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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I'm away to take up the golf. Football can away and take itself for a shite.
  2. Classic lowering of expectations. The club, through their friendly local reporter, leak a shitey name, so that when the solid, unspectacular manager is announced the next day, there's much rejoicing. Right?
  3. Is Baird contracyee beyond the end of the season? He's perfect for this level but can't cut it in the Premiership.
  4. He's essentially leaving because the board won't match his ambitions, isn't he? He'll want a bigger job than this.
  5. Laurie's away, as well as the other two assistants. We're looking for a full management team, not just a gaffer.
  6. I'm in the huff because they didn't play Zeppelin's "The Rover", like I asked. Let them play Warren Zevon's "My Shit's Fucked Up" next season, see if I care.
  7. ...does that not leave David McGurn as pretty much the most "senior" member of the footballing staff? Player/manager might finally be enough to make him give up the college lecturing.
  8. I've never actually been in (sat in? stood in?) one of these 'rail seats' that they seem so keen on, but they seem a bit... rubbish. The good thing about standing at the football is jumping about arm in arm with everybody else when you scramble in a last minute winner on a dilapidated terrace in some post-industrial seaside town - I'm not convinced it'd be all that great if you're all standing in your own wee box like Action Men on a shelf, in a Legoland stadium on the edge of a retail park.
  9. Season 2004/05 would've been the gazebo at what's now the home end, wouldn't it? I remember seeing Anelka's Rovers team get pumped from there on a horrible winter's day.
  10. I sincerely hope we conduct a full and thorough recruitment process, much unlike Dundee United. I'd be very uncomfortable if the papers had a name tomorrow and we just went straight for that candidate. At this time of the season there's the luxury of a bit of time to hold interviews and properly assess the contenders.
  11. https://twitter.com/LiamJKennedy/status/730448459296329728?s=09 Don't know how reliable this guy is, but that sounds like it's game over.
  12. I can't imagine there'd be a press release from either side if he decides not to take the United job. We're probably waiting on tomorrow's papers quoting 'club insiders'. Presumably if he decides to stay he'll be on an extended contract, and we'll get an announcement for that, but possibly not for a few days.
  13. I should say, I'm picking this up from bits and pieces on Twitter, so if it all turns out to be bollocks...
  14. It has representatives from all leagues, and Thomson is a Premiership rep. He'd have to resign and reapply as a Championship one. I can't remember off hand how many each league gets, but Eric Drysdale is certainly one (the only one?) for the Championship at the moment.
  15. A position he was going to have to resign from anyway, thanks to United's relegation. He's just spinning in the wind now, that latest statement is the epitome of 'word salad'.
  16. Dundee United are clearly a shambles from top to bottom. I feel a lot more optimistic than I did a couple of days ago. Kudos to the board if they can convince Ray to stay.
  17. Clearly it didn't work out for him, but I think you're confusing laziness with a lack of pace. I've not seen anything to suggest McCord didn't put the work in. There are few things that annoy me more, at games, than people getting on the back of a player who's just been outpaced by someone who's faster than they are. I could put in all the effort in the world, I'm still not going to beat Usain Bolt over 100m. Sadly, for guys like McCord, and Mark Ferry before him, they're slower than the majority of players at this level. It's not ideal, and it'll hold them back, but it's not their fault. It's like berating Aidan Connolly for not beating Marvin Andrews to a header.
  18. Hibs are undoubtedly better than us, but considering we went into the game with a 1-0 lead, it was far from an impossible task. I can't help but think the players and the management would've been better prepared for the game, mentally as much as anything else, if there wasn't this level of distraction. We all know how the world works. McKinnon has been speaking to United (or a representative) before official permission was granted. I don't blame him for that, ultimately it's a job he wants and he's got to play the game to get it, but that doesn't make it any easier to digest. I know United have got to look after number one, but given their season isn't even finished yet, and they already know they're being relegated, would a few extra days wait have killed them? Or, you know, hold a series of interviews that in some way resemble a modern recruitment strategy.
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