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Dee Bliss

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Everything posted by Dee Bliss

  1. The rumour appears to have been started by your media guy on twitter.
  2. From what I recall Scobie's a left back who occasionally fills in at centrehalf. Keatings only got starts at Hibs last season because Lennon fell out with Cummings. As for Billy King, the fact he started about 9 games for the relegated team last season is all you need to know.
  3. Andreu's better than King Murray's better than Keatings Dixon's better than Scobie
  4. How do you work that out when 13 players have already bailed out and only 3 in? Those 3 new players are horrific by the way.
  5. You mentioned liquidation. Your club has already been liquidated. Dont believe Wikipedia. It currently claims Dimitar Berbatov is a Dundee player.
  6. Just look in your club's history ye fud, it happened to your 'still pishy wee club' in 1927. You were the cretin that gobbed on Sean Dillon aye...
  7. Just you never forget who put you's in the Championship Effectively the Derry put the dabs in their place. Jolly number 2
  8. ^^^^^^^ Lost the plot. Spittal has been offered a deal by the dayglo filth, knocked them back.
  9. Liam I'll have the following 2 scarves please 'Wighton 90+3' and 'DOON AT DENS' Thank you kind Sir.
  10. No thanks to Letheren unless it's as backup keeper. That'll be me back to having nightmares about him coming crosses tonight, cheers guys and girls!
  11. Take care of oor GGH lads. I fuckin love the big hairy b*****d!!!
  12. A season ticket saves you roughly about £100. You'd probably break about even if you went to 14 out of the 19 home games. A season ticket works out about £17 per game and pay at the gate probably averages out about £24 a game over a season I think Yer Derry'd oot yer nut tho, aye?
  13. It claims in the Tele tonight that the contracts don't run out until the end of June.
  14. Tell Hartley to f**k off. 1st of all we need that money to pay off the shite he signed last summer, cheeky b*****d.
  15. I'm done with this Fundesliga forum. Shove yer club and yer manager up yer arse, a Derry Legend has returned! on a side note, all the best against they filthy dayglo c***s next season.....if they're still around that is. Derry Rhumba
  16. Very good statement by our new manager in waiting. Keeping the Maureens on side whilst in contract talks with the team from the Big League. Hes got the Maureens diving in all over the place.
  17. I am Wato Kuate

  18. Big Kuate was a Cult Hero at Tannadice tae What a boot in the ba's to the dayglo's and what a legend of a man! We Are All Wato Kuate
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