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Posts posted by Tannadeechee

  1. On 28/12/2020 at 01:46, betting competition said:

    Oh the memories of Jim McLean and Willie Miller having a set to at half time in an important cup replay at Dens.

    I was at that game in the old stand at Dens right at the front row.

    That was the game Paul Hegarty was sent off for the only time in his career for amfoul on Charlie Nicholas (who gave Hegarty a wee sneaky punch as he went down).

    I remember that game for other reasons as I was at it with my mum, dad and wee brother. We were under orders to get home after it ASAP so she could check the camera hadn't spotted her giving Miller "a piece of her mind!"


    On Jim though, outside of football he was a very decent man. When it came to football though he was a perfectionist. He didn't enjoy the victories (or even the achievements if he didn't win) as he was such a perfectionist as he would, as said previously, berate the team even in victory but it was himself that took the worst of it. He would always look back and have a go at himself for not doing this or that or that he could have done better.

    It was the right time for him to step down when he did from managing as players had changed and the football had changed and I'm sure he said so himself, didn't quite relate to these times.

    For a United fan like myself born in 75, I'm privileged to have grown up watching that. I may have appreciated it more as an adult, but as a child it seemed like it went on forever.

    In 1984 while at primary school we had the school tv wheeled into the gym hall so that the school could watch the Roma away leg. 

    When ever you had football at school it was shirt out and socks rolled down to the ankles and that floppy collared top, a thing of beauty. When ever we got a holiday and went to Majorca or Tenerife when you spoke to a local, or French or German tourists and told them you were from Dundee, it was "Ahh, Dundee United". Altough Jerry Kerr had good results in the Fairs Cup, that was down to Jim Mclean.

    My wee lad is the same age now as I was in 87, it is absolutely incredible and incomprehensible to him that the club reached those heights consistently, were well known across the continent and nearly signed a Brazilian world cup star.

    It will never happen again for various reasons, sadly for well run clubs everywhere, but I'm glad I saw it.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    I think Benji got lumped in with Rakovan rather unfairly in the first season but in truth all the horror shows were with Rakovan in the goals. He laid down a marker in those play-off games and hasn't really looked back since.

    I'd agree, always thought he looked decent. Took a wee bit of time to settle in, but you could always see he was decent. I'm sure we are the only club he has been no 1 ( 50 games in total prior to joining us) at and he has certainly grown into the role the longer he's been given that responsibility.

  3. 2 hours ago, ArabFC said:

    Mellon already knew this though - he admitted as much. We were playing a eye-bleeding brand of fitba because Micky wanted the brakes on to help make us tougher to beat.

    So I wouldn’t be surprised to see us playing 5 at the back and 1 up top more this season still.


    Yes, we saw that at the start of the season, but it was good to hear him say it publicly. We had stopped the rot but still continued with these tactics inviting pressure and causing us problems. We may see it, bit I'm hoping that it is the exception rather than the rule from now on as when we actually go forward we stop the opposition putting us under constant pressure.

    Let's see how it goes though,3 points against Motherwell would be nice too!

  4. Noticed this quote from Mellon in the BBC match report...

    "Marc McNulty does a power of work but he's better through the middle and Lawrence Shankland is better with someone playing off him.

    Hopefully that's the end of the ultra defensive tactics and he uses tactics to bring out the best in those players (and Clark). Was good to see us cause a team problems. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Green Day said:

    I hadnt seen much of him, but had heard he was  very good.

    I think he is better than very good on yesterdays evidence.

    I have no idea why Mellon started like that - and why he persisted for so long. Its irrelevant having the 3 attacking players on the park if there is no supply. You definitely played better when the wide players arrived.

    I would also question removing Clark as the sub - it was Shankland that was contributing nothing.

    That's pretty much the view of all United fans. I, and I'll guarantee I'm not alone, am getting sick of it. The enjoyment of watching the team play is gone, it's a chore to watch. He keeps sending the team out to not lose.

    We didn't start the season like that, but he has taken fright. The stats all show a massive difference between goals scored and points won, when playing 442 and 532(let's face it, it is never only 3 at the back). 

