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Posts posted by Tannadeechee

  1. 59 minutes ago, Lex said:

    No surprise. Hearts humiliated yet again, get it up them.


    Will this be enough for them or will they make some attempt to drag this disgrace out yet further?


    Either way I hope the SFA comes down hard on them.


    They can't Arbitration is final and binding and can only be taken to court again IF there was an error made in law.

    In other words, they're shit out of luck!

  2. 43 minutes ago, skinny arab said:

    Another friendly today and once again zero communication from the club re line-up or score updates. Our pre season coverage has been absolutely shocking, the fans have been starved of any action yet our final friendly just 1 week before the season starts goes by completely unreported. 

    I follow Locomotive Leipzig in the German Regionally Nordost. Their season finished a few weeks ago with the playoffs for Bundesliga 3, and new season starting in a few weeks, but every friendly has had constant updates, complete with photos of action etc. If a club at that level can manage it surely United can. I know the likes of photos etc will be difficult here due to the restrictions still on attending in Stadia etc but it surely wouldn't be difficult to provide lineups and action updates from a clean room with a view.

  3. Yet again they show themselves up as not having a clue how things work.

    When talking about what happens with false positives, and the canceling of games we had the comment about clubs not being happy as they could lose money etc and the classic they might have been on TV and they'd lose money for that.

    How many times does it need said before these clowns understand, you do not get money for being on TV in the league. It's all added to the prize pot shared out to the clubs.

  4. 9 hours ago, 8GamesToGo said:

    Which is why from the start Hearts have proposed reconstruction and not, for example, null and void. Get it now?

    They did.

    Rangers, ICT AND Hearts, were pushing for null and void with place based prize money being given out. This got up the noses of Championship clubs that were at the meeting. Scott Gardner was pushing it. Dave McKinnon put his name to the story and Gardiner as backed up by other Championship clubs.

    ICT rounded on the Record after printing the story, yet once the other clubs spoke out ICT and Gardner have been conspicuous by their silence.

    Hearts have been trying all angles, which IS self interest. They have been trying to save themselves from relegation. It's understandable, but at least don't be a hypocrite by saying only other clubs are doing that.

  5. 4 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:


    Good grief.

    So that's a no -  the play-offs couldn't have been played either? For what reason again... must have missed it in your rant there?

    The reconstruction proposal voted on was Livingston FC's proposal by the way. It was a perfectly reasonable solution that took the "do no harm" approach for finding a solution to this whole mess. You might change your view on reconstruction soon 😅

    No I won't.


    Sorry if I didn't answer your question, you've spent weeks and weeks not answering questions. 


    Frustrating isn't it?

  6. 27 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:


    Oh how "unfair". Am I doing this right?

    Finishing the league *could* have been possible. A way *could* have been found. They didn't even fucking discuss it, while other leagues found way.

    After that, reconstruction was the next best option for everyone. Another cluster f**k of self-interest and spite. 

    And what about the playoffs. What's your reasoning for the playoffs not happening as a mini tournament now we have contact football?

    I think you've been shouting unfair from the start so no need to change your record now.

    A way could have been found? 

    Can you actually engage your brain and answer the fecking questions that you've had weeks and weeks to think up answers for?

    How? Give us a plan rather than just thickly and obtusely going "could have".

    When? Give us your plan.

    Please include your working including


    Costs involved to all clubs

    Payback to existing contracts

    Payback to SKY for new contract starting late

    Scot Gov saying GET TO f**k to Scottish football, including closed doors games as they said they didn't want folk piling round houses to watch it.

    SPFL and SFA have been in constant contact with Scot Gov, updates are publicised.

    UEFA deadlines

    Euro games and the calendar

    Ignoring England,Italy, Spain, Germany etc as they are completely irrelevant. Different legislatures, laws, infection rates etc.

    The fact that Aberdeen have had a positive COVID test from a player

    ST Mirren now have 7 backroom staff positive. With this news it's pretty unlikely players haven't caught it. Possible also that their opponents in friendlies may have caught it.

    There is a lot more, but I'll keep it simple.



    It still won't get through your head that Budge's proposals were absolute bollocks. Not once did the " failure of a club owner" pick up the phone and lobby the chair persons/CEOs she NEEDED to back her plan, listen to their issues and "improve" her plan. Speak to and convince these heads of clubs that her plan was solid, especially after the.shenanigans with Hearts, ICT and Rangers.

    Now there has been debate on here. Looking at facts and seeing what could be done, looking at Gov responses etc. You have contributed like a "sound bite" politician, saying buzzwords but nothing substantial behind them. Give us the meat to your ideas.

    I'll use the phrase again...shit or get off the pot! Put forward how what you say could be done or it will prove your devoid of ideas and repeating buzzwords with nothing to back it up.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

    And games have to be played before August 8th, giving you 28 days  to play the rest of the season.

    Meaning that to complete the season, players would have to play 2-3 games per week - without any training beforehand.

