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Posts posted by Tannadeechee

  1. 6 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Has Duffy "emerged" or has he played because of suspension and injury injury we dont have anyone else?

    Id love to be proved wrong and hate to be down on a young kid but Duffy doesn't look anything like a top league full back.

    Duffy was playing for 2 reasons, injury to Sporle and Robson's supension AND making sure everyone got a run out in the pre-season/League Cup group state games.

    Doesn't look completely ready either to me , but as it looks like we aren't playing with full backs, but rather 3 at the back then will that be as big a problem? Sporle when fit for me is a better option in the current/proposed formation than Robson.and then use Duffy as backup/off the bench to give game time.

  2. 1 minute ago, Pull My Strings said:

    You might want to stick a comma in there for those old guys whose eyesight is failing. No me, like.

    Jamie's not as bad as some would have you believe but, still, I'd be tempted to let him go and move on. I doubt he'll ever be better than decent.


    Certainly improved over the last couple of seasons. You could see he had knuckled down, but if it then allows us to bring in some creativity in the middle of the park or a winger that can cross consistently then definitely worth it.

  3. 16 hours ago, stu2910 said:

    Considering Dundee were first it’s United that should change really. Doesn’t make sense as a name anyway, considering they weren’t formed as a combination of clubs and had another major club already there. Imagine Cove rebranding to Aberdeen United emoji23.png.

    Don’t let that get in the way of a good troll though.

    Makes perfect sense if you know the history. They changed the name as although they were called Dundee Hibernian, they were not a catholic club or just for the Irish Immigrants, but they wanted a name to show this and remove the misunderstanding the original name gave. First choice Dundee City was objected to by Dundee so United was chosen. United perfectly shows the clubs aims.

  4. 16 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

    Still there. What’s that, a week it’s been showing this graphic on BBC Scotland?



    I've contacted them twice about this, although the first time was BBC Sport Scotland. BBC Scotland have this time acknowledged it and responded...

    "Thanks for getting in touch and we are sorry we put out the wrong information. We have alerted the relevant teams so this information will be updated for future airings."


  5. 1 hour ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    It’s from someone pretty close to the club but I’d be lying if I didn’t say they have let me down with a couple of potential signing nuggets in the past.

    Cheers. These rumours are what we all live for during pre-season! I suppose not every "false" rumour is that, some may be the player turns the club down or don't get an agreement between clubs. Hopefully if we do get someone they are in for the start of the league and aren't weeks behind on fitness.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    Joe Rothwell is one but not sure on the other two.

    Not meaning to sound unbelieving, but there are names banded about for the sake of it, this I take it is from a "reliable source"?

    Would be a position we need to strengthen and would require a fee as he is still under contract for the next season, which could explain the delays.

    Do you know the positions we a re def looking at for others?

  7. 31 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    I’d be very disappointed to see Sporle go.    Played in a more forward role or as a wing back he can do a job for us.

    I agree. To me, he looks one of the most technically gifted players we have. I know that doesn't always transfer to the pitch, but he is unpredictable which makes it difficult to defend against and always looks to be positive on the pitch.

  8. That's Alexander's departure official.

    I wonder if the non signing of Rodgers has had anything to do with it? Alexander was said to have worked with him previously, had recommended him, he plays as a trialist, then we sign Carson. Then rumours hit of Alexander having a falling out. 

    Fits the timeline, and might explain why he left abruptly. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    Thanks. In other news, I'm still waiting for both tickets to arrive.

    I heard there had been a physical issue with the card printing. Not sure of details but heard that they had to wait on fixes to the devices which caused a back log. A big batch of them had arrived roughly a fortnight ago. Ours arrived then, and were ordered 21st April.

    Fingers crossed you get them through soon.

  10. The start of the game was absolutely dreadful,slow, one paced, with players looking like it was being treated as a no pressure friendly.

    From our 2nd goal onwards I could see  positives in that there were some decent passing movements, some a bit to intricate when simple might have worked better. But there were positives. Much,much better than Kelty and scoring 6 is always going to give the place a bit of confidence, which is good if used correctly.

    I thought Duffy,Hoti and Smith all looked "sluggish" to start with, though Hoti in particular started to show he could be useful.

    Good to see Edwards get 45 minutes under his belt, being later back to pre season after COVID.

    3 goals so far for Shankland from the 2 games and 1 forClark. Good to get off the mark early.

    Mochrie looks decent, and finally, my MOM, Keiran Freeman. Thought he did well against Kelty and tonight I thought he was very good.

    The caveate to all that though, is it was against League 2 Elgin City, although you can only play what is in front of you. We won't get that much space and tiring of legs in the Premiership. Onwards and upwards, I can see what TC is trying to do and if it works it will be good, if it doesn't...after 6 goals I'm not going to think about it!

  11. 51 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Any truth in the rumour that Courts has fell out with Neil Alexander?

    Heard he was screaming at the team at HT against Kelty and that players started shouting back at him and Peter Pawlett refused to shake his hand when he got subbed. The source of that was a screenshot of a post that Gunboat guy on your forum posted but with Alexander nowhere to be seen tonight, maybe gives credence to some of the other nonsense?

    Was difficult to see if Pawlett did refuse or not as the view by the tv camera was blocked by a Kelty player, but it did look like it.

    If Courts went through then then good as there have been far too many half assed performances, just like the first 10-15 minutes here.

    The Sun is reporting it as well, but there have been comment that he is away, but reports of a falling out or shouting match between them is bollocks.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    Has it been a shambles? It's been sparse thus far but both signings look like good additions to the squad. 

    Yon Finnish guy was just someone on the internet pulling a name out of their arse. 

    Yup have to agree here. Far to many, "recruitment's a shambles" type posts. Even been the usual EastFootball pish about Asghar on the phone to his pal Scott Burns. That place should be sponsored by The Samaritans.

    This lad and the Swedish guy have not come via the press, nor and briefings from United at all. We may well have been in for him and the name has leaked out from somewhere (could be agent, could be some other employee) but United have never said anything about these guys. Only proposed signing we have heard of was JDH who went to Hibs. Known arse of an agent agreed deal, leaks to press and then gets a bigger offer. Shit happens.

    The Burns thing gets on my nerves as well as I must have missed Asghar's involvement in signing the likes of Chris Erskine for example which was revealed by Burns. He's picked up on signings at United for years, pre dating current regime.

    Besides, during pre season, there only is rumours to keep us all going anyway. Be bloody boring without them.

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