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  1. And gifted us a pen to ensure the invincible tag
  2. He also got a dead leg at one point and could hardly stand. Can’t remember exactly when it was but think it was long after he came on.
  3. Having just watched the highlights again that’s what stood out for me that he got two poachers goals ( 1 off-side) i think that’s what’s been missing from his game. If he can add that more regularly he will be a huge asset next season.
  4. I agree with what your saying but think he could be used more often as an impact sub.
  5. I thought Agyeman was terrific when he came on and can’t understand why he hasn’t had more game time this season tbh
  6. Still no room at the inn when Lang is fit again though
  7. Anyone thinking he isn’t legend status is deluded. playing on the wing and still netting the goals he has though our turgid years and then this season being instrumental in our best season since the Houston years. hats off to Cal
  8. That’s nonsense every team can’t win every game
  9. It’s not the players for me, fucking about with your formation especially in defence on the back of 4 clean sheets is absolute car crash material and just asking for a boot up the arse. McGlynn for weeks has been taking about keeping everyone grounded at the club and not getting cocky and he pulls a stunt like this. Just mental that he thought it would be fine after going on about them clawing two back against Hamilton
  10. McGlynn put a bag of sand on Edinburgh didn’t he
  11. Can he do this though with our limited assets to secure the loan?
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