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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I don't think anyone could say that Davidson is "above criticism". I think he gets more than most. Sloan's problem was that he was working at a different speed to everyone else. He can clearly spot a brilliant pass, but by the time he's had a look, decided, and then swung his boot, the chance has gone. Sometimes he is absolutely fantastic. He ran the show up in Aberdeen. When the game's being played at a frantic pace though, which it often is, he's nowhere to be seen. Either that, or he receives the ball and then in the time it takes him to decide what to do with it, he's been closed down and loses possession. I'm sad to see him go, but he's not only being criticised because he doesn't run around. He wasn't giving us enough quality in enough games.
  2. I don't have a job or a car, and I can barely walk the length of myself without collapsing in a fit of wheezing and sick. FML?
  3. It's silly stuff that annoys me the most about FanTalk. Stuff like Rory McAlistair's name being spelled "Mccallister" three times in a row, by different people, and he shouldn't be being discussed anyway, because he signed a contract with Brechin a couple of weeks back, which is common fucking knowledge! Also, the posts of "raith12" make me want to stab myself in the face, but I'm presuming that the "12" is genuinely his age, so I'm willing to cut him some slack. At least he's interested.
  4. Fayol's always a decent starting point, with POCCC and all that, and then there are various other, more contemporary theories that are pretty much saying the same thing but slightly rephrased. Probably handy to know one or two of those.
  5. CSR is a decent shout, think I'll revise that bitch up.
  6. So... Dave, Kev, and anyone else doing Managing Organisations at Stirling on Saturday... how's the revision going? I had a really good semester until the last week or two when my attendance went to pot and consequently I missed the all-important revision lectures for all my subjects. Did anyone go, and do they have any idea what topics are likely to come up in the exam? I'm guessing one of the questions is going to be on the role of the manager, because there were a couple of pretty intensive lectures on that, but beyond that I'm struggling a wee bit.
  7. This Unite/BA disagreement. Now, I don't have anywhere to fly to, and I don't have any money even if I did, but it's still bloody annoying. You work for British Airways. Not the Luftwaffe. I don't have any figures or anything, but I'm willing to bet BA staff get paid a damn sight more than anyone else, with much better conditions and benefits. Certainly, they won't be paupers. Frankly, I'm surprised BA have offered them any kind of deal, instead of just telling them to f**k off. And today, they had a court injunction overturned and started singing "We Are The Champions" outside the court. Oh, that's just the worst kind of people.
  8. Exactly what happened to my laptop a couple of months back. By any chance, is it a couple of years old? Your best bet is looking on ebay for a new battery. A Dell one set me back about £35, I think.
  9. What happens when you've only got one banana left? You've got a silly piece of metal cluttering up the kitchen, and nowhere to put the banana! Edit: I meant to say: I've already got a banana holder. It's called a woman.
  10. Good people of Stirling! Any idea if the boys are still operating the security barriers this week? I'm fairly sure by this time last year they'd stopped, but I'm planning on driving in for my exam tomorrow at 9, and I don't fancy being turned away at the gate. Cheers.
  11. "I was off on holiday on Thursday and when I got back, everyone was doing this "By Vectron!" stuff. I just joined in..."
  12. You know how Walkers always do these weird crisp flavours, and at the moment they've got them from all over the world, or some such bollocks. They always smell exactly like whatever flavour they're supposed to be, but taste a bit like crap crisps.
  13. How easy/expensive is it to basically start maintaining your own car, from scratch? Essentially, I've been given my Gran's car because she's stopped driving due to being about as blind Stevie Wonder's pet mole. It's a 1999 Ford Ka, and it's purple. I'd rather not give money to some cowboy mechanics should a problem arise, if it's possible to do it myself. Now, I've got f**k all knowledge, and f**k all tools or shit at the moment, but surely in this day and age with the internet at the ready, any problems can be diagnosed and sorted for much cheapness? So, is it easy enough for me to potentially go down this route, or should I stop being a dick and just take it to a garage should it develop a puncture or a bent aerial?
  14. I'm looking at some lecture slides for my exam on Wednesday, and I've just read "Older is now considered younger." Yes, up is down, blue is red, and f**k off if you want anything to make sense.
  15. I remember being at Airdrie for his debut. The rumour in the stand was that he'd signed from Ajax
  16. Hmm... I can't find anything online, and it really would be a fucking surprise, but I imagine old Didier still has a bit to offer. He's 34, so he won't exactly be flying down the wings, but he's not exactly geriatric. This article (published yesterday) seems to be saying, from what I can gather through translation, that he left his current club this week, after the Chairman went a bit mental and basically sacked the entire squad, and backroom staff, so that they can use Youth players instead. So, without wanting to throw fuel on this massive rumour fire, it looks like Didier Agathe is very much a free agent, and is still interested in playing football. So... who knows?
  17. East Fife. Couldn't be good enough to get all four Fife teams in the same league, could they? Oh no, they have to go and be shit!
  18. Why are there two blokes in the Safety Car at the Formula 1? I'm pretty sure I could drive a Mercedes around a Grand Prix track without a co-pilot. What's his job!?
  19. Actually, go and rummage in the kitchen, and if they've got eggs and butter in the cupboard instead of the fridge, burn the fucking house down.
  20. I don't think I've ever seen a good looking real life lesbian. They all look like Clyde Til We Die.
  21. I love the backing down and accepting the fact that yeah, your girlfriend must be ugly, because people who've never seen her insist that she must be. Just how ugly is she!?
  22. So, STV decided not to show the FA Cup this season so that they could showcase more home-grown Scottish TV. Instead of the FA Cup Final, they're showing the Julie Roberts film "The Runaway Bride". Filmed in Inverurie, is it? Production carried out in Methil? Extras cast from Alloa?
  23. I was running fast in my dream last night. I was at some sort of illegal gathering, and I had to go running through some woods to avoid the police. I ended up coming through the other end at some weird Cowboy ranch in "Dumfries".
  24. Ah, could be. It's probably not Wallace. I didn't realise it said "if he was released...", I thought he was talking about someone who'd already been freed.
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