    SFA rules mean that you cannot play games on consecutive days, meaning that, if you want training, you get a maximum of 11 days training (plus rest), followed by an extremely punishing schedule of 8 games in 17 days. For Rangers and St Johnstone, that's 9 games and less training. That's a recipe for injury damage across the entire league - but what's a few cruciate ligaments if it's standing in the way of Hearts not being relegated, eh?

    Give it a fucking rest with the 'the league could be played' shit. Not even Heart of Midlothian football club believes that - they assented to ending the season (the Premiership wasn't ended by the disputed vote, but by an SPFL consultation and board meeting a month afterwards) and there is no mention of playing out the league in their petition. It is a dead argument, and you lost it long ago, just as you lost the league on the pitch. Hearts petition is all about reconstruction or compensation.

    Arguing about playing the rest of the league is as futile and pointless now as arguing about what would have happened had JFK not been assassinated or had Albert Kidd taken up badminton instead of fitba'. You lost. Get over it. Stop greetin'.



    It's worse than that, it's the 3rd August so only 23 days.

    But in reality a lot less as clubs would not be happy ( especially if relegation was on cards) with very little contact training before the meaningful games start.

    If you take the  full 23 games, it means clubs would be required to play a game once every 2.8 days. We have clubs complaint they have to play 5 games in 14 days and blaming losses on "tiredness". It would be a hole new range of "it's not fair" complaints. 

    See Northern Ireland league, which was going to finish then had no option but to call league by PPG. 

    Remember though it's just Scotland that never finished a league.


  8. 37 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

    I really don't mind Leanne Crichton, but Jane Lewis is just annoying. When she's on Off The Ball she laughs everytime anyone says anything, anything at all. 

    Leanne Chrichton & Steven Thomson on the Championship coverage was absolutely atrocious. Neither of them has a personality. In that I mean you can seem fine in real life, but on the TV the 2 of them were the human equivalent of mogadon. 

    I do not care who is presenting (male,female a.n. other), but I wish the BBC would give the jobs to those with actual ability. It isn't easy to come across well on TV with in-ear chatter, camera changes etc, but like all skills , some have it some don't. Some are natural, some can learn and some aren't and can't. Surely it isn't too much to ask to get people who can speak clearly, concise and without shouting(the microphone & sound people will do it for you so you don't have to shout) and who don't sound like their batteries are running out and can't look in the right camera.

    There must be plenty that can do it, without having to give it to the first ex player you're mates with that is aural mogadon.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

    You're assuming that the three clubs are paying for their legal costs. It's quite possible that Hearts and Thistle have to foot the bill.

    Maybe you and Bonnie Prince Charlie should put your literary skills to good use by writing up a GoFundMe for a sponsored Mount Florida to Tynecastle walk...

    I suppose he could do the bullet points on the GFundMe, as long as they were red!

  10. 35 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

    No idea if everything was above board why did they try so hard to keep things under wraps ? It’s all down to the chairperson now, would have preferred the cos to have had this in the open. 


    The reason they did, as explained by the QC in the CoS hearing, was due to the fact there were a lot of commercially sensitive documents that should not be made public Also that handing the documents over to HMFC & PTFC even if not to be made public might be leaked on line much like their court filing.

  11. 1 hour ago, Accent-Unknown said:

    (Responding to the bit in bold)

    I really don't think it's fair to label Pawlett's poor performances (or the majority of poor performances by footballers) as down to him not being bothered. I think at this point with the amount of injuries he's had (and the amount of times he's played through injuries) there's just a level of caution in his game that doesn't give him the willingness to take risk and the arrogance you need to have the play direct attacking the style he plays.

    If he can get over that, then he could be good for us, But I just don't think he'll able to at this point. Some 5th tier team desperately trying to get promoted will probably be his next destination when his United contract is up.

    I agree with the first paragraph. As I've mentioned earlier, when he first joined he was a a very good addition. He then got injured. Robbie or whoever.feltmit was in United's best interests to hold off an op until after the playoffs. Pawlett then played with painkilling injections and was struggling, clear to see for all. For the team and player's sake he should have been taken out the team and sent for op. Last season, due to the op, his preseason only started as the season kicked off. He had a hand full of decent games, starting to approach "good" and was injured again.

    For me, if he is over his injuries, then the enforced break since March can only be a good thing for him and may allow him to (hopefully) show what he did originally.  I do not for one minute think it is an attitude problem just a playing while injured and rushed back problem.

  12. 1 hour ago, Spring Onion said:

    Yeah it was Preston, he said that the reason Hearts went to court first and not to the SFA arbitration was because no one trusts them. The fans and the clubs dont trust the SFA arbitration or the SPFL board so they went to the court of session to get an independent arbitration panel and that was the reason for them going to court. 🤦🏻‍♂️(I dont claim to know the ins and outs of all what's happening, but I'm not on national radio getting paid for my views and I still know more than him )

    Thankfully Broadfoot was there to tell him the truth and that's what irks me more than anything about this show. There are simple facts that are easily read about, researched or looked up. I'm sure they get a list of topics before the show, yet time after time basic things are spouted wrongly and 90% of the time are not corrected by anyone on air. 

    I mean it's not like it's available to download on the internet from the SFA for free is it?


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