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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. Well, I would have, but the choice was between a Small and an Extra Large. Literally... there were two home shirts in the shop before the game! Maybe next week...
  2. Some people get really fucking dug in when it comes to assignment questions. Although, maybe if I cared a little more I'd do better...
  3. How do this season's Rovers shirts fit? Are they too big or too small? I'm 99% sure that they won't fit like a normal t-shirt...
  4. I haven't clicked the link, but I know what it's linking to. It's another Downfall parody, isn't it?
  5. I don't like all this talk of boycotting various football games because of prices and treatment etc We're starting to sound like the bloody French.
  6. Aye, first up, as per usual. Globalisation, so it's not exactly something that's new to me. What's yours?
  7. Is it two years probation on the driving licence? I think I got through mine without any points
  8. Do you need to have CampusNet on your laptop, or do you just need to bash in a WiFi password? With absolute honesty, in just over 2 years at Uni, I've been in the library for a combined total of about 20 minutes, over 4 or 5 visits. My grades are poor.
  9. I would definitely be in favour of Wales coming in and Tadé dropping back to right wing, funds permitting. Tadé can still do all of the good stuff he's doing at the moment, but we'd also have two natural finishers up front sticking the ball in the goal.
  10. Hey, that's pretty much the entirety of my first two years of University!
  11. I'm at work til ten, I left my dinner at home, and I don't have any money to but anything out of the vending machine. I'm already hungry. Arse.
  12. I'm heading up to Dundee tomorrow, and I need somewhere to park the car overnight around the High Street area. Anywhere I'll get parked relatively easily tomorrow afternoon without having to pay a small fortune?
  13. It's raining like a motherfucker. This is not ideal, because I'm going to work in an hour, to answer phones in a big building with a tin roof. When it rains, I can't hear anything on the phone. So... this'll be fun.
  14. Do a Ron Burgundy. "VERONICA CORNINGSTONE AND I MADE LOVE! ... Oh, did I say that out loud?"
  15. The show is great. I usually end up listening to it days after it's become old news, but it's still very entertaining, and informative.
  16. I'm currently annoyed with the way that Americans say "Robin Hood". They treat it like it's all one word, not like it's two separate names. Just odd.
  17. Nah, you'll be fine. There's absolutely no way you were trying to offend anyone, and it doesn't even particularly read as offensive. It's not really racist, just a little patronising... At the very worst, you'll be asked to think before you speak, I would've thought. It's not like you've had a really bad colleague on the line and then said to the customer "Ah well, at least we won't have to swim home!" He didn't have a funky name, did he? I was speaking to a fella from Mumbai last week called Caesar.
  18. Is it possible to OD on Olbas Oil? I'm trying to shift a cold and I fear I'm in serious Bruce Berry territory here.
  19. I'm sitting in my room, alone, in my Gregory Tadé t-shirt, coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose, watching episodes of Numb3rs online, interspersed with bouts of Pro Evo 2009 and Iron Maiden. Sometimes, I think I'm too cool for this world.
  20. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Da Vinci Snob. I read the Da Vinci Code and enjoyed it, and I was really impressed with the latest one, The Lost Symbol or whatever it's called. I just couldn't get into the Digital Fortress at all. Swapping all the religious/masonic stuff for algorithms and encoding just didn't do it for me at all.
  21. I realise it's a little late, but Digital Fortress is shit.
  22. We didn't all know Tadé would miss, we all "knew" he'd fire it over the bar.
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