    He came he and said the type of football he wanted to play, we are now playing something different from that where by we are the cause of most of our issues by being so passive and defensive, giving the ball away to the opposition as our only means of attack seems to be an aimless punt to the opposition's defense, every bloody game!

    If we'd actually go and try and win a game from the start we might actually do it!!

  6. 7 hours ago, PartyFears2 said:

    We definitely stole a point there, but we’ll of course take it. 

    Mellon does have the 442-wingers-attack thing available to him but I think he’s married to our back 3 playing together and wanting Clark-McNulty-Shankland to all start.. 


    ditch it, 442 v Killie. Have a go ffs 

    I totally agree. The stats are horrendous for the 3 centrebacks being on the pitch. We play so much better with four at the back. Refuse to call it 3.at the back as no matter the intent it IS 5 at the back we are playing.

    It showed that we were starting to do OK until the management took fright and went all defensive to avoid loosing, rather than going out to win. Don't know what has to happen for Mellon to see what everyone else can see.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Matchstick said:

    Will Scotland get fined for their conga round the dinner table...or the U21 breach..double standards me thinks..

    Firstly not condoning United at all, as that photo is a stupid thing to do, but you're right about the national team. 

    Scottishfootball protocol is (assume it cover national as well as club sides) states that they can be unmasked and within 2metres during matches and training but at ALL other times players must wear masks and socially distance from others. 

    That was put.out.on official national team social media and ALL thought it good and fun, but is a breach. The Under 21 incident is one of the things St. Mirren were done for.

    Having said that I'll reiterate that the team photo was unnecessary and a stupid thing to do in current situation.

  8. 17 hours ago, locheedee said:

    Courier is running a story about utd's team photo being taken days before your coaches got told to self isolate.


    Bloody stupid and completely unnecessary for a team photo to be taken. Even if we had no positive cases or self isolating it's an own goal, likely to be jumped on under the current situation. Just why would you put yourself in that situation.


    Just for balance, the management staff and 9 players are isolating as a precaution due to 3 positive cases within the medical staff. The photograph was taken, if story is correct week beginning the 23rd November. If it is the source then surely almost the entire squad should be isolating, or is  it due to the "15 minutes with 2 metres" rule?

  9. 4 hours ago, ArabFC said:

    McMullan didn't play well against St Johnstone, I would agree, and yet, we looked like an entirely different team.

    It's almost as if having outlets like McMullan (and even Sporle to a lesser extent) can help get you up the field.

    Instead of just fcuking launching the ball to nobody!

    Even ignoring all that, the player who is essentially keeping McMullan out of the team is Bolton (1 assist & 0 goals in 14 PL games). If you find him less infuriating, well that's lovely.

    Never mentioned any players that I find less infuriating. I only mentioned Mcmullan who over 3 seasons has been a source of major frustration to me. Flatters to deceive.

    Bolton has only had a handful of starts as a wide player, spent most of the last wee while playing as a defender almost. Not been here long enough to form a good opinion, although I'm not seeing enough attacking from him full stop. Could be the tactics though. McMullan, though after 115 appearances I think I'm on pretty safe ground with my views. I want him to do well, but if you get into a good area as a winger but can't cross, take too many touches and do the square root of hee-haw again, then there is almost no point to him playing. He is 24, been playing first team football for over 5 and a half years. Questions need to be asked if he is ever going to get to the level and achieve the potential he is hoped to achieve. The Championship is one thing, the Premiership needs, or should I say demands more consistency and better decision making.

    Your comment about launching it, quite why you brought that up as I made no comment on our tactics. I do not agree with launching it, never have, I do not agree with defending without attempting to keep possession and I agree we looked better in that game. It wasn't McMullan but the whole team was playing to different tactics. It was good to see Sporle back too and agree with you that their attacking play was part of that improvement in play. HOWEVER running into dead ends and, letting it run out etc gifting it back to the opposition looks better is more exciting, but the end result is exactly the same as punting it aimlessly.

    A discussion on the merits or otherwise is good and encouraged, playing the man (or poster) isn't.

