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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. It's not unusual (well, hello there Mr Jones) to get a bursary and a loan, especially when you get to the lower end of the "income" scale. The maximum loan and maximum bursary are almost exactly the same amount.
  2. I don't follow any of these people (except possibly Jimmy Carr, I can't remember if I unfollowed him or not) I'm also annoyed by the cloying "Please RT!" that's so often pegged on the end of mundane tweets. I struggle to comprehend the thinking behind it. Is it so you can say to your friends "Hey, look, six people re-tweeted what I said about how I hate taking the bins out", and bask in their jealousy? The exception is obviously things like missing children and charity appeals where awareness is key, I have absolutely no problem with people asking then.
  3. That really depends how much more a made-to-measure would skin me. I've never owned a "proper" suit before and I'm tempted to go the whole hog, as long as it's not completely extortionate.
  4. The number of sheer fucking c***s on Twitter really annoys me. Everything that Graham Spiers posts is immediately followed by complete bollocks from "supporters" of both sides of the Old Firm, usually accusing him of being a backer of the other, mainly on the same point. That, and people who just spend their time abusing random celebrities. I mean, what's the point? The shit that some people take. Oh, and Jimmy Carr. I quite like him when he's on the telly, but he's painfully unfunny on Twitter. Tries too hard.
  5. I've got five lectures. All on different days. Four of them at 9am. I'm just thankful I'm back on campus, because there's no way I'd be dragging my arse to the vast majority of those if I still lived in town.
  6. Someone showed me one of those, a friend of a friend's on Facebook, and it looked like Super Mario. I'm trying to track it down, watch this space.
  7. There were some people protesting at Stirling for a while. Janitors or lecturers or something, I'm not sure.
  8. Too true. I want to say it's a woman, but I have no idea why.
  9. It doesn't surprise me at all to hear that libraries are busy in the middle of the night. I've seen 3am go by in a computer lab on the night before an essay was due. I'm a big fan of doing my work when the pressure is on. Usually I'll be working til 10pm, go straight to Uni rather than going home and stay there until the essay is finished. Obviously I won't do all my research etc the night before, but certainly typing up the finished version will be done through the night before the deadline.
  10. I still haven't received my awards notice from SAAS. I really don't want to have to phone them. I double checked the website and it says that I applied on the 26th of June. If I try to request a replacement awards notice, it says it hasn't been assessed yet. Surely they could draw up a fairly simple program that could calculate these, rather than, I'm assuming, doing it by hand, so to speak. Certainly, I know that I'm going to be on the maximum loan/bursary because my support income, etc is well below whatever the limits are. It should take seconds to be sorted out.
  11. Oh, it's nice! I tell a lie, I'd been in once in first year, I was chumming a flatmate down, she wanted to borrow a DVD. Other than that, I've only been in post-refurb and it's a swanky building. There's loads of wee meeting rooms, the only problem is that they've got wee electronic diary things on the outside so that you can book them, and no more than half work at any one time. I've still never taken out a book from the library. It looks confusing and overly risky for my liking. I'll just read what I need to while I'm there, and if looks roughly like what I was hoping for, reference it anyway and assume it backs up my point.
  12. The people who are just about to start Uni are going to have a fucking warped idea of what the majority of students are like if they read this thread. I didn't even go into the Library until third year, and I still have no idea what it's opening times are, and I doubt I ever will.
  13. I've got no idea what percentage third year makes either, and I've just finished it. I wouldn't worry about it...
  14. Apparently Fenerbache have asked to be relegated following their match-fixing scandal, and the request has been rejected by the Turkish FA. Any idea why?
  15. I'm about 95% sure I know who Xbl, but even at 5% I'm not risking the embarrassment of saying "Hey, are you from the internet?" to someone who isn't from the internet.
  16. I think it's Vista Ultimate and 7 Premium or something, but I also like to think you have a pretty good idea of what you're doing, and as such, I give up. Cheers, though. I'll just have to suck it up and use the USB stick.
  17. I've got two laptops connected to the same wireless network. One of them won't connect to the internet for some reason, but it's probably because I basically stripped it of everything except Windows Media Player and about 100Gb of music (I had a starry-eyed plan at one point to have it hooked up to a surround sound system that was overly ambitious). Basically, I'm not bothered about connecting it to the net, but is it really as difficult as Windows seems to be making it to send files (say, mp3s or album art jpegs) over a home wireless network? One of them is Vista, the other Windows 7, if that complicates things further. Basically, if it's a middling to large amount of hassle, I'm not bothered, but I get a feeling that it might be much easier than I'm finding it at the moment. Any and all help appreciated.
  18. Did he not go through a purple patch at Stirling which sealed a move to Thistle and then he didn't play for months? I wonder if Jphn McGlynn fancies being able to return him to that form.
  19. Eminem. I haven't really registered the fella for about a decade, because I'm not 11, but that's twice now I've heard his new song, that features the line: "Love is evil, spell it backwards and i'll show you." Evol. WHAT? FUCKING WHAT?
  20. I've just got a new wireless router from TalkTalk, and whilst it's connecting to my laptop fine (as far as I can tell), I'm getting next to no broadband speed. It's taking ages to load a speedtest page, but I'm thinking this is going to come in at dial-up era speeds. I've connected the desktop PC with an ethernet cable and that's lightning fast. It seems like the router is struggling to actually throw out a reliable internet signal, but the actual wireless network is connecting fine. Any ideas on how to try and sort this?<br><br>Edit: Nevermind, restarting the router seems to have worked <br>
  21. Well, that's big Dave the Chairman away now, he's now that all encompassing of terms, "ambassador". I'd rather not see a lot of criticism aimed at the guy, there's damn few who know just how much (or, in fairness, how little, although I find it unlikely) he's been doing for the club. Anyway, commence the slavering for a new Chairman "like that Ramon Abramovich fella". Sustainability is the name of the game.
  22. Haggis butties. It's not exactly haute cuisine, but it'll do you a beasting Sunday breakfast.
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