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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. So, there's a Velux window directly above my bed, and my ever lovely girlfriend this morning decided to open it to check on the weather. That was a fucking rude awakening.
  2. It's all very much "Sticks and stones may break my bones".
  3. I can't remember the fecking word for it, but you can basically retaliate in kind to any sort of assault without being charged, but can't use any more force than the initial assault. If someone is shouting and swearing at you, you can swear back but you can't punch them. If someone punches you, you can punch them back, but you can't stab them, etc.
  4. Scotsman "Meanwhile, First Division leaders Raith Rovers have confirmed that on-loan Hearts striker Jamie Mole will return to the Tynecastle club in early January. Stark's Park manager John McGlynn said: "Under the terms of his loan deal Jamie has to go back to Hearts. That frees up some money from our budget and I will be keen to get someone else in." So... who's coming in? Wales after January? Or is he being included already and we're going to see someone else coming in?
  5. No guarantee if it's a different council, they can make vastly different decisions despite exactly the same conditions. And don't call me Shirley.
  6. I have a question. What do people do with all this bread that they're panic buying? It's bread! It has the nutritional value of a sheet of paper, and isn't exactly versatile. Yey, sandwiches and toast. Except you've only bought 30 loaves of bread and one packet of ham. Why bread? Why not panic buy fruit and veg, maybe some chicken, too.
  7. I had three times as many days off school due to a gas explosion than I did due to snow. 4 in total.
  8. I realise this is far too late to be of any use, but there were some problems with the trains around the time I was supposed to be leaving for work, so I never went. Seemed they actually cleared up after that, so I doubt there's much problem, it hasn't snowed here since about 2.
  9. I am going outside and may be some time...
  10. I'm praying the trains are off so that I don't have to go to work. Looks like they might be, due to some sort of signalling problems. Yaldy.
  11. In a five minute period, my 20 year old girlfriend just told that she's never eaten a steak, and that she bought a signed Leonard Nimoy Star Trek trading card from the US online. Say whaaaaaat?
  12. I'm going to a gig tomorrow night at the "O2 ABC" in Glasgow. Three questions: Where is it? Where's the best place to park? Where can I get a decent sit-down Indian meal nearby at about 10pm?
  13. I handed mine in at 3am, and I've no idea how good it was, because I don't have anything to compare it to. I really have no idea if I did all the stuff I was supposed to do or not.
  14. Gah, I'm going to have to work from half 1 til 10 tomorrow, and then drive straight to Uni and do this fucking essay through the night. I really wish I could manage my time properly and do stuff in advance, but I can't seem to do anything until the time pressure is really on. Fucking hell.
  15. I'm going to have to have a shave tomorrow before going to work, and my "Movember" attempt isn't quite at a half decent level yet. It's sitting between "unnoticable" and "obvious" so that instead of not noticing, or asking why I've got a moustache, everyone's going to just silently judge me, or perhaps ask others behind my back why I look like the 15 year old kid at school who's Dad left before showing him how to shave. Dang.
  16. I'm struggling, because I'm really not sure I'm actually meeting the criteria. At the moment I'm working around "the advertising of food to British children". I'm really not sure if that's actually "Consumer-y" enough for this module, though.
  17. I just drove in especially! Basically, this essay is due in for Monday and I've got the football tomorrow, and I'm working all day Sunday. *sigh*
  18. I can't believe I'm in Uni right now. It's a Friday night FFS. I sailed (see: stumbled) through my first two years without doing any work at all, and now I've been reduced to this. Damn you, third year.
  19. John McGlynn is manager of the month again. Probably picked it up at Hampden at the same time as they gave him his two match ban for shouting at the head of the referee's wee laddie.
  20. I like the cool wee detailing on the shoulder, and it also seems to be long sleeves, which I would be chuffed with. Slightly disappointed I bought the away shirt the other week now, but I suppose I can wait until Christmas...
  21. Wait, we played Bayern Munich? Why has nobody mentioned this before!?
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