  10. 15 hours ago, ArabFC said:

    Worth highlighting this again...

    He may be pish, but maybe some pish is better than no pish. Stats from last season 👇


    12 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    I was under the impression that you were like me, older and a bit mature, obviously not. Last night McMullen had loads of the ball. He continually drove forward with it and did absolutely zero constructively. He would either run the ball out of play for a goal kick, drive into the box and pass to a Saints player, or cross to a Saints player. He may get away with that in a lower league, but won’t against most Premiership teams.


    The problem I have with McMullan is I kind of agree with both here. Last season he'd did have most assists, but just like this last game, the amount of poor decisions in promising positions, or dribbling into a defender, out of the pitch, wasted crosses is incredible. 

    When it goes we'll he's a good player and a positive to the team, when he plays as he did against St Johnstone he is absolutely infuriating. Completely flatters to deceive. "BUT,BUT he had good runs and ran forward" shout fans in his defence, I expect far more than someone running forward giving it away or kicking out of the pitch, yet this is seen as a positive(??).  

    I can see where those are coming from that thought he did OK, but for me in this game you can run and drive forward all you like but if nothing is created and you give the ball back to the opposition then not so much. Once or twice, you expect as things won't come.off.everytime, but all the time... So close to being a really good player, but the same argument as previous seasons, needs to improve decision making and final ball, the defenses we are up against have improved since last season.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    Agree, but at the same time it's wise to keep a keen watch on what happens behind the scenes. FWIW, I don't see the issues some supporters seem to have with Tony Asghar. He's brought a structured, sporting business approach to the club, which was generally working to plan until coronavirus became the major influence on our lives.

    His radio interview today rejected some of the tales made up by social and mainstream media regarding the workings of the club. I fully understand opposing supporters trying to cause disharmony, but United fans don't have to pay attention to them.

    I agree there is a lot of guff said about Asghar and I don't subscribe to it. My fear was based on, what it appears from the outside, as some of the good work on the business side.being slightly undone as there was no specific leader for that. Add in, again from looking in from outside, that Tony Asghar seemed to be taking a more non Sporting Director role. 

    It looks like, from @stumigoo that this hasn't been the case, but a collective effort. My views have been shaped from the public showing of Tony being the go to guy for interviews and comment, even about non on field issues. This may be because he is comfortable in front of the camera or just in general happy to be the face of things?

    Was this interview on Sportsound? Might have to go to podcast and take a listen.

    We're not the first to take this action, and I doubt we'll be the last either.

  12. 43 minutes ago, stumigoo said:


    Laura McCallum, who was brought in as the club’s sports lawyer, is also now part of this team of senior staff who all seem to be doing a bit of everything in the absence of a dedicated Managing Director.


    Is this one of the reasons why things, from the outside, not to be running smoothly?

    Very happy to be proved wrong, but while I have seen very good things done, there has been quite a few things that seem to have slipped.

    Oh for the days when you knew nothing of what went on, and watched a game of football!

  13. 14 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    Is it not Derek Bond who has the role of directing budgets at Tannadice? Derek, not James.

    Got a point there. But Asghar seems to have taken on Mal Brannigan's role as well. I may be wrong in that, but it is what it appears at the moment. I'm not sure that's for the best. Asghar seems fine when sticking to his sporting director role, but there has been a few things not operating at their "optimum" that would have been under Brannigan's remit.

  14. 17 hours ago, Shadow Play said:

    A very reasonable explanation..... BUT it was blatantly obvious to most that very few fans, if any, would be attending matches prior to Christmas (at the very earliest).  Realistically there will be no large scale attendance by fans this season.  If any fans are allowed back they would mainly, if not all, be season ticket holders, therefore increased costs but not that much extra income (other than hospitality).  

    Also, given some of the other teams in the top flight, United are realistically safe from relegation or a play off spot.  Should you have cashed in the £3M plus United fans were talking about for Shankland?

    Genuinely not trying to wind you up.  You seem an intelligent individual and I’m simply interested in your take on the above two points.


    I agree wholeheartedly that the club should not have been budgeting for fans back in October, or if they were, they had a completely thought out budgeted plan for "Plan B".

