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Everything posted by Dons_1988

  1. It is very much clutching at straws from what I can see. Quite bizarre behaviour.
  2. Well I am assuming the article wasn't directed at me, I would agree. I haven't seen anyone deny the financial benefit for clubs like Peterhead etc having you in town, but if they have then from a financial perspective they are wrong, because it would be stupid to suggest otherwise. But I stress financial there, your presence probably also denied them any chance of winning the league that year, but that is semantics and not something I wish to get into. I could be wrong about this being a troll but given this thread is 99.9% mud slinging between Rangers supporters and diddies, and Bennett's tendency to like a wind up, the article felt distinctly like an attempt to generate a diddy reaction. I may be a cynical p***k but my guess is the Sun has published that article in an attempt to pander to its populace of readers, i.e. not the lower league clubs who have benefitted but to the Rangers support who want to feel vindicated by their existence in the lower leagues. It reads very much like all of these clubs should just be thankful that you graced them with your presence, it seems sycophantic and disingenuous. Like I say, I'm not going to deny the financial gains for these clubs but similarly I find the whole article a bit distasteful and I still don't really see the point of it.
  3. On the contrary, I would never have denied the benefits that lower league clubs would have gained financially from 'the journey', hence, I'm not sure what the article adds to anything. I'm not so naive to deny the financial benefits of having a large support visiting community clubs. I am so naive as to wish football was about more, alas it is not.
  4. Mainly because I'm not sure what point it is trying to prove by posting it other than to generate a reaction. I mean, is the news story really worth writing for neutrals? Rangers have far more fans than a normal lower league club, which meant extra income, more people eating fish & chips in the town etc. Is the news story really just that you have a lot of fans? But I am open to convincing, if it's not a troll, what exactly does it contribute to the thread?
  5. Bennett that article is a dreadful effort at trolling. And we are aware it's a troll, but it is vintage red top slavering rubbish.
  6. Seriously, there's an old firm forum specifically made for this pish
  7. Keith jack sons piece in the record today begins by saying we should focus on the positives and talk about the excitement in Scottish football just now and not the pitch invasion. Then waffles on for 90% of the remainder of the article about how shameful it all was. Journalist of the year indeed.
  8. The word you're looking for is goaded. Extreme goading.
  9. Billy Brown was absolutely embarrassing. The boy from the Suns take on Strachan was quite refreshing and very accurate.
  10. 'we've realised our statement was nonsense and embarrassing so we need to back track but, but, but it wasnae our fault really'
  11. I would give up min. They don't care, and why the f**k would they?
  12. I think you can probably assume it happened but on a far smaller scale than what they're implying. I laughed, but I wouldn't be surprised if 'using their kids to block the police van' was a man holding his kids hand crossing the road.
  13. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/joey-barton-best-player-scotland-8048476#ELtCOe4u2RiEhCEe.97 Minter of an article from the daily record again
  14. Oh my good god that follow follow article!! These people aren't actually serious, are they?
  15. Bennett has let the mask slip and has gone into full heads gone mode
  16. I don't claim to know any exact figures but £600k of advertising board damage sounds ludicrous
  17. Admittedly there are enough idiots in our support who would react. However, why would your fans do that if you won a run of the mill league game at Pittodrie?
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