, the Olympic Park fanzone for Munich looks like it'll be incredible.

    I think there's a lot of people won't be able to go to all three games. I've got a family holiday shortly after so can't take a week and a half off to go to all the group games. I imagine there a lot in the same boat. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

    If you are willing to pay for any of the categories then I genuinely think all the 11 pointers who want one, will get one today as long as you log in bang on 12 and don't fanny about too much.

    Wouldn't surprise me if there is still tickets available this evening in most expensive category. May be hope yet for a 10 pointer out there

    I'm on 10 points and was always hoping that not everyone on higher points would go to all three games and some of the higher price tickets. Hopefully that's the case and I'll see what's available on Saturday. If it's only the ludicrously priced tickets I'll try the ballot although I haven't looked into that at all yet.

  5. 11 hours ago, Stevie Kirk said:

    My mate went to both of those friendlies and is a 12 pointer as a result. However between travel and beer he spent the thick end of £1600. So if I end up getting a stubhub ticket for the Switzerland game at 300 euro who is the winner? 

    I was meaning the home friendlies against Poland and England! How did he manage to spend that much unless it was away games, he doesn't live in Scotland or he went through a phenomenal amount of beer😄?

  6. 23 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    Its an irrelevance to me too but I dont think the point is entirely unreasonable. I do understand staggering the sale for those above 12 is time consuming and more complex but in practice its just an extension of what they are already doing. 

    At the end of the day, you can be sitting on 12 points without ever having set foot outside Scotland. I'm not sure its fair that someone who has spent thousands traveling across Europe but has no online access till maybe 6pm today could end up having to pay £600 for a Germany game ticket while someone who doesnt even have a passport currently but has flexible employment grabs the more in demand Fans First tickets because he can.

    Even if they'd maybe had 2 tiers, one for say 16+ points and one for 12-16? 

    I'm on 10 points and now regretting not going to the two meaningless friendlies in the list of eligible games - hindsight is a wonderful thing!

    The one thing that confuses me is why are the sales being launched during the day midweek when many people have jobs that don't allow them access to attempt to but tickets. I'm not sure when would be the ideal time but possibly a Saturday morning or an evening?

  7. 50 minutes ago, the snudge said:

    Out of interest, did anyone under 11 points get access codes?

    I'm on 10 points and didn't get an email so it seems to be just 11 pointers is the issue. Obviously their difficulty is opening it out to 11 points means more members than tickets (if they're daft enough to pay for the higher category tickets).

  8. 4 hours ago, DG.Roma said:


    Surely that's a typo by whoever made the SFA's graphic

    I think you might be right. The email I got had different figures without that anomaly. Not that I'd be paying that for a ticket. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

    Cat1 with restricted view! Unreal.

    For the game in Cologne, the Cat 1 tickets seem to be more expensive with a restricted view (200 compared to 160 euros). What's the view restricted by, the dug-outs?

  10. The argument that has been made is that the approach to aerial challenges needs to change. If a player kicks the ball clear and follows through and makes contact with an opponent's challenging foot then you generally see a foul and often a booking. When the same thing happens with heads, which are obviously more dangerous to players, it's just seen as one of those things (as it was here).

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