    Difficult to say, cashing in on Shankland might have been seen as giving up and accepting potential relegation or at least the board not wanting to be seen as repeating the mistakes of previous regime (Armstrong & GMS).

    The other side of things is IF he had had a decent start to the season, (or as he did.when he came back from injury), or the requirement to build confidence that was shattered by two 4-0 defeats and defend for 90 minutes had not been needed and we'd given him the odd pass 20 yards from goal, more chances brings premiership goals then potential bigger price  in January or so, may have been the thinking.


    I think personally a big issue for the club was Mal Brannigan's leaving. Although he potentially screwed the relationship with the Ogren's and the DUSF, he had been responsible for good work previous to that. He also had a decent track record at other clubs and far better at the day to day running of a club (budgets etc) than Tony Asghar who has fallen into that role as well.

  15. 5 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Losses of over £5M.

    I'm struggling to see how this can be justified.

    Losses of £3.7million

    133% was from 2018/2019 where we had again to bring in a full 11 players in January due to nonsense recruitment as well as Project Brave staff. 11 first team  then left AFTER the accounts were released and only 3 I think it was signed for 2019/20, a fourth joined in January. That's a big drop in wages.

    We were always paying a high ratio to turnover due to the club continuing to pay Premiership wages to get back up. This was made worse due to incompetence in the dugout.

    A lot of the losses were, as has been explained ad nauseum, were one offs. Stadium maintenance that hadn't been carried out for years, infrastructure upgrades & completely refurbished hospitality areas to increase match day income. I believe there was other stuff the Ogren's weren't aware of that had required paying for. Every United fan at a Q&A was completely aware of this as it was pretty much spelt out by the board and how long they expected it to be until break even-ish.

    IF COVID had not hit, we would have had match day and hospitality income to end of season and accounts would not have been as bad as season before. We would have had, on top of season tickets, match day income from bigger crowds ( Aberdeen, gruesome twosome unless the boycott is still running, Hibs etc) and far, far greater prize money. The squad costs would not be too much more as the squad has barely changed meaning the wage bill would be approx £1million less than Kilmarnock were paying 2018/19 ie extremely manageable.

    That was the plan, COVID bluntly fucked it.

  16. 8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    It's definitely the fault of COVID-19 that Dundee United were/are paying over 100% of their turnover on wages.

    Hoping on some academy players to be good to eventually turn a profit isn't the soundest of financial strategies.

    Please go back and re.read the reasons why not reached 133%. It wasn't that high (certainly from playing staff) last year. If current situation hadn't occured , with increased prize money, fans in the gate, it would have been much much lower again, and no one would have given it a second thought.

  17. 10 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Aye. Their wage bill last season was 133% of their turnover.

    You start creeping into financial insecurity the moment you go over 60% (Rangers are seen as living hand to mouth at 76%).

    Its fine though. An American with no emotional ties to the club is just going to endlessly fund them.

    It wasn't 133% of turnover last season. Again this has been explained countless times.

    The last set of accounts showed that. That was for season 2018/2019. 11 first team players were signed in the January of that season along with additional youth coaches and Project Brave staff. Those accounts were up to June 2019

    July 2019 11 first team squad players left the club, 3 first team players (I think it was just 3) signed. Even including Shankland there was a biggish drop in wages. Not huge I grant you, but big. Powers joined in January 2020. Wage bill for last season should be lower (unless someone somewhere has seriously fucked up).

    IF COVID had not happened, there would be no issue as the losses shown in last year's accounts for the previous to that season, were on a par with what we had been told and would have shown an improvement over last and this season. That has been fucked now.

    My concern is the intelligence of signing a player on 5k a week, nevermind the current, no match day income, for a club of United's size.

    With regards to season tickets, I bought mine with no refund required or expected. I bought mine as away to support the club and help its continued existence. I suspect. I won't be alone in that. Next season will be no different.

    We seem to be doing 2 and a bit months into the season, exactly what Aberdeen, Hibs and Hearts and Dundee amongst others did during the summer after what looks like expecting to ride it out until fans were allowed back in



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