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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. Sorry to hear all this mate. If you come through this without any slip ups though what an incredible achievement.
  2. Time for Hearts to step up. If they want our crown of losing to Celtic in cup finals every year then they need to do it on a consistent basis. Otherwise, they run the risk of giving it to Rangers.
  3. He was a good out ball on the break and got us up the pitch well. Quality in the final third was poor but he was a big part of our threat on the counter.
  4. It's about time someone else got a turn, I suppose.
  5. To be fair, he definitely spoke to them and he was definitely considering it...and then he said no. The fact that this undoes everything he's done in 6 years for some people says more about them than it does him.
  6. This is not a valid reason for the sheer hatred some absolute wallopers have for him.
  7. I totally agree that performances against Livi etc are unacceptable. I'm saying last night wasn't that. We weren't outplayed. The first half an hour was Hearts best spell, we got through it at 2-1 up and I felt we were better for the rest of the game. Yes we sat off in spells but we broke at pace with Hedges, Gallagher, Leigh and looked a proper threat. It was more than just pumping balls into the channel (although there was some of that). Your point about the attendances is what I was alluding to when I said I'm more worried about the level of anger building towards Mcinnes than I am about Mcinnes himself. It's not been great but to suggest last night was a continuation of Saturday, St mirren or Dundee is way off the mark IMO.
  8. Setting aside arguments on whether it's time for a change in terms of Mcinnes etc, I get that people feel that way, can someone explain the visceral hatred for Mcinnes that seems to have seeped into the support? Some of the stuff I see online is madness, I don't know where it's come from.
  9. The sponsors will get the final they've been having wet dreams over since Rangers sent themselves to an overdue grave.
  10. Opinions on Hearts: - Hickey looked much better than at Pittodrie - Whelan was exactly what we're missing, although I thought young Deano did well last night. Whelan made him look a bit stupid a couple of times though. - The japanese boy looks good, although could do with more end product. - Uche man, he's shite but he drives me mad - Berra is finished
  11. I also have concerns about this seasons side. There’s some glaring deficiencies yet I can’t decide yet if it’s teething issues or simply were not good enough. The mass of injuries does not help either. There has been some very worrying performances this season but I just cannot see last night being one of them. I appear to be in a minority there though. Mcinnes isn’t owed a job for life and he may well be coming to the end. My worry is if he loses interest he won’t walk away as he’s on such a healthy contract and Milne won’t sack him, things could get very ugly in that scenario. I have no desire to get rid of him but if he feels it’s over he should go by whatever means. Personally I don’t think we’re there yet though.
  12. I was at the back but I saw plenty on the railings giving the players full throttle when they came over to applaud. Uncalled for.
  13. To be fair it was a bit naive from Leigh and it did cost us, although he’s clearly not solely to blame. I’m also not going to slate a relatively young player for being positive. I also wanted us to get a third as I thought we deserved it. I’d be interested to know how many people would be apoplectic about our second half tactics had we just held on.
  14. They’re going round the country ahead of a GE and they’ve specifically said they’re focusing on Stoke all week. It’s not some conspiracy.
  15. That’s a great distance well done. Don’t get too nervous, try pushing it up a mile a week (or km equivalent) and get plenty of runs in between and plenty recovery work and you’ll be fine. Whatever happens the last part of a marathon is just about forcing yourself through it. Also respect for doing it in that heat, that would’ve broken me in my marathon.
  16. If I was to add a bit of calmness here (or happy clapperness, you choose), I came away from last night devastated but not overly concerned about performance. Of the away games I’ve been to this season, st mirren I prayed was a one off, Dundee had me very concerned, livi had me feeling like maybe we are actually just shite but last night I genuinely thought we were unlucky. We were 2 minutes away from a very effective away win in a cup quarter final. That second half we were by and large comfortable and a good threat on the counter. There’s a lack of clinical ness in the final third but Leigh, hedges and Gallagher were good at getting us into good areas. Allowing hearts to come at us and breaking on them at tynecastle is not a tactic I’m uncomfortable with. Saying that, I do believe the style of football is a conscious choice from mcinnes when he doesn’t feel the team is good enough to win games pretty. It raises questions about recruitment (although we’ve not been able to really see this full team week in week out yet) and the broader question of does he have a responsibility to play better football. Personally I’ve never been as bothered by us playing champagne football as many are. Performances like Dundee etc are brutal, no energy, no cohesion, no tempo but last night I have no issue with other than putting teams away. Jury is still out for me. I am more concerned about the growing malaise and anger at mcinnes than I am at mcinnes himself.
  17. Thought we were good tbh. We had that won and blew it but best we’ve been away from home all season. Hearts are shite but we didn’t bury them so that’s football. Nae hard feelings from me.
  18. This is more of a rollercoaster than I was expecting tonight
  19. Come on aberdeen, prove these miserable c***s wrong.
  20. It’s over the top and I don’t indulge it but we’re still talking about a young man and his family going through suffering you can’t really imagine. And I’m guessing you don’t really know anything about him personally other than what you’ve seen in the media.
  21. That’s not true, we could pick a team exclusively from league 1
  22. Maybe this thread is like shutter island where posters are just convincing themselves that they are the ones outing the heads gone merchants.
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