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Everything posted by MSU

  1. Mibbe doing that thing when the missus just won't STFU, but in amongst all that guff she actually says something interesting but you've been pretending that you're not listening and so can't show any interest or acknowledgement now. No? Just me?
  2. Game of Thrones is always great when there's plenty of people talking in rooms. The Littlefinger execution was just fantastic. Total scenes with the wall coming down. Only slight quibble was Sam and Bran talking in a room because the plot dictated it. Much better than last week.
  3. I went to a Tracey Emin exhibition in Edinburgh a few years ago and saw the fabled unmade bed. Up to that point, I felt pretty much the same was about it as you did. But then I noticed all the items that were scattered on the bed and the floor around it -- empty bottles of booze, discarded johnny bag, pill boxes of anti-depressants with no lids, filthy sheets, a lonely wee pair of slippers -- and something of a story became clearer. Despite myself, I found it quite affecting and clever. Twin Peaks is shite, tho.
  4. Majority in the House of Representatives. Two-thirds majority in the Senate.
  5. I read somewhere that every episode of the last season will essentially be feature length.
  6. Having a "heated debate" with the missus on the likelihood that the Night King gets a dragon. I reckon that it's a narrative certainty. The missus reckons I'm havering pish. Jorah is probably going to die, but to be satisfying it really has to be more obviously giving his life for Dany than dying out in the wastes.
  7. She'll have a miscarriage. Or she's lying.
  8. Aye. They've cut it down to 1hr 50 minutes. They did the same for the original Trip and the one to Italy. Cinema was packed, which surprised me and made me glad I'd bought my tickets before I left. Imagine getting there and it being sold out. Ooft.
  9. I guess arguably I travelled 540 miles to see a film.
  10. The Trip To Spain -- Released over here on Friday, but the nearest cinema to me that was showing it was 270 miles away. In Canada. So me and the missus went to Canada. Brilliantly funny movie. Loved it. And finding a British Grocer store meant I could stock up on Irn Bru. Totally worth the effort. 10/10.
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