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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. f**k Simmons, there's rent to be discussed. I'm going to weigh in with: Are you sure it's not 8 payments even though you're there for 9 months, or similar? It can make the rent seem like more than it is, in real terms.
  2. Marvin Andrews poked A Lesbian. A Lesbian changed her relationship status to "It's Complicated".
  3. I misread that as "my poor wee cat". The rest of the sentence reads as horribly heartless, if a little confusing.
  4. I've had a look and I don't actually have a USB cable that can do it, and apparently you can't do it with a normal ethernet cable, but you can with a "cross-over" cable, which is very similar.
  5. Normally I would do, but I've got quite a bit of music and some TV series to shift over, and the biggest memory stick I can find is only 512Mb. It'd take me something like 100 transfers!
  6. Can I get a cable (either USB or ethernet, I'm pretty sure I've got both) and link two laptops to send files from one to the other? Is it as simple as just drag and drop, like does the one computer appear in the "My Computer" section of the other?
  7. People who drive cars that are far better than mine, much crapper than I drive. A case in point, driving between Kincardine and Rosyth today, there's big stretches of 60mph roads that you can see clearly, for miles, and it was pretty quiet, but the car in front of me was a BMW 4x4 (quite possibly an X5). Not only that, but it was the M version, for so-called high performance. Now, whoever was driving this, and presumably has spent a great deal of money on it, was tottering along at 50mph. Now, I've got a Ford Ka, and a particularly shitty one at that. I shouldn't be stuck behind anyone, but that's not really my point. I know it's their money, and they can spend it on whatever they like, but this is why it's a petty complaint. If you're not even going to drive at the speed limit, on a straight road with buckets of visibility, why spend thousands upon thousands on a car. Get a little run-around and build an extension or have another kid or something.
  8. So the Rovers arranged a friendly at Links Park against Montrose, and as such, the Gods of Football have dictated that the Rovers will also go there for the First Round of the League Cup.
  9. The competition will almost certainly exist, but I don't think it'll be as prestigious as it is now. It'll almost certainly have fallen behind the Champions League. I should've perhaps made it clearer that I think it's the footballers themselves that will turn away from international football, rather than the fans. Almost everyone I know is a massive fan of international football, but I just don't see the appetite for it amongst the players. At the moment, a significant number of them are playing out of a sense of duty, and I think that sense will be eroded over the next few decades.
  10. Soldiers being killed in Afghanistan isn't really news though. It's getting to the stage of "A bus crashed today". Buses crash every day. Unless it's a super-cool fiery bus crash, it doesn't need to be on the news. As long as someone tells the bus company, and possibly the bus driver's family, that's enough for me.
  11. International football will die out within the next 50 years. This is just my particular prediction, and it's quite possibly skewed by the fact that I've never been a fan of international football, but I see there being a progression along these lines: Within the next five or ten years, a player at Barcelona (probably, they've probably got the strongest "club culture", making them prime candidates) will declare himself "retired" from international football before he ever actually gets a cap, probably at about age 17. It'll be someone like Eto'o, a bloke from a poor footballing nation, who knows he'll be several cuts above anyone else who he'll ever play with internationally. Someone from Namibia, or Estonia, who'll be lauded as "the next Messi", and he'll be persuaded by whoever the Barca manager is not to bother with internationals, and just to focus on representing Barcelona. That, in my opinion, will signal the death knell for International football. More and more players are already retiring younger and younger to prolong their club careers, and once the first "high profile" player declines altogether, loads will follow. Guys who just don't care about "representing their country". There's already very little prestige in playing international football, and the likes of the English guys who play for Scotland won't bother anymore. In the end, you'll end up with it being the second tier of players from some nations (for example, Australia's European based players all basically pack it in because the travelling isn't worth it), and gradually the rest will follow suit. It's just my opinion, and it might not be unpopular, but that's what I can see happening.
  12. People airing their dirty laundry in (cyber) public. "If you read this, I still love you!" Well, that to me, sounds like a pretty specific message. Why send it to everyone?
  13. Has anyone sold a number plate before? I'm just back from getting the car out of the garage, and one of the mechanics was looking to buy it, because the first three characters (V41) spell Val, his girlfriend's name. It hadn't even occurred to me before! What he was saying is that all of the "Val" plates go for at least £500, and that I should look around and see what kind of price I could get for it. I'm basically looking for good/reliable websites that I can get quotes from, or however it's done. Cheers.
  14. My auntie did that, but it wasn't even the same kind of car. She was being picked up by someone driving a navy blue Focus, and instead she jumped into the passenger seat of some boy-racer's navy Corsa. He shat it, she casually said "Oh, nice car!" and got back out again.
  15. Bit of an odd one, but I could do with any sort of recommendation for someone who could do a bit of welding on my motor, preferably in the Stirling-ish area, and for as cheap as possible. Really needs to be done this week, though. Any takers? Just the number for a half decent garage would be great.
  16. I was 13 when I joined this website, and I turned 21 this month. That's mental.
  17. Yeah, take a third module. If you can, take a module from the same department that your degree is in. Just in case you get a 3A further down the line and Student Programmes start being utter dicks.
  18. Without trying to wind anyone up or anything, how does a gas grill work? I've genuinely only ever seen electric grills, and while I can comprehend a gas oven, the concept of a gas grill eludes me.
  19. So, procrastination has driven me back to General Nonsense, a place I haven't been in a while. Three exams in three days, minimal revision accomplished. Still, at least it'll all be over tomorrow morning. By the way, Stirling folk, do the barriers at the back entrance, by the monument, open for anyone, or do you need a permit/buzzed in?
  20. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see two or three of the players that were released signing up again before the start of next season.
  21. Not quite. He's taking a few weeks off. It seems a little bit overly dramatic to release a press statement over a holiday, but it's better to be kept informed than kept in the dark.
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